Get Ready for 2019-2020!
Dear NCHS Families,

Welcome to the 2019/20 school year! The start of school is right around the corner and the PFA and the Administration have been hard at work getting ready for the new school year. The PFA's mission is to continue to enrich and support the school community by providing information and resources to parents and students. We have two August events for our newest community members: New to New Canaan Orientation and Freshman Walk-Through. Please find details about these events at the end of this email. We encourage you to take advantage of all the opportunities to get involved at the High School and with the PFA.  


This year the PFA is excited to launch a new fundraising campaign, The Future Begins Here, to support academic and extracurricular programs and school-wide enhancements. We are asking that each family share in the goal of supporting our school by participating in our no-gimmick fundraising campaign with a $100 minimum suggested donation. This donation is in addition to the PFA membership of $50, which includes the directory. 

In addition to continuing to provide teacher grants and student program and activity support, our sights are set on improving the students' dining area. High school is stressful. The dining space is where our students not only gather to eat lunch, but also to do homework, collaborate on projects, and build community with each other. We would like to raise money to make this space a more friendly, welcoming, and inclusive environment to improve each student's experience at our school. Not only will this be an improved dining space, but also a great hang-out space where students can work and recharge between classes. Please be a part of this campaign and give generously. 

You can find additional information to get ready for the school year at NCHS website, where you can view the school calendar, the 8 day class schedule and all of the announcements and links you may need.

The PFA website has our PFA calendar, our monthly newsletter, the Ram-o-gram, and details about future PFA events such as general meetings and grade level networking meetings. Please familiarize yourself with the wealth of information available.

Your support is vital to our success!  Join, Donate and Volunteer! Mark your calendars and join us at the first general PFA meeting on Wednesday, September 11th at 9:30 am in the Wagner Room. Enjoy these last summer days and we will see you for the first day of school on August 29th at NCHS!!

Jody O'Donnell and Ann Whittaker
PFA Co-Presidents
PFA 2019-2020 Planning Calendar
Click Here to See the Amazing Topics & Speakers at Our Networking & Counselor Meetings!
New to NCHS Orientation
Monday, August 26th 10:00-11:30am
All students and parents who are new to the district and NCHS are invited to attend an Orientation at NCHS. Administrators and members of the PFA and student body will be on hand to welcome you and introduce you to "Life at NCHS." Following the Orientation, the students will tour the High School and be able to ask NCHS students any questions that they may have.

Questions, contact:  Shazeen Mirza and Susan Cushman
This event is NOT for students moving up from Saxe.
Freshman Walk-Through
Monday, August 26th 1:00-2:00pm
Welcome to New Canaan High School! All Freshmen are invited to come to the New Canaan High School Freshman Walk-Through on  Monday, August 26 from 1:00–2:00pm.  This is a fun opportunity to explore the high school and find your classrooms in advance of the first day of school on August 29th. Please bring your class schedules with you.
The class schedules are available on Powerschool. To access your schedule, please log onto Powerschool, choose “My schedule” on the drop down menu on the left side of the Powerschool screen. Once you have your schedule, click on the “Matrix schedule” at the top of the page. You will then see your classes, the teacher, and the room number for each of the 8 days A-H. Please print out a copy of the schedule and bring it with you to the Freshman Walk-Through.
If you have any questions about the Freshman Walk-Through, please contact Anne Cascione .
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