August 2023
Recent News from eHLbc
eHLbc Members Envision the Consortium's Future
Thank you to everyone who attended the eHLbc Strategic Framework Event on June 9, 2023 in downtown Vancouver. At this facilitated strategic planning session, representatives from eHLbc member organizations were invited to share their perspectives on the consortium's future.

Attendees' enthusiastic participation and active engagement at the event helped clarify the strategic directions and priorities for eHLbc activities, ensuring that the consortium continues to meet the evolving needs of its members.

This strategic planning process will result in a new eHLbc Strategic Framework. A draft of the Strategic Framework will be shared with the eHLbc membership later this year.
Now Available: Year in Review 2022
eHLbc’s Year in Review 2022 (accessible version) is now available!

This annual report includes:
  • An infographic about the value of eHLbc participation
  • Summaries of 2022 accomplishments by core area
  • A look ahead to eHLbc activities for 2023 
  • Financials: 2021/22 actual and 2022/23 projected

The Year in Review demonstrates the value the consortium brings to health and post-secondary communities across BC and the Yukon. We hope you enjoy reading the report and encourage you to pass it along to administrators and colleagues.
Recordings Available for eHLbc Learning Opportunities
Looking to expand your skills using DynaMed for point-of-care clinical queries? Need a refresher on advanced searching in Ovid MEDLINE? There's a Learning Opportunity for that!

eHLbc’s Learning Opportunities series supports professional development among member staff by providing online training on eHLbc resources. A repository of recordings of past sessions is available to member staff on the Learning Opportunities page of the eHLbc website (login required).

Recent Learning Opportunities available for viewing include:

Supporting Clinicians with eHLbc EBSCO Resources – June 29, 2023
  • An EBSCO Physician Consultant discusses a sample case presentation and demonstrates how DynaMed can support clinicians at the point of care in the evaluation, diagnosis, and management of the case.

Ovid MEDLINE and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) – April 4, 2023
  • A review of advanced searching and MeSH in Ovid MEDLINE

Using the PICO Search Model Across the EBSCO Core Suite Resources – October 25, 2022
  • An introduction to the PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) search model and an overview of clinical content across EBSCO resources in the Core Suite.
New Resource Supports Members with ConsortiaManager
ConsortiaManager logo
The eHLbc Admin Centre has recently released a ConsortiaManager Guide for eHLbc Affiliate Members.
The guide provides Affiliate Members with a quick and accessible overview of ConsortiaManager, eHLbc's licensing management software.

This quick guide can help with:
  • Logging into ConsortiaManager
  • Creating, editing, and deleting user accounts
  • Updating organizational information
  • Customizing email notification settings
  • Managing subscriptions
  • Viewing and understanding invoices

In the spirit of equity, the guide is tailored to the needs of Affiliate Members who may be less familiar with licensing tools and processes. However, the guide may be of interest to any eHLbc member staff looking for a quick overview of ConsortiaManager.

Visit the Training & Support page on the eHLbc website to view the ConsortiaManager Guide for eHLbc Affiliate Members and other essential guides and support resources.

If you have any questions, contact Reba Ouimet, eHLbc Licensing Coordinator.
Farewell Anita
As we approach Anita Cocchia's retirement this summer, the eHLbc community came together to celebrate her illustrious career on June 9th. Anita has played a foundational role in eHLbc since the very beginning; she was active in the creation of eHLbc in 2006, steered the consortium's successful transfer from the BC Academic Health Council to SFU in 2013, and led the negotiating team for the first Core Suite and each subsequent renewal.

Anita's leadership has ensured that for the past 17 years, eHLbc members' students, researchers, and practitioners have had consistent access to critical health information resources.

Best wishes and congratulations on your retirement, Anita!
Debbie Schachter, Management Committee Chair, presenting Anita with a retirement gift.
eHLbc Administrative Centre staff
celebrating with Anita.