For Immediate Release:
July 6, 2022
Media Contact:
Christine Freitas
Director of Communication and Content
P: 508-347-0328
July Events at Coggeshall Farm Museum
Bristol, R.I. – Things are heating up this summer at Coggeshall Farm Museum! There is a variety of diverse programming this July, including Free Town Fridays, kids gardening programs such as Roots & Shoots and Garden Buds, as well as Art and Music Weekend.
Events in July:
Coggeshall Farm Museum is offering free, standard, daytime admission for residents of specific towns near the museum! Because of the nature of the program, pre-registration is required for Free Town Fridays and all adults in the party must present proof of residency upon arrival at the Ticket Booth. The towns being featured in July are Portsmouth, RI on July 8, Middletown, RI, on July 15, Tiverton & Little Compton, RI, on July 22, and East Providence, RI, on July 29. For the full list of towns and to register, visit our website.
This weekend we are celebrating historic and modern art and music. Both days will include historical painting demonstrations, story times, and discussions of 1790s comics and popular music. On Saturday, there will be a performance by the Old Sturbridge Village Singers of historical songs. In addition, the Sense of Place Art Exhibit will be opening and showcasing local artists until the end of August.
Events in July specifically for kids:
In this recurring class series, preschool-aged kids (2-5 years) and their adults will explore different aspects of the museum such as gardening or livestock, along with singing songs, listening to stories and playing games. Each class is different, so feel free to come to one or all! These classes are included in the standard price of admission. Classes in July include:
- July 7 - Feeling Sheepish, where kids will learn about sheep and wool production
- July 14 - Pig Out!, where kids get to meet and learn about the pigs on the farm
- July 21- Tree Talk, where kids will learn about the trees around the farm
- July 28 - Play with Clay, where kids get to interact with clay and learn about how pottery is made
Each week, kids of all ages will be able to help museum staff with tasks in the garden, including weeding, watering, planting, harvesting and composting. While doing these activities, kids will also learn about gardening and botany from both the 18th century and today. These sessions are included in the standard price of admissions.
Ticket Prices: $10 for adults, $5 for kids
For more information about hours and to purchase tickets, visit our website!
For b-roll, images, and interview requests, please contact Christine Freitas at
About Coggeshall Farm Museum
Set on 48 acres of coastal farmland in Bristol, Rhode Island, Coggeshall Farm recreates the daily experience of tenant farmers on a salt marsh farm in the late 18th century. With a new, innovative partnership with Old Sturbridge Village, Coggeshall will expand and enhance the visitor experience through live interpretation, new programming, historic structures, heirloom plants and gardens, and heritage-breed animals.
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