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Holiday Calendar
June 25-Eid al Fltr,
      Shawwal 1st
Celebration of the eEnd of Ramadan

August 1 - Tisha B'Av
A day of mourning to commemorate the many tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people, many of which have occurred on the 9th of the Hebrew month of Av. 

August 31 - Day of Arafah
Dhul Hajj 9
Culmination of Hajj (annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca) at the Plain of Arafah  

Sept. 1 - Eid al Adha
              Dhul Hajj 10
Commemorates Prophet Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son.

* All Jewish & Muslim Holidays start on the preceding evening at sundown.

** Jewish Holy Days and Muslim Holy Days are determined by the lunar calendar as is Easter in the Christian calendar.

Save the Date
Aug. 27
3rd Annual Spiritual  Retreat
"A Day of Reflection"

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  • Something special that your Chapter is doing Be sure to include photos
  • A review of a book that your Chapter found resulted in a lively discussion
  • A write up on a member who is doing something outside of Daughters to promote Interfaith dialogue (include a photo)
  • Suggestions for topics we can "discuss" in our newsletter 

If you find an error in our newsletter or if you want to share group highlights or favorite books please send us an email by clicking the link below.

Daughters of Abraham promotional video 

Stay Connected
News from Around the Country
Anne Minton, Member of Merrimack Valley Chapter, Honored by her Alma Mater
   Lowell resident Rev. Dr. Anne Minton, a graduate of The College of New Rochelle (CNR), was awarded the Ursula Laurus Citation at the College's 79th annual Alumnae/i College Weekend in June.  The Ursula Laurus Citation is given to honor CNR alumnae/i and friends who have provided outstanding leadership and have demonstrated, by their capabilities, efforts and interest, their selfless and generous devotion to furthering the high ideals and rich traditions of Ursuline education. The Citation was presented by Dr. Dorothy Escribano, interim president and provost of the College.
   Anne, a member of the Merrimack Valley Chapter, said that this award was particularly important to her since she had spent 4 years at this college run by the Ursuline nuns and had then spent another 12 years as one of the nuns! So, 16 years of her life were interwoven with these women who were now celebrating and rewarding the work of bringing women of the Abrahamic faiths together in mutual respect and friendship. For Anne it felt like a very powerful and loud "Amen" to the journey that started for her at the college a long time ago!

Pittsburgh Chapter Bids Farewell to a Sister

   The Pittsburgh Chapter, in a quiet prayer moment, bid farewell to Hala Rashid, a Muslim sister, who will be moving to Seattle with her family. 

   The Pittsburgh Chapter also had a wonderful write up about their group in The Jewish Chronicle. Take a moment to read it. It's important that we find ways to spread our message.

3rd Annual Summer Spiritual Retreat

    August 27 from 1 - 8 PM 

Adelynrood Retreat & Conference Center     Newbury, MA

$20 per person 
Overnight stay for additional $60 includes breakfast 

For more information contact: