District 4
District 4
Council Member Jeff Blubaugh
Message from Jeff Blubaugh
I hope this message finds you and yours doing well. Summer Reading has Begun! City Staff have been working hard to bring innovative activities and services to youth and families throughout ICT for the next few months before schools picks up again in August. The Wichita Public Library has created a stellar lineup of fun and educational programs for kids and teens to participate in all summer long. You can stop by your favorite Library location to register and pick up all the supplies for pre-readers, kids, teens and adults!

Another highlight is the opening of pools on Memorial Day! All patrons with proper swimming attire will be admitted FREE on Swim Day. Check with your local City Pool to see when FREE Swim Day takes place: City Swimming Pools (wichita.gov). And don't forget that Wichita Aquatics has opened six splash pads with the support of Public Works! Locations opened include Buffalo, Edgemoor, Evergreen, Planeview, Riverside, and Harrison Parks! It's important to stay safe as the temperatures warm up and community members venture outdoors.

As summers in Wichita gradually become warmer, a recent report revealed which areas of the City are most vulnerable to extreme heat. The report found that the City centers and a portion of Southwest Wichita near the airport suffer the most extreme heat compared to the eastern and western edges of the City. Due to the Urban Heat Island Effect, areas with high amounts of concrete, and higher numbers of vehicles will be hotter compared to more rural areas surrounding the City. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, the number of days above 100 degrees in Wichita is predicted to increase from a historical 13 to 58 days by midcentury if no action is taken.

The City will need to focus on urban tree canopy growth as one way to address environmental injustice and heat vulnerability. The NASA report considered factors based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention social vulnerability index like poverty, age and race. It combined the factors with temperature data to determine which communities are most at-risk to heat using the map below. Next time you're outside, take some time to look at which areas have more trees than others and why that might be. Check out this article to learn more: What parts of Wichita are most vulnerable to extreme heat? This report identifies them | KMUW.
Stay Safe,

Wichita City Council
District 4 Council Member
Phone: 316.268.4331
What's your favorite patio place?
Best ways for summer days
Newport Grill
The Kitchen
Wine Dive
Results from the Previous Poll
What is your favorite summer activity?

  • 17% - Swimming
  • 16% - Hiking
  • 15.7% - Movies
  • 16.2% - Camp / Sports
  • 18% - Vacation
  • 17% - Other

Other? Share using this form.
The June District 4 Advisory Board meeting will be held on Monday, June 5, 2023, at 6:30 pm at Alford Branch Library, 3447 S Meridian. The Zoom link is posted on Council Member Blubaugh's page. We will discuss staff reports, zoning case, and hear about the Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2050 under development by the Wichita Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WAMPO)!
Join us for the 1st Saturday in June at Delano's Diner for The District 4 Community Breakfast Meeting from 9 - 10:30 am. Delano has asked everyone order food and if anyone is unable to pay they can contact Councilmember Blubaugh in advance to ensure their breakfast is taken care of.
Read Survey Insights Here
Housing Stability Program
The Housing Stability program is designed to assist households that are experiencing homelessness or housing instability due to an eviction or pending eviction. Applicants must meet the below criteria to apply:

  1. Households who are renting or renting to own
  2. Households who are experiencing risk of homelessness or housing instability
  3. Households experiencing a negative financial impact during the pandemic
  4. Households at or below 80% of Area Median Income (AMI) for Wichita, with a preference for households at or below 50% AMI.

To fill out an application please scan the QR code above on your cell phone or go to New Submission (wichita.gov)
Food for All
HCSI Request for Proposal (RFP) Out Now!
Join us at 10:30 a.m. on June 6 at the Advanced Learning Library (or over Zoom) to learn about an opportunity to be a part of our Healthy Corner Store Initiative pilot program. Learn more here.
Congratulations to the Mayor's Youth Council
On Thursday evening, the 2022 - 2023 Mayor's Youth Council celebrated the completion of a successful program year! Students gathered to congratulate graduating seniors and highlight accomplishments of the Environmentalism, Diversity and Inclusion, Education, and Food Insecurity Issue group projects. City of Wichita Mayor Brandon Whipple witnessed the passing of the gavel from the former Youth Mayor to the incoming Youth Mayor, representing a change in power and the future of democracy. Applications are already being reviewed for next year!
Need Help Paying Your Water Bill?
The City of Wichita is providing a Water Bill Rate Relief Program to qualifying customers who may receive a one-time $50 credit on their water bill! Applications will be accepted from April 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. This is available to City of Wichita residential water customers only. Apply here or call 265-1300, and an application will be mailed to you. You can also apply in person at City Hall or a Neighborhood Resource Center.

Workforce Development
Senior Farmers Market
Central Plains Area Agency on Aging is available to assist older adults and caregivers. For more information on programs and services available visit www.cpaaa.org or call 855-200-2372. Older Adults are Encouraged to Apply to Receive Checks to Buy Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs and Honey at Farmers Markets in Butler, Harvey & Sedgwick County
2023 Neighborhood Cleanup Highlights
The City of Wichita and neighborhood residents have completed a total of fourteen (14) Neighborhood Cleanups! Volunteers, Neighborhood Association Members, City Staff, and Equipment Providers work together to collect large items that are costly to dispose of from the beginning of April to the end of October. Did you know, cleanups are never canceled due to snow or rain!? If you are looking for opportunities to volunteer or need cleanup information, call 316-268-4197 or email District 4 CSR Brooke Kauchak or neighborhoodcleanups@wichita.gov.
Can Ya Keep it Down?
Recovery Connect: recoveryconnect@wichita.edu (316) 978-6737
Appreciation of Co-Worker Excellence & Service
A special THANK YOU to the folks in the Public Works and Utilities Department for all the work you do to keep our City safe, clean, and beautiful. Public Works & Utilities had an Employee Appreciation breakfast this week. They had one of the best turnouts, from a city department, that OJ Watson Park staff have ever seen at one event. Their team did an amazing job this year!