RMS Summer school information:
If you have been scheduled for summer school you can see the classes on your student/parent portal.
Summer school dates: June 15th-July 19
No School on July 5, 2021
Class Periods (See student or parent portal)
Periods 1/2 8:30 am- 10:30 am
Periods 3/4 10:45 am-12:45 pm
All classes will be in person except the following which will be distance learning.
- Accelerated 7th grade math- Garcia
- Accelerated 8th grade math- Murillo
- All students will need to wear a mask on campus at all times
- Students will need to complete a daily health screening each day before arriving to school( parents can complete for them) SEE BELOW
- Students will have their temperature taken every day
- Students will enter through gate 1 by the cafeteria ( Citronell Ave./Flagpole))
- All Students will exit at gate 3 off Danbridge
- Students will be provided a snack to go if they only have one class and leave at 10:30 am through gate 3
- Students who have two classes will have snacks on campus.