July 9, 2020

Dear St. Martin’s Families,

I hope this message finds you and your children well following the recent holiday weekend. I am writing to share the latest update about our plan to reopen St. Martin’s on September 8. We intend to open for all students, five days per week, in a healthy and safe manner.  

Our Return Task Force meets weekly and continues to research, monitor, and adapt safety guidelines and protocols with recommendations from multiple sources: CDC, WHO, Association of Independent Maryland Schools, MSDE, the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland, and state and local agencies. We are preparing a Reopening Framework document which will include more details and will be sent at the end of this month. We will also host additional Parent Forums on Zoom to address our plans and answer questions after those plans are shared. As always, we welcome your input.

To date, the following measures will be taken to provide a safe and healthy learning environment and to mitigate the potential spread of the virus at St. Martin’s:

  • Maintain classes at recommended number and use of other spaces as needed
  • Requirement of face coverings for all students as age-appropriate
  • Temperature checking and recording during carpool before exiting cars
  • Use of multiple entry and exit points for arrival and dismissal times
  • Maximize interior space to ensure zoning for Preschool, Lower School and Middle School
  • Provide supplies for students to have individual, rather than shared, supplies.
  • Modify classrooms and gathering spaces to meet social distancing
  • Specials classes held in classrooms to minimize movement, and chapel by division with Preschool chapel held in the classroom.
  • Hand-washing/sanitizing upon arrival. Hand sanitizing stations throughout building
  • Strategically placed and student-friendly health and safety signage
  • Increased outdoor time to learn, play, and eat
  • Isolated space for anyone showing symptoms to wait for pick-up
  • Enhanced cleaning by staff and cleaning company with regular wipe-down of high touch areas
  • Students and staff will only be permitted in building
  • Refinement of distance teaching and learning practices should we need to pivot again

Most importantly, we will be counting on your help and understanding to bring these new measures, protocols, and policies to fruition. As you know, the situation is fluid and guidance will likely evolve as we approach September. To that end, we intend to continue our communication with developing plans and will be responsive to your questions. Please look for another update from us again at the end of July.  

Two key advantages of St. Martin's are its small size and its responsive culture, two factors which allowed us to adapt well to the challenges experienced last spring.

We thank you for your support as we eagerly and thoughtfully prepare to welcome your children back to campus.

Take good care,

Jamey Hein
Head of School