Learning, Loving, and Leading through Christ
July/August 2022
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From The Desk of Mr. Johnston
Dear St. Alphonsus Catholic School Families,

It is with joy that I welcome you back to another school year! It’s hard to believe that the days of summer have passed so quickly and we are beginning to blend into the wonderful days of a new school year. We have been busy getting ready for your return. We have been cleaning, moving classrooms, remodeling the bathrooms on the West side of the building and unpacking boxes of new books. There is excitement in the air as we await your student’s arrival!

My family and I have not been up to too much this summer. Usually the summer is a time to slow down a little bit and enjoy time together. My wife is also a Catholic school teacher and so the summer affords us time to do more together and spend time with our dog, Lulu. We have spent time with family and friends across the country and enjoyed all that Milwaukee has to offer in the summertime.

Every year we have an extraordinary opportunity to begin fresh. Summer has been a time to savor the opportunity to reflect on what is behind us, what is before us, and what may lie ahead. As a Catholic leader in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee as well as St. Alphonsus Catholic School, I am mindful of my essential role in serving the mission of the church and how we are intertwined with one another in that work. Our faculty, staff and I are called to represent The Teacher Jesus. This is our calling. We are called to show our children something different, something more than the world has to offer. It very simply comes down to the mission for all of us to grow in our relationship to Jesus Christ.

This year, our theme will be two-fold. First, we will focus on service this year. Using 1 Peter 4:10 as our guide: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” This will get our students to think about how they can be good stewards of God’s gifts. How can our students realize the gifts they have been given and use them for the betterment of their community? 

And second, we will focus this year on joy. These last couple of years have been difficult for everyone, but we will enter into this year leading with joy in our hearts and in our minds. Joy, like many other things, is a choice; so much like we focused on choosing love last year, this year we will focus on choosing joy in all situations. 

We welcome a couple of new faces to our St. Alphonsus Faculty this year: our new Music Teacher: Caila Webber; our new Physical Education teacher: Justin Gutche; and our new Kindergarten teacher: Kim Domzil. Below you will find a brief bio for each of them. Please join me in welcoming them to our St. Alphonsus Catholic School community!

Caila Webber:
My name is Caila Webber, and I will be teaching music at St. Alphonsus this fall. This will be my fourth year of teaching. I studied Music Education at UW-Milwaukee and taught K4-8th grade general music at Burlington Catholic School for the past three years. I also teach private music lessons and work at Girls Rock Camp in Madison. I have family in Madison and Milwaukee, and my boyfriend works in New Berlin. I'm excited to move back to the Milwaukee area and to meet the students, families, and staff at St. Alphonsus!

Justin Gutche:
My name is Justin Gutche and I will be the Physical Education teacher this year at St. Alphonsus. I am so excited to join such a great school! I have more than 10 years of experience promoting physical activity, healthy habits, and life skills among elementary and middle school students. In my class, I put an emphasis on sportsmanship and teamwork. I have a passion for sports and fitness and enjoy playing on sports teams in my spare time. I am looking forward to a great year together!

Kim Domzil:
My name is Kim Domzil. I'm excited to be part of St. Alphonsus, and I truly believe this is where God has placed me. I will be the 5-year-old Kindergarten teacher. I knew I wanted to be a teacher when I was in fourth grade. I attended Alverno for my undergraduate and Concordia for my Masters. I have been teaching for over 17 years. My classroom is play-based, with a routine that includes reading and math fundamentals. In the classroom, we learn to socialize with Christian faith. My husband and I met while I was in college, and we have two daughters that enjoy helping in the classroom. The ocean is my favorite place. My parents moved close to the ocean for retirement, we try to visit often. As a family we enjoy bike rides, swimming, playing games, cooking, baking, and lots of laughs. I love taking pictures which I love to send to families, and I scrapbook in my free time.

With these new additions, here is a full list of our St. Alphonsus teaching faculty for this school year:

Lou Ann Collins, 3K: Room 204
Linda Kempken, 4K: Room 201
Kim Domzil, Kindergarten: Room 202
Kathy Ramion, 1st Grade: Room 330
Deb Frank, 2nd Grade: Room 332
Claire Temple, 3rd Grade: Room 334
Jenessa Gutche, 4th Grade: Room 306
Calli Gonring, 5th Grade: Room 304
Peter Strangfeld, 6th Grade Homeroom [Middle School Language Arts & Literature]: Room 303
Jake Kneifl, 7th Grade Homeroom [Middle School Religion & Math]: Room 302
Tora Armstrong, 8th Grade Homeroom [Middle School Science & Social Studies]: Room 301
Caila Webber, Music: Room 317 [Tuesday/Thursday/Friday PM]
Justin Gutche, Physical Education [Monday/Tuesday]
Rebecca Hoeppner, Art: Room 316 [Wednesday PM/Thursday/Friday]
Amy Schermetzler, Library
Spanish TBA: Room 305 [Monday/Wednesday]
Robin Bruhn, Director of Teaching and Learning: Room 327

As we begin this new year, my prayer is that you will join me in thanking God for the gift of education. Please join me in praying and showing our gratitude to God for our dedicated and hard working teachers who will not only teach but minister to your children in their education. I ask you to also pray for our school. God is generous and we believe that God’s grace and spirit will inspire us to build His kingdom. You are a vital part of your child’s education and we look forward to your presence and participation in our school!
I look forward to seeing you at our Meet and Greet Night on Monday, August 29th from 3:00-7:00 pm!   

Yours in Christ,

Mr. Russ Johnston
2022-2023 School Year
Important Dates to Remember

A full copy of the school calendar is also pictured below!


Dine Out Night
Cousins' Subs
Details Below

Teacher Meet & Greet
School Pictures

First Day of School
11:30am Dismissal

Back to School Info Night
for Parents Only

Picture Retake Day

Parent Teacher Conferences

December TBD
Las Posadas

December TBD
Christmas Program


8th Grade Pictures
Activity Pictures

Open House

1/29 - 2/4
Catholic Schools Week
Book Fair

Fun Fair
*date change due to Parish Men's Retreat*

NET Retreat
for all 6th, 7th, & 8th Graders

4/4 & 4/5
Living Stations
6:30pm & Daytime TBD

Grandparents' Day

Athletic Awards
Banquet & Dance

5/17 - 5/21

Mass for the Class of 2023
with the whole school
Picture 7:30am
Mass 8:00am

Graduation Trip

Graduation Mass & Ceremony
Refer & Earn!
Do you know a student or family who would like to attend St. Al's?
Refer them and receive a tuition credit! 

St. Alphonsus Catholic School offers a Tuition Referral Incentive. If you refer a family to St. Al's and they enroll and attend, you will receive a tuition credit of $1,000 toward your 2022-2023 tuition.

Contact Ginger Young for more info! 
Time to Gear Up For Back To School!
It's time to get ready for fall already!

We know, we know...there's still lots of summer left, but just in case you want to get a head start on getting ready, here are some helpful links and tidbits to keep in mind:

A copy of the family handbook can be found here, which has all the uniform & dress code information on page 40.
School Volunteer Opportunities
Looking to share spend some time with your students at school next year?

Why not volunteer to help us out as a lunchroom or playground monitor? We are always looking for parents to act as daily monitors for lunch periods and recess. We are flexible to YOUR schedule--come one day a week or all five days a week!

This is a really impactful way for parents to step up & volunteer at school, as it lets the teachers have a break and is an easy way to spend some time with your students during the day. If you are interested in being either a playground monitor or a lunchroom supervisor, please contact Ginger Young.
This year's Parish Ministry Fair will take place August 20 & August 21 after all masses.
Help Us Out at the Ministry Fair!
This is an opportunity for parishioners to walk through the Community Room and learn about the many ministries & volunteer opportunities St. Alphonsus Catholic Church & School has...and one of those ministries is our school! We are looking for a few families to "rep" our school table and hand out information at the fair. It's easy and fun! To sign up, please email Amy Schermetzler.
Science Lab Update
New student tables and stools have been ordered for the new Science Lab! The new student tables will have mirrors so the instructor always has a good visual on the student progress, and the new table size will allow for easier movement in the room.

In addition, we have also ordered: a mirror for instructor desk, new lighting, new flooring, wrapping of the pipes, and new glass in the door.

We expect items to arrive and be installed in the next 6-8 weeks!
Fall "Bookish" Extracurricular Activities
Calling all readers! Mrs. Schermetzler has a slate of bookish extracurriculars coming in the fall.

GRAPHIC NOVEL BOOK CLUBS will start this fall for students in grades 3-4 and a separate club for students in grades 5-8. Mrs. S. will seek input from students on what themes & books we should read & discuss. Graphic Novel Book Clubs will meet once a month during lunch & recess. You can sign your student up here, but there will be additional time to sign-up in the fall.

And of course, Battle of the Books will be back again this fall! All students in grades 4, 5, & 6 are eligible to participate. This is a lively competitive reading group, where students read books & answer trivia questions about them. Coached by both Mrs. Schermetzler & Mrs. Bruhn, this is a fun way to mix reading & teamwork and earn prizes & trophies! Sign-up info will go out this fall.

Home & School Updates
Calling All FUN RUN Sponsors!

Our only fall fundraiser—the Fun Run—is coming up in September! In order to make this Fun Run the best one yet, we need your help getting T-shirt sponsors this summer. 

There are four levels of sponsorship: $100, $250, $500 and $750. All sponsors receive their logo on the official Fun Run T-shirt and recognition in the weekly school newsletter throughout the fall.

Sponsors can be the company you or a family member works for, or a local business that you frequent. Not sure about making the ask yourself? Send us your ideas and we’ll do the legwork!

Please contact Olivia Hartley with your sponsorship donations and ideas, and thank you in advance for your support!
Cougar Sports Corner
2022-2023 Athletics Information
It's already time to think about athletics for the 2022-2023 school year! Students in Grades 5-8 for the Fall are eligible to participate.
Here is the flyer with information about next year's athletic programs, including registration deadlines. You can go here to register.
Other School & Parish News
Don't forget about S'more Time with Our Lady! Join School Families & Parish Members to pray the rosary and have some s'mores at the school playground. The remaining summer dates is August 15th, and the event starts at 7pm.
Welcome Our New Youth Director!
St. Alphonsus Catholic Church recently hired a new Director of Youth Ministry. Please meet Karen Farrell!

Hello St. Alphonsus! I am Karen Farrell and I am so excited to be here! I have been told if you want to know who a person is, just ask them what he or she loves. Well, I love Jesus. My greatest ambition is to be a saint. I don't need to be canonized so long as my final home is with Jesus in heaven! My second love in life is to bring as many people as I can with me into heaven.
Beyond that, I grew up in West Allis at St. Aloysius (the other St. Al's). I have a background in education as well as a Masters of Arts in Theology and Christian Ministry. I enjoy working out, art, and spending time with family and friends.
This picture is me with my honorary niece and nephew! I welcome the chance to get to know all of you!
Do you have items for the newsletter? To submit them or for questions and submission guidelines, please contact Amy Schermetzler.
Please note that submissions are due by 5:00pm Wednesdays.