Stars & Stripes: Honoring our Local Heroes
What a turnout for the Downtown Cuyahoga Falls Stars & Stripes event on July 5th! A little rain couldn't keep us away. We would like to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who stopped by our table to support our organization throughout the evening, and helping us reach a grand total, just shy of
! Thank you so much to all of our amazing staff, board members, volunteers, and interns who helped make this event a success. And BIG THANKS to the
City of Cuyahoga Falls
HiHO Brewing Company
Missing Mountain Brewing Co.
, and
Downtown CF!
K.N.A.F.F. Picnic
We had a GREAT time at this year's K.N.A.F.F. Picnic. We had so many amazing staff, volunteers, and interns who helped us host a great day for local kids and law enforcement. Check out our photo album below!
Hosted by:
Victim Assistance Program, Akron Police Department & Fraternal Order of Police, Akron Lodge #7
National Night out Against Crime
National Night Against Crime is an annual community building campaign to promote neighborhood unity and police-community relationship. We were happy to have representatives from Victim Assistance Program all across Akron, including the Summit Lake Community Center, Cascade Village, and Joy Park Community Center! Thank you to our staff who generously volunteered to be a part of this important event in our community!
Community Crisis Response
Last month, VAP responded to a request from the Ohio Crisis Response Team (OCRT), a volunteer-based extension of the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) Crisis Response Team. We were fortunate to be able to send a member of our team to Dayton, Ohio to assist the community in the aftermath of two devasting tragedies. She facilitated two group crisis intervention sessions, helped staff a walk-in Resiliency Center in Dayton's Oregon District, and provided on-the-spot crisis intervention during her street outreach to residents and visitors to the area. We are truly humbled to have a part in supporting the Dayton community. #DaytonStrong
The Essentials of Victim Advocacy
This summer, we held
sessions of The Essentials of Victim Advocacy, one of which was our first session held at our new location in the Dr. Bob Denton Training Facility! We'd like to thank everyone who participated in this year's sessions. Stay tuned for the release of the 2020 Essentials schedule, coming soon!
The Educators Assaulted by Students
Meet others who share similar experiences, learn about way to cope with your victimization, and become educated about the healing process. Our group is open to all teachers, custodial staff, bus drivers, lunch staff, substitutes, secretaries, and others, regardless of what school district you are in. Connect with us by downloading the flyer below. We are here to help.
Save your ACME receipts from August 8, 2019 to December 28, 2019, and help Victim Assistance Program earn 5% cash back! Buy store brands at your local ACME and place your receipts in our collection box by February 7, 2019! You can also mail your receipts to us at:
Victim Assistance Program
ATTN: Advancement Department
137 S. South Main Street, Suite 300
Akron, OH 44308
Download the flyer to look at all of the ACME Fresh Market Store Brands!
Save the Date!
December 2, 2019
Save the Date!
March 2, 2019
24-hour Phone & Text Hotline:
24-hour Chat: