I have 3 children and 11 grandchildren, and I worry very much about their future...not because of climate change, but rather, I fear of the tyranny that is being implemented in the name of climate change.
John Kerry's recent proclamation that we need to focus on reducing emissions in the agriculture sector is the most recent authoritarian approach to control of everything good in America. Do we really want to reduce this country's ability to feed our citizens? The truth is that two generations of Americans have now been so completely immersed in climate change scare tactics that they fear climate change more than they do communism... and that is not a recipe that secures their liberty.
What the radical progressives have cultivated is what I would call "climate derangement syndrome", and it is based on fear and emotion... and obscures the truth. And this summer it has been firing on all cylinders.
News flash: It gets hot in the summer! But you’d never know that listening to the daily breathless hyperbole from the media and climate alarmists this summer!
They are using every hot day as proof of anthropogenic climate change. A record high here, or a heat wave there is apparently justification enough to make you need to give up your gas-powered vehicle, or stop eating meat. Never mind that nothing about this summer is particularly unusual. “Extreme” is the new catch phrase for those who want you to believe it’s hotter than it ever has been, and we are about to spontaneously combust at any moment!
Of course, the term “climate change” is quite convenient as it covers a broad spectrum of situations. If temperatures are really cold… climate change. If it rains too much… climate change. If it rains too little… climate change. But that doesn’t make sense because the entire climate change scheme is predicated upon the hypothesis that increasing CO2 in the atmosphere traps more heat and causes changes in the climate. So, the term climate change really means global warming.
So, using the scientific method, it should be getting hotter and hotter each summer if their hypothesis is to withstand scrutiny, which is why the media and the so-called climate scientists have to use each hot moment of the summer to present false flag arguments to make you believe they are correct. However, there are volumes of science and real data that completely undermine their climate change "data". If you use the scientific method, and your hypothesis is disproven…you must discard it. Period. Yet, they never do.
Our education system has been indoctrinating our youth to believe this climate change nonsense from the first moments they walked into a classroom. After students spend over 13 years in classrooms (16,000 hours) learning not to question the ideology being inculcated by instructors who have no understanding of our climate or atmosphere, human induced climate change becomes ingrained in their minds as accepted truth. It’s difficult for anyone to overcome that kind of brainwashing. Our kids are not armed with facts or a true sense of the scientific method for a reason… it keeps them from doing their own critical thinking.
Climate change is all about feelings instead of facts. Fear motivates, and the climate change narrative is based completely on the fear that humans have irreparably changed the planet. Anyone who truly believes in human induced climate change would genuinely want to help. However, real climate science demonstrates that humans cannot change the climate. Man can change his 'environment' on a limited scale, but environment and 'climate' are not the same thing. The two terms are being conflated to confuse and confound. Climate alarmists know that, and use it to their advantage in their propaganda.
The media hypes the heat every day, and the tortured reports on local and national news suffer from a deficit of truth that is astonishing. The only thing extreme about this summer is the reporting on the summer weather. The media are willing but unwitting accomplices in the destruction of our economy and our freedoms. There is a Non-governmental Organization (NGO), Covering Climate Now, dedicated to helping journalists hype their reporting on climate change and all the major media companies are partners!
The two graphs above show how off-base the argument for reducing CO2 emissions really is. The first graph shows how the climate is portrayed by the media (magnified), and the second graph shows the actual temperature in human experience.
The bottom line is this: We need to reject these tyrannical man-made-climate-change-based policies driving ESG, wind and solar, the EPA, etc., or we will all be serfs sooner, rather than later. It’s your job, home, finances, and freedom at stake.