The Cultivator - August 2021
Caramelized Summer Squash
Pole Beans Forever
Original/Long Handle Giveaway!
The CobraHead Newsletter
After a dry early summer with virtually no mosquitos in our area, heavy August rains brought them out in force. If we want to get any work done in the garden, long sleeves and a mosquito head net are a must.

And naturally, late August is when the garden is absolutely bursting with veggies that have to be picked RIGHT NOW. The kitchen is filled with more tomatoes than we could possibly eat, and Judy has been spending extra hours cooking, canning, and freezing our summer goodness for later months.

Don't forget to enter our monthly giveaway (just reply to this email and request to be entered). As always, feel free to leave us any additional comments when you do!

Like many gardeners, we are overloaded with summer squash and zucchini. Here's a delicious and very easy recipe for using up some yellow squash.

Noel has given up on bush beans. Growing pole beans in our garden is just so much easier. Here he explains why bush beans are history and pole beans are in.

This month three lucky readers will win both a CobraHead Long Handle and a CobraHead Original - a package with a value of $87.95

As usual, all you have to do to enter is to reply to this email and request to be entered into the drawing. If you want to leave any additional comments for us, we love to read them.

We'll do a random drawing of all responses received by Sunday, September, September 5th .

Our winners of the July giveaway were Gioia from Crossville, Tennesse and Matt from Grayson, Georgia; who each received a CobraHead Original and a CobraHead Mini. Thank you to everyone who entered, and we encourage you to try again this month! It is as easy as it gets.

If you are outside the US, we may ask you to pick up extra shipping charges if you want to participate.
Please forward this announcement and our newsletter to your gardening friends.

Questions? Please let us know.