Through the Looking Glass
Certification Workshop
Are you looking for a
life change? Become a  certified face reader!
Adding CFR after your name will generate envy and interest from your family, friends and
Our next Certification 
Workshop begins
Friday, August 4th, and
continues through
Saturday the 5th and concludes on
Sunday the 6th.

  Participants will leave the session being able to read any face on the planet.
We limit the size to maximize individual participation. 

For more details and/or to register call Ann at

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Summer of 2017 Newsletter  

Abraham Lincoln is quoted as saying, "We are born with one face but by the age of 50, we have the face we deserve." There is no doubt, we had no control over the face we were born with. It was the result of a genetic blueprint that was created from our family of origin. As babies, our face was our primary interactive feature. We began to make eye contact almost from birth. Even before we could identify ourselves, we begin to identify people in our surroundings such as our family, especially our mother and our caretakers. 

Eventually we found our own face in a mirror. Perhaps you remember looking in the mirror as a child and making judgments about the face looking back at you. Did you like what you saw? Maybe you mostly liked it but didn't like that gap in your front teeth. You might have felt like your nose was too big or your ears stuck out too far and it bothered you, especially if you were teased by others. Actually, there is no way anyone of us could have a completely objective view of our own face because we were always surrounded by family, friends, peers and even strangers who would make comments about our face. "My, my you have such beautiful eyes." "Wow, you look like a very bright child, I bet you get "A's" in school." "You are not pretty when you cry."

As we age we realize that we have some control over how our own face looks and we have options about what we can do about it. Recently I saw a news report on the increase of people, especially young people, getting plastic surgery. Some doctors were refusing to do these surgeries because the person was too young and really had no valid reason for the procedure except they wanted to have a better look for their selfie. Admittedly we are in an age when selfies are almost a daily shoot and who doesn't want to look good in a photo? 

Add to this issue the fads that dominate the fashion world where lips are injected to look bigger and eyelashes are made to look longer and curlier. It is not just a woman thing as men will find themselves with the now popular"5 o'clock shadow" look or a new style to wear a beard or mustache. If we don't want to take care of facial maintenance by ourselves, there are many professionals who specialize in any kind of facial correction that money can buy. But remember, there is NO standard for beauty and every face is unique.
The Gift of Mirror Neurons
Perhaps our greatest evolutionary gift was the development of mirror neurons. Mirror neurons give us the ability to have an instant replay of our experience by creating an internal mental construct of what we see. We can then relate to that internal image on a personal level as though it was our own experience. In the beginning of life our response to our mirror neurons is almost involuntary. When someone waved at us and said "Bye-bye" we raised our hand and waved back. Our mirror neurons did all the work. 

As we developed, these neurons become our connectors with other people. When we look at the expression of emotion on another face our mirror neurons immediately recreate that expression. We relate to that internal image as if it were our own which enables us to feel the emotion being expressed. It was your mirror neurons at work if you ever cried during a movie when you saw one of the actors crying.  In real life it is a tremendous gift to be able to feel with someone and be able to extend to them your empathy or compassion.

Mirror neurons allowed us to live in strongly bonded social networks with other people and to have an instant communication that needs no words. What is even more amazing is that our experiences are etched on our faces. The lines on our face become a living record of our life
experiences that, thanks to mirror neurons, we all respond to on an unconscious level without saying a word. Over time, we may even come to resemble the people we spend the most time with as we unconsciously imitate and respond to their facial expressions. As seen in this photo.
Facing Your Own Face

In a very real sense our face tells the story of our life to anyone who knows how to read it. But human faces are not set in stone and continually change. The reason for that is that we never stop evolving. We adapt to our life experiences and evolve to meet new challenges through a process called epigenetics. 

We don't grow new genes, we merely change the function and connections of the genes we already have. But these evolutionary adaptive changes are also recorded on our face. For example, when eye puffs appear above the eyelids, it is your body's way of saying you need to take better care of yourself. You need more time for what repairs your spirit rather than constantly taking care of everything and everybody else and thereby making your own needs a low priority.

 In a similar vein, you may see lines in your earlobes. These lines reveal that while you may have accomplished much in your life you are pushing yourself past your limit. Expecting to maintain the same level of activity regardless of your age creates a strain on your system and is recorded by those lines in the earlobes. In fact, every feature on your face reveals not only the positive qualities of that feature but also the challenge that goes with it.

For example, if you have abundant eyelids (sometimes called Bambi eyelids) it reveals that you can be very loyal and committed in your relationships. However the challenge may include being seen at times as being clingy. Or if you have crooked teeth, especially the bottom teeth, you may hold yourself to high standards and hate being wrong but also find that you are constantly double checking yourself.
Practicing the 5 A's
Finally, I think a challenge many people have is self-acceptance. How many of us can look in a mirror and actually affirm our self and see our self in a positive light even though we know we have blemishes and are not perfect? The key to finding true self-acceptance requires the same elements that we need for any successful personal relationship.  It begins by giving our self our full ATTENTION by not just looking in a mirror but by reading our own face. The second requirement is ACCEPTANCE by accepting our self as I am in that moment rather than judging our self for not meeting some externally held standard. This kind of acceptance gives way to a self-APPRECIATION and a recognition that our life is a process that is constantly changing and hopefully evolving to a greater level of personal authenticity. The next step is to honor the person we are by holding our self in the same AFFECTIONATE and caring regard that we extend to the people we love. And finally, which may be the most difficult action, to ALLOW our self to be the unique person we already are. 
Previous newsletters may be found posted on my website:
Please take a look.

Thank you for your interest. I welcome your comments, questions and observations. You can e-mail me directly at [email protected]
or my business partner, Ann Marks,
Your feedback is valuable. My goal is to develop and use Amazing Face Reading as a tool to see everyone more clearly and compassionately. I really believe we can understand every person we meet on a deeper level.

Kind regards,