August 12, 2022
Dear IDEAL Community:
I hope you have all had a fantastic and restful summer so far. We are looking forward to welcoming our students back next month. While we continue to plan for the coming year, we want to share some updates on partnerships and upcoming events.
Empowered Sports & Fitness
Next Steps is partnering once weekly with Empowered Sports & Fitness, which provides inclusive movement opportunities for athletes of all ages and abilities. They will work with our students on a customized program that takes individual needs into account, leaving our students feeling happy, confident, and proud of their accomplishments.
By the Way Bakery
Next Steps students will continue their partnership with this kosher and gluten-free bakery, placing and delivering weekly orders on behalf of staff, students, and families.
The College of Mount Saint Vincent–Bridge Program
Next Steps students will have the opportunity to audit a course at TCMSV-Bridge, an inclusive postsecondary program located in the Bronx. Participating students will engage in a life skills academic course, travel to and from the campus and enjoy lunch with peers in the college’s dining hall.
Other Transition Programs
Next Steps will regularly engage with students from other local transition programs in order to foster social skills and connect with students beyond IDEAL.
Important Dates
September 12, 2022: Runway of Dreams
Next Steps students have the opportunity to view and even walk the red carpet at an inclusive fashion show during New York Fashion Week!
October 2, 2022: Ballet Hispanico Block Party
Next Steps students will volunteer at this annual block party located at 89th Street between Amsterdam and Columbus Avenues.
October 6, 2022: Karaoke Party
Next Steps will host a karaoke party at IDEAL’s Upper School, inviting students from outside organizations and transition programs.
October 13, 2022: Picnic and Games in Central Park
Next Steps will join another local transition program in Central Park for social bonding, games, and a picnic lunch!
October 27, 2022: High School School Dance
Next Steps students will join the High School for a dance in the Upper School gym from 6-8 PM.
Please reach out if you have any questions or would like to learn more about our program, events, and partnerships.
Thank you,
Ryan Zaccaro
Director of the Next Steps Transition Program
The IDEAL School of Manhattan