Summer flowers often look their best in September as they have filled the bed and the effects of cooler and wetter fall has yet to arrive. However, they will fade soon thus fall change-out to pansies is only a few weeks away. It is called "seasonal color" and the summer season is coming to an end.

Flowers are some of the most fun and gratifying segments of landscape maintenance. We get to play designer and work on new and creative designs, then plant and nurture while they get established. When they burst into maturity in July and August, we all can enjoy the planning and work that goes into the planting.

Starting the first week of October, we will begin our change-out to Pansies. Although the pansies above are healthy and beautiful, to achieve these results, significant effort is needed to protect pansy plantings through our wet winters. Our fall change-out and pansy maintenance program has been developed and updated over the years to provide the best results we can achieve. This program includes biological disease prevention treatment in the greenhouse, addition of fresh potting soil each fall when planting, and fungicide treatment at planting and monthly through the winter. If has been very effective as the pictures above show.  

We are sorry to see summer go but are excited to provide you with our successful pansy program that is the best in the local industry. 
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