Instructions for Joining Summer Devotionals on the Bible App

Step 1: Download the Bible App
The YouVersion Bible App is available for Apple and Android devices. Search for it in your app store.
Step 2: Follow VPC on YouVersion
VPC has a church profile on the YouVersion Bible App. The church profile page is where we are posting the weekly devotional plans. You can set VPC as your church on YouVersion and easily find or be notified about the devotionals.

Set VPC as your church on YouVersion using this QR code.


Go into the YouVersion Bible app, press the "discover" button, enter Vienna Presbyterian Church into the search bar, click on the VPC profile image, and click the button that says "set as my church."
If you don't have a YouVersion account, the app will prompt you to create one so that you can access the "my church" feature.
Step 3: Join the Featured Devotion

Participate with Others:

Each time VPC features a new plan to follow, we'll send our Bible app followers an invitation to participate in the devotional with us. This online VPC community will give you the opportunity to encourage each other in the Word by commenting on the daily readings and replying to other people's comments. (Commenting is optional.)


Participate on Your Own: Click the featured plan on VPC's Bible app church profile to start the devotional individually on the date you want to start it. You’ll participate at your own pace without commentary from other people at VPC.

Step 4: Adjust Your Notification Settings
Get notified about our summer devotionals by phone or email. Through the YouVersion Bible App, you can choose from a variety of phone "push notifications" or email notifications. You can also turn all notifications off if you'd prefer to have no reminders.

How to Adjust Notifications:
  1. Click the bell icon in the top right corner of the app. This opens your notifications newsfeed.
  2. Click the gear icon in the top right corner of the the notifications newsfeed.
  3. Click "push notifications" to choose your phone notification settings; click "email notifications" to set your email notification preferences.
  4. If this is your first time allowing notifications for the app, there will be an "allow notifications" message at the top of the screen. Press "allow notifications." Note that this turns on everything and you'll need to turn off anything you don't want.
  5. Pay particular attention to the "Plans" and "My Church" notification sections. For example, it is good to turn on notifications for "when invited to join a plan" and "when my church creates a post."
Step 5: Enjoy Devotions With VPC

Find the most recent devotional plan by logging into the app. There are several ways to get to it once in the app. Here are two:

Click on "plans" and view what's under your "my plans" section.


Visit VPC's church profile. You can find your "my church" section by going to the "more" button on the app.

VPC Adult Ministries | | 703.938.9050 x130
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