Summer Ministry for children ages 3 - 5th grade is primarily centered around our Summer Day Camp program. Day Camp runs all Summer Long (June 10 - August 23). It is open Monday-Friday from 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM. This Summer our theme is "JUST LIVE IT: Reflecting God in our Daily Lives".

To see the FULL CATALOG with each week's sub theme, you can click DAY CAMP 2024. This will also answer some FAQs for Summer Day Camp. To REGISTER for Summer Day Camp, you can click REGISTRATION

Childrens Ministry will also meet TWO Sunday Mornings a month during Sunday Worship (see full schedule below)

Middle School Ministry (completed 6th-8th Grade) will meet on Wednesdays from 9 am - 5 pm and our days will alternate between Fellowship and Service. Pre-registration is required and can be found HERE There is a cost involved and changes week to week based on what we are doing. The cost is listed on the registration form and will also be highlighted in each month's newsletter.

High School Ministry (completed 9th-12th Grade) will continue to meet throughout the Summer, but our time together will look different as well. We will be having ONE High School Hangout a month (see dates below). High School students are also welcome to join in on any of the Middle School activity days.

PLEASE NOTE: In Summer of 2025, we will be offering TWO Trips to make up for not having one this Summer. We will have a Service Trip and an Adventure Trip in 2025. Details will be available in late fall.

CAMP WAPO is also one of our most popular Summer Ministry opportunities as they have programming for anyone who has completed 1st-3rd Grade. To see a more in depth outline of what is available for each age group, you can view POP WAPO Info

While our week may currently be full, you can still register and get put on a wait list.To register click WAPO REGISTRATION.

02: Graduation Sunday

09: Childrens Ministry

10: Day Camp Week 1

12: MS Fellowship

17: Day Camp Week 2

19: MS Service

23: Childrens Ministry

23: HS Hangout/Bonfire

24: Day Camp Week 3

26: MS Fellowship

03: NO MS Event

07: Childrens Ministry

08: Day Camp Week 4

10: MS Service

14: HS Hangout/Bonfire

15: Day Camp Week 5

17: MS Fellowship

21: Childrens Ministry

22: Day Camp Week 6

24: MS Service

28: WAPO Week Starts

29: Day Camp Week 7

31: NO MS Event

02: WAPO Seeds

05: Day Camp Week 8

07: MS Fellowship

11: Childrens Ministry

12: Day Camp Week 9

14: MS Service

18: HS Hangout/Bonfire

19: Day Camp Week 10

21: MS Fellowship

25: Childrens Ministry

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