We would like to congratulate our Development Advisory Committee Chair, Linda Hunter, on receiving the Women of Achievement Award - recognizing her for her dedication and commitment to improving the quality of life in the St. Louis community!
Linda has been a supporter of the St. Louis Aquarium Foundation since the start! Through her time, talent, and support Linda has helped shaped the Foundation into what it is today.
As chair to our Development Advisory Committee, she has led our team in successful galas and fundraisers. Through her continued support we have been able to provide underserved kids with free weeks of summer camp, admission into the Aquarium, and education classes through our H2O Friends Program. The Hunter Family Foundation also gave a gift to the Aquarium to add a kinkajou to its Ambassador Animals, which our animal trainers present to Aquarium guests to further engage them in understanding animals and the importance of water to their livelihood, and to inspire empathy and interest in the natural world!
Linda's dedication, warmth, humor, and desire to help people is apparent in everything she does, and the Foundation would not be where it is today without her involvement and encouragement
Thank you, Linda, for all that you do for the Foundation and your efforts in providing access and education programs to our community. This award and honor is truly deserved.