We are excited to offer once again a summer math program for our students that have completed K5-7th grades at MRCA. While this is not required, it is highly recommended to reinforce math skills your child has learned this year. This summer we will use IXL, an online program we have used previously at MRCA. With thousands of interactive skills, IXL is a fun way for your child to keep his/her learning fresh.
Here is a detailed guide for getting your child started on IXL Summer Math Boost (also linked below). This program is a 20 day/20 skills challenge that can be easily reached by spending approximately 20 minutes per day.
All students that complete all 20 days will receive a frozen treat during lunch when we return to school in the fall. These students will also be entered into grade-level drawings. There will be four drawings per grade level for the chance to win a $25 gift card to one of the following places: Frankie’s Fun Park, Big Air Trampoline Park, Sparetime Entertainment, and Urban Air Adventure Park.
Thanks so much, and have a wonderful summer!
Jennifer Foster
Next Generation Curriculum & Instruction Director