Summer Happenings
Events and How to Get Involved
Back to School with H2O
The St. Louis Aquarium Foundation offers programming for kids to learn about aquatic animals, think critically about conservation issues, and participate in fun STEM-based activities and projects. Through the H20 Friends program, the Foundation provides free access to the St. Louis Aquarium and STEM based conservation and aquatic life education for youth from Title 1 schools as well as other underserved community partners.

Help the St. Louis Aquarium Foundation kick-off the school year strong by donating to our H2O Friends Program! 
Save the date for the St. Louis Aquarium Foundation Splash Bash! At this carnival by the sea inspired event, guests will enjoy food stations, drinks, roaming entertainment and music at this highly anticipated fundraiser! Think Santa Monica Pier fun! Support the St. Louis Aquarium Foundation’s mission with 100% of funds raised going to the H2O Friends program. More details coming soon!
Thank you to all of our volunteers who have participated in our 2023 Revamp the Riverfront Cleanup Series so far! Over the past four months we have picked up over 120 trash bags full of litter, preventing it from reaching the Mississippi River and eventually our oceans.

We would like to extend a special thank you to Foss Swim School for sponsoring our June 8th cleanup to celebrate World Oceans Day!
We invite you to join us for our two remaining cleanups of the year, August 23rd and September 25th from 5:30pm-7:30pm! We hope to see you there to revamp the riverfront!

Visit the link below for more information and to register!
We’re proud to partner with Purina on their annual Purina Cares Day. Employee volunteers assisted The St. Louis Aquarium Foundation with picking up over 1,700 pounds of trash along the St. Louis River Front so that, together, we can create a stronger and more sustainable St. Louis! #PurinaCares #BetterTogether
Donor Spotlight:
Linda Hunter
We would like to congratulate our Development Advisory Committee Chair, Linda Hunter, on receiving the Women of Achievement Award - recognizing her for her dedication and commitment to improving the quality of life in the St. Louis community!

Linda has been a supporter of the St. Louis Aquarium Foundation since the start! Through her time, talent, and support Linda has helped shaped the Foundation into what it is today.

As chair to our Development Advisory Committee, she has led our team in successful galas and fundraisers. Through her continued support we have been able to provide underserved kids with free weeks of summer camp, admission into the Aquarium, and education classes through our H2O Friends Program. The Hunter Family Foundation also gave a gift to the Aquarium to add a kinkajou to its Ambassador Animals, which our animal trainers present to Aquarium guests to further engage them in understanding animals and the importance of water to their livelihood, and to inspire empathy and interest in the natural world!

Linda's dedication, warmth, humor, and desire to help people is apparent in everything she does, and the Foundation would not be where it is today without her involvement and encouragement

Thank you, Linda, for all that you do for the Foundation and your efforts in providing access and education programs to our community. This award and honor is truly deserved.
Chalk the Walk
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Chalk the Walk event on June 10th in celebration of World Oceans Day! We have so many talented artists in our community who came out to show what the ocean means to them! If you weren’t able to make it but still want to celebrate our great ocean, you can visit the World Ocean Day website to learn about and participate in the 30x30 campaign (encouraging world leaders to protect 30% of our ocean by 2030).
Plastic Free July
Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Be sure to check in on our Facebook page all month long to learn about all of the small changes you can make that can have a big impact on our environment!

One small change you can do is eliminate single-use plastic bags! And what to do with those plastic bags? For your convenience, we’ll be collecting plastic bags at the Aquarium entrance throughout the month of July. We’ll recycle all those plastic bags for you at the end of the month.
Thank you, Jenna!
The St. Louis Aquarium Foundation would like to sincerely thank and bid farewell to our AmeriCorps Member, Jenna! Jenna served as a full-time volunteer for the past year where she focused on building our organization’s capacity and connecting low-income youth to nature and water conservation education. During her time with the Foundation, Jenna has managed and doubled the impact of our Revamp the Riverfront series, maintained our composting other recycling programs, helped grow the impact of our H2O Friends community group program, and so much more! We are extremely grateful for all she has done and accomplished this past year. We wish Jenna the best of luck as she ends her service and moves onto the next chapter of her career. Thank you, Jenna!
St. Louis Aquarium Foundation | 314.923.3925 |