Chair's Message
Shay Barker , departing BRAED manager |
While the Chair usually writes this message, I have taken the column hostage and will be writing a Director's Message instead. I thought this was an ideal place to follow-up with a recent letter sent out to our Board of Directors, informing them of my upcoming resignation from the role of Executive Director for BRAED.
The Battle River Alliance for Economic Development hired me over two years ago to fulfill this role, and I am so thankful that I was given the opportunity. Not only was I able to connect with a large group of thoughtful, engaged, and knowledgeable people from across the Region and beyond, I have been lucky enough to see how hard people in rural Alberta work for what they have. The future of rural Alberta is in good hands, and you should all be proud of the many initiatives, programs, and partnerships that you are a part of to ensure a thriving East-Central Region.
I have no doubt that BRAED will continue to grow and become more established as the go-to Regional Economic Development organization in East-Central Alberta, and as the initiatives being developed this year come to fruition, and you continue to build momentum on your successes, you will see the real value of your hard work.
I am most proud that BRAED is a part of the inaugural Rural Alberta Innovation & Learning Commons, which is shaping up to be a world-class training opportunity for any rural elected official, administrator, or community and economic development practitioner. Our
year of planning and hard work is paying off, and I am so happy that BRAED members, businesses, and partners saw the value and contributed through financial sponsorship. I believe that you will see a substantial return on investment if you attend this Commons from October 2 - 4, 2015 (
We have been very fortunate this year to receive substantial funding from the Province to implement projects like the REACH Pilot Program, and the East-Central Investment Attraction (ECIA) Project. Both of these programs are going to ground BRAED, and provide major deliverables to the Region.
BRAED is in a strong position at this moment, and you must continue to push forward and build momentum to ensure the return on investment, and value to the members of BRAED is clear. The 20:1 return on membership dollars this year, between BRAED and EATC funding is just one example of the way that BRAED is an important avenue that allows members to collaborate and leverage resources.
Before I sign off, I want to thank, in particular, the Executive for their consistent support as I learned how to lead in this role, and am certain that the future of BRAED is a bright one.
Best Wishes,
Please join the Battle River Alliance for Economic Development (BRAED) and the Alberta Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities (ACSRC) for Alberta's premiere forum for rural knowledge exchange and network development.
The Battle River Alliance for Economic Development, and the Alberta Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities have joined forces to offer this event as a low-cost, high impact event for all rural Albertan municipally elected officials, CAOs, EDOs, or any rural practitioner.
Topic areas will include:
Policy & Governance
Continuing Care
Marketing |
Labour Force Demographics
| Parks & Protected Areas |
Alternative Energy
| Regionalization |
Assessing Sustainability
Building Partnerships
and more....
Announcing RAIL COMMONS Sponsors
BRAED and ACSRC are proud to announce our sponsors for the upcoming RAIL Commons:
Partnering Sponsor:
With nearly 9,000 employees and assets of approximately $18 billion, ATCO is a diversified global corporation delivering service excellence and innovative business solu
tions through leading companies engaged in Structures & Logistics (manufacturing, logistics and noise abatement), Utilities (pipelines, natural gas and electricity transmission and distribution) and Energy (power generation and sales, industrial water infrastructure, natural gas gathering, processing, storage and liquids extraction). More information can be
found at
Diamond Sponsor:
Beaver County is located in the BRAED Region, half an hour east of Edmonton on Highway 14. The population of Beaver County is 5,689. The County offers a diversified tax base ranging from acreage development on the west, to mixed farming in the centre and east, and oil and gas development in the east. The people, and the unique offerings in the County have played an important role in keeping Beaver County a viable and thriving community.
Gold Sponsors:
Silver Sponsors:
- Paintearth Economic Partnership Society
- University of Alberta - Medicine and Dentistry
- Flagstaff County
- Rural Policy Learning Commons
Elite Sponsors:
- MD of Wainwright
- ICE (Irma, Chauvin, Edgerton)
- Village of Forestburg
- University of Alberta - Vice-President (Research)
- University of Alberta - Augustana Campus
- Town of Daysland
- City of Camrose
- Beaver Municipal Solutions
- University of Alberta - Kule Institute for Advanced Study
Bronze Sponsors:
- Town of Killam
- Village of Holden
- Best Western Hotel and Casino - Camrose
- Village of Ryley
- Town of Tofield
- Alberta Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities
- Village of Strome
Upcoming Events
September 10, 2015
BRAED Board of Directors Meeting
Halkirk Hall, Halkirk, AB
September 30, 2015
Eat East of Edmonton:
A Showcase of Local Food
2:00PM - 7:00PM
Viking Community Hall, Viking, AB
October 2, 2015
Economic Developers of Alberta
Economic Development for Elected Officials Course
9:00AM - 3:00PM
Camrose Recreation Centre, Camrose, AB.
October 2 - 4, 2015
Rural Alberta Innovation and Learning
(RAIL) Commons
$150.00 + taxes.
University of Alberta - Augustana Campus
Camrose, AB
October 6- 8, 2015
Ports to Plains Annual Conference
Williston, North Dakota
October 15, 2015
BRAED Executive Committee Meeting
Flagstaff County Office, Sedgewick, AB
October 15, 2015
BRAED Working Committee Meeting
(formerly Task Team Meetings)
Flagstaff County Office, Sedgewick, AB
October 21, 2015
Flagstaff Celebrates Success with
W. Brett Wilson
Killam Community Hall, Killam, AB
December 10, 2015
BRAED Board of Directors Meeting
Location TBD, Edgerton AB
January 7, 2016
BRAED Executive Meeting
Location TBD, Camrose, AB
January 7, 2016
BRAED Working Committee Meeting
Location TBD, Camrose, AB
Have you heard that the Rural Alberta Business Centre - Camrose is expanding its boundaries?
If you are in the Beaver County or Flagstaff County areas, please connect with the Rural Alberta Business Centre to learn more about the resources that they can offer you and your local businesses!
To learn more:
Louise Jones
Small Business Advisor
REACH Program a Success
BRAED, in partnership with the City of Camrose, Rural Alberta Business Centre - Camrose, Community Futures - East Central, with major financial support from Government of Alberta - Ministry of Innovation & Advanced Education, launched the Rural Enterprise Assistance and Coaching Hostel (REACH) Program in the Spring of 2015. The program, meant to foster the development of a strong entrepreneurial foundation for new entrepreneurs, is the first of its kind to be offered in the Region.
The REACH Project is a pilot with great modification and expansion potential, that benefits a number of emerging Camrose and area business start-ups by interpreting their unique business development needs and developing service solutions that will support their needs. These services are not intended to be judgmental, rather focusing on nurturing the entrepreneurs participating in the pilot - thus the use of the term "hostel" in defining the pilot.
The pilot includes five elements of learning, and encompasses over a year of mentorship with selected experts. The five elements of the program include:
- Introduction to Starting a Business
- Formalizing Individual Business Plans
- Business Plan Presentation
- Coach Support
- Maintaining the Relationship and Building Networks
Having completed several stages of the program, we are proud to have 9 potential entrepreneurs continue in the program. Each client receives individualized support, and are able to complete the elements at a pace that works for them. Many of our entrepreneurs have already opened their businesses, and are receiving support to ensure that they guide their business towards success and growth.
One of our clients provided us with a note, which reads:
"I just wanted to send you a quick note to say thank you for all of the help that you've been giving me. I really look forward to our meetings and so appreciate your feedback, insight, and support as I work through this process and move my business idea along. I feel I would still be very confused and uncertain about various aspects of this business without your knowledge and encouragement - thank you very much!"
We are excited to continue with the program, and will be approaching several agencies for funding assistance for a second program.
Eat East of Edmonton
with BRAED and