Summer Gospel Sing-Along & Potluck Supper begins June 7


One of our favorite summer traditions is back! On Wednesdays in June & July, we will have a gospel sing-along at 5:15 PM in Room 105, followed by a potluck supper in Drowota Hall at 6:00 PM.

"Narnia" touring musical at Woodmont June 5


On Monday, June 5, a youth cast from Peachtree Christian Church in Atlanta is putting on a “Narnia” musical in our sanctuary at 6:00 PM and you’re invited! The story is based on the first and most famous story of The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.

This unique, enchanted world is filled with creatures and spirits of myth and fable, both good and evil, nefarious and transcendent. We will meet the majestic King Aslan and his nemesis the White Witch, as they struggle for control of Narnia. And entering Narnia at a moment of high adventure are some children — plucked from our world in unexpected ways to help Narnia and to learn from their Narnia odyssey lessons of courage, unselfishness, and wisdom that will help them grow.

It's time to register your youth for "Light Up Music City" June 12-16

Light Up Music City registration is open! Please click here to sign up for this week where your students will be fully immersed in “serving others” along with fun afternoon excursions. The cost will be $100 per student to pay for their food and activities for the week. If you need assistance in paying, please reach out to Abby McLean at

You can also pay via Venmo (@woodmontchristian) by typing your student’s name and “Light Up Music City” in the memo line, or you can bring cash or check to the church office before June 11. 

Register for "Light Up Music City"

Advice for Our 2023 Graduates

by Clay Stauffer

It was a joy to watch our youth lead worship on Youth Sunday. “Take a Little with You” is a great Woodmont tradition! I am very proud of all of them, especially our seniors who brought the messages. These young people are graduating and preparing to move on to college. I know their families are experiencing many emotions right now. Here are some thoughts to consider during this major life transition.  

Change is inevitable, but growth is optional. Everything in life changes but we get to decide whether or not we will grow in the process. Those who are wise embrace change as an adventure, a challenge, and an opportunity. Relationships are the key to happiness. The quality of your relationships will determine the quality of your life. People don’t care how much you know until they first know that you care. Trust is the primary currency of relationships and is built over time.  

Love your family, even when it’s hard. Build friendships on a regular basis. Pay attention to the people in your inner circle because they will influence you for better or worse. Learn to forgive. Forgiveness is not just a Christian virtue but a recipe for sanity and survival in life. If you don’t forgive and let go, your past will control you and wear you down. Forgiveness is a gift to others and to yourself. Everybody experiences pain because it’s part of the human condition. But the way we process and handle our pain makes all the difference. Pain that goes unaddressed will manifest itself in unhealthy ways. Anger is real but dangerous. Words can hurt. Pay attention to what comes out of your mouth. Think before you speak. 


Attitude always matters. There is incredible power in positive thinking and we all get to choose what our focus will be. Criticism and negativity are always tempting and easy. Offer solutions. Live in hope and spread hope to others. Be a peacemaker. Remember that you cannot spread peace until you first have it in your own heart. Prayer and meditation are essential. Extremes are dangerous. The world needs more moderates who can get along with others. Civility has been on a rapid decline in our culture. Respect others’ opinions but maintain your convictions.  

Keep faith alive. Faith does not mean that God will line everything up the way you plan but it does mean that everything will work out. Faith allows us to deal with the reality that we are not in control of many things. Live life one day at a time – not in the past, not in the future. The present is all we have so don’t take it for granted. Cultivate the fruits of the spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This is the litmus test for progress in the spiritual life. Live the Golden Rule. Speak up for those without a voice – the poor, the marginalized, the powerless. Do justice, love kindness, and maintain humility.  

Find your own definition of success. Remember that money is not everything. It makes a great servant but a terrible master. Match your passion with the needs of the world. Be slow to judge others because you never know what they might be going through. Make love a verb and not just a noun. Don’t fall apart when you are criticized. Keep your ego in check. Draw the line between confidence and arrogance. Don’t forget to tend to your soul. Enjoy the journey that is life because we never know how long it will last.    


Youth Sunday

Sunday, May 21 Photos by Steve Lowry

See all Youth Sunday photos

2023 Leadership Slate


The nominations are in for our 2023 treasurer, board, elders, & deacons! Our annual congregational meeting and election is Sunday, June 18, at 10:30 AM. Installation of our newly-elected leaders is Sunday, June 25, as part of our 11:00 AM service.

