Boise, ID -- 04/20/2020 --
Online registration
for Boise School District's 2020 Summer School program is now open.
Following is a brief description of our 2020 summer school programs & some summer school program cancellations.
Alternative Junior High Summer program:
We will offer a Junior High Alternative Summer Program titled ‘Pathways to Promotion' for eligible at-risk students in 7th through 8th grades. Due to current school closures caused by the COVID-19 outbreak our program will be offered online using the online platform
Driver Education Summer Program:
Due to the COVID-19 situation and its uncertainty, Boise School District will not be holding any Summer Driver Education classes. Students who are already assigned to the summer classes will have the option to receive a full refund or have the funds held for one of the classes during the 2020-2021 school year.
Students who are already registered for the summer program and would like a full refund please send an email to
If you would like to be placed in a class next school year, the schedule will be available on the Boise School District
Driver Education website
on August 3rd. Classes will begin after the Labor Day holiday. After reviewing the schedule, please email Mrs. Jennings with your class/location choice.
Elementary Summer School:
At this time, due to ongoing concerns associated with active cases of COVID-19 in the community, Boise School District does not anticipate offering the K-6 Elementary Summer School programs that are traditionally designed to provide focused intervention to eligible students who are underperforming in core content areas.
Extended School Year Summer School:
We are currently planning on offering the 2020 Summer ESY Program from July 6 - July 31, 2020. This program will be offered based on public health recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. We plan to offer ESY at three locations: Grace Jordan and Morley Nelson Elementary Schools and South Jr. High. Student qualification for the Extended School Year Program is determined by the District's Special Education Individualized Education Plan team for each child at their regular Boise School District School during the regular school year.
Traditional Secondary Summer School:
We will offer a variety of classes for students entering grades 7- 12. This program has two 4-week long semesters and students can take up to two classes each semester. We will offer online courses that access curriculum delivered through FuelEd
) and supported by Boise School District teachers who will serve as Teachers of Record and facilitators to the learning.