A Message From Your Chapter President
Dear ACHE of MA Members,
As I write, it appears that what seems like weeks of rain is ending and we are getting a glimpse of real spring. This backdrop seems fitting for our June newsletter, which itself is abloom with new initiatives, recognized achievements, and new leaders stepping forward to support our mission of promoting professional growth and development.
First, a thank you to all who attended our May 17 Spring Conference to hear Dr. Kevin Tabb and Kate Walsh speak about leading and creating value in healthcare systems through this period of significant change. The event was one of our best attended to date. A special congratulations to Kate and her team at Boston Medical Center on being the recipient of ACHE of MA's inaugural Diversity and Inclusion Award for their commitment to equality and humanity in health care. In addition, kudos to Jenna Pradhuman of Boston University School of Public Health for winning our David Kinzer Scholarship for her demonstration of leadership ability and active participation in both professional and community service events.
Lastly, a welcome to new leaders at ACHE of MA. Dr Ali Raja, FACHE of MGH will join us as a new board member this month, and in addition, Kathy Sucich, Director of Healthcare Marketing at Dimensional Insight, will take over from Monique Porter as Chair of our Communications Committee. Thank you to both Ali and Kathy for stepping up to these leadership roles and to Monique for her efforts in leading Communications.
Thanks again for your commitment to ACHE of MA and I hope you enjoy our June issue.
Regards, John Fogarty, FACHE
Welcome to Our Newest Board Member
Ali Raja, MD, MBA, MPH, FACHE is the Executive Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Raja received his MPH from the Harvard School of Public Health, holds MD and MBA degrees from Duke University and, after training in emergency medicine at the University of Cincinnati, completed a research fellowship at Brigham and Women's Hospital. He is board certified in both emergency medicine and clinical informatics, and is appointed to both the Departments of Emergency Medicine and Radiology at HMS.
Congratulations to Boston Medical Center
At the ACHE of Massachusetts Spring Conference on May 17, 2019, the inaugural Diversity & Inclusion Award was presented to Boston Medical Center in recognition of their outstanding commitment to equality and humanity in the pursuit of healthcare excellence.
Steve Walsh, Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association,
Andrea Paciello, FACHE, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Karen Moore, FACHE, Lawrence General Hospital, & ACHE of Massachusetts Regent,
Busayo Ola Ajayi, Boston Medical Center,
Kate Walsh, Boston Medical Center,
Carmen Kenrich, Leaders For Today and Chair of the ACHE of MA Diversity and Inclusion Committee and
Varda Haliday, Boston Medical Center
For many years it has been a tradition at our spring conference to award the David Kinzer Scholarship to a current MHA or MBA student attending one of the schools in the Higher Education Network. This year a $1,500 scholarship was awarded to Jenna Pradhuman from the Boston University School of Public Health. Jenna was nominated by her Program Director, Professor Chris Louis.
Chris Louis, Ph.D. and
Jenna Pradhuman
Educational Events
Mark Your Calendar
Breakfast with Healthcare Champions
David Seltz, Executive Director
Massachusetts Health Policy Commission
Friday, September 20, 2019
7:00 - 8:30 AM
Suffolk University, Boston, MA
Diversity & Inclusion in Healthcare
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Baystate Health Education Center, Holyoke, MA
Fall Conference
Friday, November 1, 2019 Sheraton Needham Hotel, Needham, MA
Details will be available later this summer.
Follow Us on SOCIAL MEDIA to Get the Latest News & Event Details!
Early Careerist Network (ECN)
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Tia's on the Waterfront
200 Atlantic Avenue | Boston, MA
Making Every Connection Matter! Join ACHE of MA at its Summer Networking Event and network with professionals from all career levels and healthcare industries while enjoying the beautiful Boston waterfront.
One FREE drink ticket and appetizers will be served. A cash bar will be available.
*Must be at least 21 years old to attend*
Summer Networking June 2018.
Join the fun on June 25th!
Thank You Chapter Volunteers
GBFB is the largest hunger-relief organization in New England and among the largest food banks in the country. Last year, they distributed nearly 62 million pounds of nutritious food to people who struggle to have enough to eat. They are committed to increasing their food distribution to provide three meals a day to every person in need in Eastern Massachusetts while supporting healthy lives and healthy communities.
Welcome to Our Two Newest Sponsors
Thank you to all our sponsors.
Take a look at the side bar on the left to see all the great companies that support ACHE of Massachusetts. They are instrumental in making our programs affordable to our members.
Learn more
Welcome New ACHE of MA Members
?new members joined in the 2nd quarter of 2019.
ACHE Board of Governors Exam Fee Waiver & Thomas C. Dolan Executive Diversity Program-Now Accepting Applications
Now is the perfect time to apply for Fellow status in ACHE. When you submit your completed application by June 30, 2019, along with the $250 application fee and all supporting documents, we will waive the $200 Board of Governors Exam fee.
The most respected diversity program in healthcare, the 2020 Thomas C. Dolan Executive Diversity Program, is now open. Please help spread the word about this exclusive program designed to prepare mid- and senior-level careerists from underrepresented groups to ascend to C-suite roles. The deadline to complete the application is Friday, July 12, 2019.
Learn more
Chapter Regent Quarterly Letter
Diversity & Inclusion
Dear ACHE of MA Colleagues,
April was Celebrate Diversity Month, started in 2004 to recognize and honor the diversity surrounding us all. ACHE of Massachusetts presented the 1st Annual Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Award at our Spring Conference on Friday, May 17, 2019 to Boston Medical Center.
Special Guest, Steven Walsh, President of the Massachusetts Hospital & Health Association, was present to recognize Boston Medical Center as the award winner and to launch the collaborative action between MHHA and ACHE of Massachusetts to elevate Diversity & inclusion accomplishments across Massachusetts.
The award recognized an organization's commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion initiatives and programs. The recipient of the award was evaluated based on the American Hospital Association and Institute for Diversity in Health Management #123Pledge principles demonstrating their dedication to improving the collection and use of race, ethnicity, LGBTQ, the well-being of all people and language preference data; supporting cultural competency training; increasing diversity in governance and leadership; and engaging and strengthening community partnerships.