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Summer Equine Safety & Prep Bulletin

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Are you,

your home, and your barn ready for severe summer weather?

Do you have current, realistic and comprehensive plans for safe, early and calm animal evacuation?

Is the boarding stable where your equines live practicing barn fire safety and prepared with plans for emergencies? Does the staff have strong Evac AND Shelter-in-Place strategies?

Is your animals’ home defensible and accessible to emergency responders?

Are YOU personally prepared to keep yourself and other people safe and healthy during and after a natural disaster? If you’re not safe, you can’t take care of animals OR humans.

This summer, and likely for many to come, equestrians and their equine and livestock companions everywhere are facing epic challenges from extreme heat, fire weather, wildfires, and severe storms. As climate conditions evolve, we are finding ourselves facing weather we’ve never dealt with before.

If you and/or your equines live in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI), chances are high that you’ll be affected by wildfire, directly or indirectly, this summer and fall. Many parts of the world are already experiencing flooding, hurricanes and other types of severe storms. The time to plan and prepare is NOW.

This bulletin is your guide to awareness and readiness. In it, you’ll find tools to help you get yourself set for safety, and able to step up to be an equestrian community preparedness leader .

At the bottom of this bulletin, you’ll find links to:

Personal and Equine Disaster Prep

  • Disaster Plan Guides to help you create or update your personal and family emergency plans.
  • Links to Emergency Services websites 
  • Barn & Ranch Safety Workbooks
  • Safety Self-Assessment checklist to help you evaluate your awareness and prioritize your “Prep To-Do” projects
  • An Equine Boarding Facility Survey packet 
  • Bilingual Animal Emergency Prep guides for your Spanish-speaking workers and bilingual managers.
  • A great packet with important tips and reminders for travel with your animals and/or your animal sitters and proprietors of horse-camping sites.

EQUINE HEALTH During and After Disasters

  • Articles by leading veterinarians on Equine health impacts of smoke, floodwater, and nearby wildfire.
  • CVET Equine Disaster Care Guidelines.
  • First-Aid Kit Check Kit Resources (Equine Guelph, etc.)
  • Download the UC Davis Center for Equine Emergency Preparedness poster.

Equine & Backyard Livestock Disaster Preparedness Refresher

7 Steps to Summer Disaster Safety

  • Plan For Everything 
  • Assess Risks for Evac & Shelter-in-Place (SIP)
  • Get informed, Stay Informed
  • Fire Weather Prep Steps
  • Refuge Area Prep
  • Evac & SIP FAQs
  • Strengthen Your Animal Resource Safety Network 


These steps are the keys to keep your equines, backyard livestock, pets (and you) as safe as possible in evacuation and shelter-in-place situations.


Links to Help You, Your Home & Barn


Equine Preparedness & Health

Equines in Fire - Sanctuary Owner Emergency & Disaster Preparedness

John Madigan, DVM, Distinguished Professor emeritus of medicine and epidemiology, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine

Guidelines for Horses Exposed to Wildfire Smoke

UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine

Emergency Preparedness for Equine Resources (Webinar)

Dr. John Madigan, DVM, Julie Atwood, and Dr. Rebecca McConnico, DVM, share their expertise on emergency preparedness for equine operations. Learn what to do when a disaster is looming and how to keep your equines safe and healthy in emergency situations.

Flooding & Equine Owners

Preparing, Responding, and Recovering

UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine

Disaster Preparedness for Horse Owners (CARES/CDFA)

Equine First Aid Kit Check Kit Recommended Items (Equine Guelph)

Horse First Aid Kit Essentials (Schneiders)

Emergency Prep & Planning for Animal Travelers

Tips & Checklists for Animal Owners, Hosts, and Sitters

Equine Emergency Preparedness poster

Develop your own individual disaster plan.

UC Davis School Veterinary Medicine

Barn, Ranch, and Sanctuary Preparedness and Safety

Barn & Ranch Safety Planner

Spontaneous Combustion and Hay Fires

Barn Fire Safety Checklist

Practical Tips for Barn Fire Prevention (AAEP)

Equine Facility Survey

Disaster Planning for Farm Families, Ranch & Stable Workers

Disaster Planning Self Assessment Checklist

Personal, Family and Pet Preparedness

Listos CA Emergency Prep Planner

FEMA Ready.gov

Pet Preparedness Workbook for Seniors and Caregivers

Pet Preparedness Workbook (Español)

Disaster Planning for Your Animals Self Assessment Pop Quiz

Coming in September!!

Registration is now OPEN!

12th Annual Donkey Welfare Symposium

Friday, Sept. 27 to Sunday, Sept. 29

UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, Davis, CA (or Zoom)

Register now for in-person or Zoom

Summer Prep Fun and Learnings for Young Equine Lovers (Click HERE to Download)

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