View 2023 Leadership Slate

Memorial Day fundraiser

Woodmont's grilling ministry is hosting a fundraiser offering smoked Boston butts (7-10 lbs. uncooked) for Memorial Day weekend. Pre-orders will be taken until Wednesday, May 24. It will be limited to 80 butts for this cook, first-come first-serve. and the cost is $40 each.

The Boston butts will be fully smoked and ready for pickup on Friday, May 25. Payment can be made via cash or check at the time of pickup to "Woodmont Christian Church" with "Burnt Offerings" noted on the memo line. Payment can also be made on Realm by selecting "Miscellaneous Payment" and in the "Memo" line type "Burnt Offerings."

To order, email or text Rob Smith (901) 490-2110. Proceeds from this event will go towards funding future mission and outreach projects.  

Youth Sequoia Swim Party

Sunday, May 21 • Photos by Steve Lowry

See all Sequoia photos

Sign up for VBS!


Woodmont Kids' annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) is daily from June 27-30 and registration is open! Click the button below to sign your children up!

Sign up for VBS 

Chi-Rho middle school camp

Bethany Hills camps are just around the corner and registration is below for Chi-Rho Camp, happening July 23-27. Bethany Hills is our denomination's church camp located just 25 minutes outside of Nashville in beautiful Kingston Springs. 

Register for Chi-Rho Camp

CYF senior high camp

The registration link is below for CYF Camp, happening June 5-10. 

Register for CYF Camp

"After Covenant"

Monday, May 22 • Photos by Steve Lowry

See all "After Covenant" photos

Vases needed for chancel flower ministry


Our chancel flower team is running out of the medium-size (6”-9”) clear glass vases that they use to take flowers to people on our cares list, members, and others who need them each and every week. They are specifically looking for the type of vases used by florists. If you are able, please return or donate vases to the Warming Kitchen so that they can be “recycled.” If necessary, it can be arranged for vases to be picked up by contacting Carol Hankla at

Watch "After Covenant"

Watch video

Watch "Do You Want to Be Made Well?"

Watch video

Church calendar

Sunday, May 28

9:30 AM 21st Century Class, Boardroom

9:30 AM Disciples Class, Room 105

10:45 AM Reflections Class, Room 200

10:45 AM Connections Class, Room 100

10:45 AM "Apawstles" Group, Bay Room

11:00 AM Points of View Class, Room 105

3:00 PM Pickleball, Drowota Hall


Monday, May 29

Memorial Day - church building & office closed

Tuesday, May 30

12:00 PM Pickleball, Drowota Hall

6:00 PM "Dinner and a Book," Campbell West

6:30 PM Alateen (ages 12-19), South Hall

6:30 PM Parents Al-Anon Group, Room 105

8:00 PM AA Meeting, South Hall


Wednesday, May 31

6:00 AM Men's Small Group, Room 107

7:00 AM Younger Men's Bible Study, Boardroom

8:00 AM "Original" Men's Bible Study, Room 105

6:30 PM Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary


Thursday, June 1

10:00 AM Sit & Stitch, Gathering Hall

12:00 PM Pickleball, Drowota Hall

1:00 PM Mahjong Group, Gathering Hall

5:30 PM Handbells Rehearsal, Choir Room

6:30 PM Andra Moran Virtual Vespers, Zoom

6:30 PM Nar-Anon, Room 105

8:00 PM AA Meeting, South Hall 

Friday, June 2

3:00 PM Pickleball, Drowota Hall

Saturday, June 3

10:00 AM Al-Anon, Drowota Hall

Prayers for our church family


  • David “Tito” LaRosa on the death of his mother, Irma Aleman, on May 15 in Honduras


  • Jeff Sheridan - Cleveland Clinic 


  • Anita Ferrell - back in hospital—Centennial—breathing difficulties



  • Randy Clough's mother - in Oswego, KS - with hospice


April 30: $117,052

May 7: $126,457

May 14: $33,901

May 21: TBA

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Woodmont Christian Church

3601 Hillsboro Pike | Nashville, TN | 37215 | 

Growing disciples of Christ by seeking God, sharing love, and serving others.