
of the EPL

Chatham, MA

Summer 2024

"Connecting Chatham to the World"

The art of Bob Staake is on display in the Forgeron Room during the month of June!

2024 Poetry Walk

Our popular Poetry Walk will be launched in June at Sylvan Gardens!

Tales in Time 2024 Reading Challenge continues in June with WWI.  Titles are available online or you can pick up a pamphlet, along with your passport, at the Library!

Welcome to the Summer Tidings!

Friends of EPL Annual Meeting with Guest Speaker Bob Staake Tuesday, June 11 @ 4:00 pm

Join the EPL Friends Board for a recap of this past year and meet the incoming  FY25 officers. Following this short business meeting, award winning author and illustrator Bob Staake will present An Afternoon with Bob Staake.  From his best-selling children’s books to award-winning New Yorker covers, Bob Staake’s art may be internationally admired, but it’s all created in Chatham. Join the artist as he takes you on a playfully visual peek inside his studio — and his lively mind. Registration is recommended.

Experience History Weekend June 14-16

Explore the rich and historic treasures of Chatham with special exhibits, tours, events and lectures. Visit Historic Chatham for detailed history weekend hours, locations and events.

Amy Andreasson

Library Director

News from the Trustees

In the last edition of Tidings I discussed the differences between the

the fund raising aims of Friends of the EPL and those of the Trustees, two very separate purposes. In this article I’d like to keep the focus on the Trustees — their composition, their aims, and some recent news.

The Trustees are responsible for administrative policy-making in such areas

as budget, personnel, governance, strategic planning and continuing education. To this end, we try to find people with experience and expertise in these areas who are also community-spirited and “Library-spirited.” In recent years we have been particularly focused on establishing connections with all facets of the Chatham community and with promoting the Library as a vibrant leader in the town. We hope to maintain this perspective in the years to come, and we are always on the lookout for new Trustees who will help us sustain this purpose.

Finally, I’d like to pass on some recent doings on the Board and at the Library. After ten faithful and fruitful years, Dan Brown has retired from the Board, and we will miss his candor, his conscientious involvement, and his inquisitiveness. In March we welcomed Jacques Langerstaey who will ultimately succeed Nick Harris in managing our investment accounts. With both of them, the Library’s financial future is in very capable and experienced hands.

And last, as most of Chatham is aware, the horse chestnut tree has been removed from the front lawn of the Library. While sad, this event clears the way for the landscaping/safety project to move ahead. This EPL/Town project has been in the works for years and has two features: (1) a reconfiguration of the parking lot; and (2) the previously announced improvements to the sidewalks and landscaping surrounding the building. After a long wait, we hope this project will be completed

within the year!

Kerry Brown

President, EPL Board of Trustees                                       

News from the Friends of EPL

As my time as president of the Friends of the Eldredge Public Library winds down, I have much on which to reflect. When I started, we had just come out of Covid and we wanted to resume in-person meetings and encourage patrons to return to the Library. With the guidance of Director Amy Andreasson, our amazing officers and board members planned activities and programs to engage the community.

The Learning Series and our busy book sale both continue to draw in large crowds and we enjoyed the opportunity to participate in Pumpkins in the Park. We were thrilled to welcome back Chatham Reads Poetry in April, with a diverse group of readers sharing their favorite poets. The Volunteer and Staff Appreciation Brunch was a wonderful opportunity to show our gratitude to our dedicated volunteers and library staff. Our inaugural Valentine's Tea in February was a special occasion for Friends members, fostering a sense of community and appreciation. We're excited to announce the return of the popular Books in Bloom event on Sunday, June 23 from 4-6 PM. Each of these events has been instrumental in involving our community more deeply with the library. We look forward to continuing this trend with more exciting programs and events in the future.

Over the last two years many other contributions have been made. The Friends have provided new and much needed technology such as the meeting room owl, computers, monitors, printers and software. We provided meeting room chairs, updated signage throughout the building, museum discount passes, and funded adult and youth programming. We supported the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten initiative, story walk signs, and American Girl dolls that children can check out, and so much more.

Please come and celebrate our 45th anniversary at our Annual Meeting on June 11 at 4:00 pm in the Forgeron Room. We will be electing new officers, enjoying refreshments and listening to an inspiring talk by renowned author and illustrator Bob Staake. I hope to see you all there.

Mary Ann Chamberlain

President, Friends of the Eldredge Public Library

You're Invited to Books in Bloom Sunday, June 23 from 4:00-6:00 pm 

Talented and well-read volunteers will create floral arrangements interpreting a book of their choosing. The professionally catered event is open to all, with a donated admission cost of $20. Tickets are on sale now at the Library and at the door on the day of the event.  New this year, enter into a drawing to win one of two flower arrangements donated by local professional florists.

Greetings from Youth Services!

Hear ye, hear ye! The Eldredge Public Library is seeking trailblazers, explorers, wanderers, and voyagers of all ages. Embark on an unforgettable journey this summer with Eldredge Public Library’s 2024 summer reading program, Adventure Begins At Your Library—where every story opens a door to new worlds and endless possibilities! In fact, adventures can be found throughout the Library, in books, movies, games, and your own imagination.

We’re thrilled to join forces this summer with our 2024 community partner, the Chatham Conservation Foundation. Together, we hope to spark a love of exploration and adventure in readers of all ages through our collaborative activities, events, and stories.

The 2024 Adventure Begins At Your Library summer reading program runs July 9th through August 9th and is open to children, tweens, teens, and young adults.

  • Summer reading program registration is in-person at our kickoff event on Tuesday, July 9th, or any time after that in Youth Services.
  • Earn “Adventure Awards” for completing a minimum of 120 minutes of reading and participating in at least one “Adventure Activity” each week.
  • Programs will be held at the EPL and at the Chatham Conservation Foundation trails.
  • We also will be holding multiple virtual author talks with the writers of some of our favorite middle grade, graphic novel, and young adult books.
  • The summer calendar will be available on June 15th in Youth Services and on our website.
  • Teen & Tween; Tween Night is every Tuesday evening for students in grades 5 through 12!
  • Registration for July activities will open on June 15th on our website and registration for August activities will open on July 15th

We are so grateful to the Friends of the EPL for their generous support of our summer reading program! Stay tuned to www.eldredgelibrary.org and our social media.

Museum Passes

Looking for adventures for your guests this summer? Thanks to the generosity of the Friends, the EPL offers 17 museum discount passes. Reserve your pass online or stop by the Library! Newly added this year is Atwood Museum in Chatham, Pilgrim Monument and Provincetown Museum and Harvard Museums.

FEPL Book Sale

Make sure to visit the FEPL Book Sale located downstairs in the Forgeron Room! We are featuring a discount in June on hobby and gardening books. We also have a new, large supply of DVD’s, CD’s and Audio Books. Selection changes often! Call ahead for book sale hours @ 508-945-5170.

Happy 45th Anniversary to the Friends of the Library!

Thank you for being a Friends member and supporting the EPL! Look for your annual renewal in your mailbox in July!

Not a Friend yet? Join today!

View our June programming newsletter! to see all our upcoming programs and events.


Judy Lannon


June 7

@11:30 am

Author Judith Partelow


June 10

@ 2:00 pm

Historic Cemeteries


June 13

@ 5:00 pm

Microadventures in Massachusetts


June 17

@ 2:00 pm


Eric Jay Dolin


June 27

@ 5:00 pm

See ALL of our upcoming programs - including the Virtual Speakers Series (which includes Matt Shindell, Freida McFadden and Tiffany Jewell)

Our ongoing programs for June include:

Please see our June Adult Calendar for dates, times and registration information.

Eldredge Public Library