Welcome our Summer Policy & Advocacy Fellow, Tavon Betts

Tavon is a Leadership for Educational Equity (LEE) member and MAPCS Summer Policy & Advocacy Fellow. The fellowship is an 8-week, time hands on experience allowing for fellows to apply their leadership skills and passion for equity, while challenging fellows to think like education policymakers. During the year, Tavon proudly serves as the Director of New Teacher Support & Alumni Relations at City Teaching Alliance (formerly known as Urban Teachers.) In this role, he works collaboratively with school leaders, CTAs Instructional Coaches and City Schools to help envision and execute solutions that make a difference for educators. Tavon is a proud Baltimorean and before retuning home to Baltimore, he served as the Director of Youth and Family Ministries in Georgia; Human Service Advocate; Preschool Teacher; SEL Resource teacher; Educational non-profit leader. His recreational passions include journaling, kayaking, journaling, SEC football (GO DAWGS!) and enjoying baseball- Go O's.

We look forward to seeing everyone's Operations personnel tomorrow at the Summer Ops Workshop from 10am -3pm.

This will be the first time that operations folks have met in person, and the topics are Time and Task Management, Difficult Conversations, and Effective Systems Plans.

Erica Minor from Premier School Operations will be facilitating the day. We'll be in the MAPCS conference rooms in Baltimore.

Registration is closed but contact Stephanie directly if you have someone that you still want to go but haven't registered. (443.857.8561)


MAPCS Staff attended the National Charter School Conference, and they picked up some resource to share. To include exhibitor flyers on CTE, Enrollment, Tech and more; succession planning spreadsheet; and a Leadership Assessment matrix. You can find them here.

Save the Dates

Have you heard the good news!?

Maryland Alliance of Public Charter Schools (MAPCS) has partnered with the Center for Black Educator Development (CBED) to offer a series of events to generate and support a diverse pipeline of charter educators throughout Maryland.

Wednesday, October 11th at 9:30 am to 11:00 am

Recognizing and Redressing Bias in the System in/adjacent to our Educational System 

  • Identify the difference between addressing and redressing bias.   
  • Explore strategies for addressing and redressing bias.  

Audience: Leadership, Operator staff

Wednesday, October 15th 9:30 am to 11:00 am

Draw on Students’ Culture and Knowledge to Inform Curriculum and Instruction

Audience: New Hires, Student Teachers/Prospective Pipeline Participants


Understanding the Tenets/Nuance of Micro Aggression(s) and Its Impact on Diverse Learners

Audience: All-Operators, New Hires, Prospective Pipeline Participants

Wednesday, October 18th at 3pm to 4:30 pm

Collaborate with Families and the Local Community  

  • Review and evaluate current methods of collaborating with families.   
  • Examine the difference between family/community involvement, engagement and partnership.  
  • Examine ways to strengthen relationships and engagement with families.   
  • Cultivate 1 job embedded action, that elevates your practice along the family engagement continuum. 

Audience: New Hires, New Schools, Operator Staff, Community Schools Coordinators


New Ops employee at your school? You can share this link so they can join the Maryland Operations Listserve (Please indicate your role and charter school in your request).

This work is funded by the MSDE Charter School Program (CSP) Grant
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