Hello, Trinity Family!

Within the next few weeks, the school year and normal household routines will be back in full swing. Thankfully, we’ve spent our summer cultivating a new discipline for daily Bible reading we can carry with us all year long. Let’s keep spending time in the gospels this month, learning from the life of Jesus—The Living Expression of God’s glory.
This week, we move further into the Gospel of John, which unveils the Son of God as The One bringing light and life to people everywhere. While the other three Gospels have presented more of a historical account of Jesus, John’s gospel unveils the mystery and person of Christ. Through miracle after miracle, Jesus is seen as the Lamb of God, The Good Shepherd, The King Forever, the Tender Healer, the Compassionate Intercessor, and The Great I Am. To read John’s gospel is to encounter Jesus. Make this your goal as you read this month.
Below is this week's daily Bible Reading Plan. Tag  @trinity_online  or use the  #tcbiblereading  when sharing your rediscovery of how valuable, practical and powerful God’s Word is.

Pastor Jim  

Extra Reading:  

Our daily reading of Psalms and Proverbs has truly enriched our Summer Bible Reading experience. Let’s continue soaking in the treasures found in these books for growing in wisdom and passion in our walk with the Lord.
Below is this week's daily reading plan:
Week 11 Bible Reading Plan
(Friday, August 10 - Thursday, Aug 16)
Click on the links
Fri, August 10
The Gospels
Sat, August 11
The Gospels
Sun, August 12
The Gospels
Mon, August 13
The Gospels
Tues, August 14
The Gospels
Wed, August 15
The Gospels
Thur, August 16
The Gospels
Weekly Prayer:
Father, I am hugely grateful for the gift of Your one and only Son, Jesus, our Bread of Heaven who came to feed His life to the world. Thank You, Jesus, for making a way for me to draw near each day and be satisfied. You embrace me in love and never turn me away. May I never come looking for You, Lord, because of what You can give or do for me. May my desire for You always be compelled by true love. I don’t want to nourish my life with food that is perishable. I desire to spend my energy passionately seeking the food of everlasting life only You give. Holy Spirit, help unite my heart to Jesus and believe in His person, His power and His promises so I can experience Your abundant, supernatural life. I want to live for what matters most and fulfill God’s purposes for my life on this earth. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

Weekly Memory Verse(s): 

God did not send his Son into the world to judge and condemn the world, but to be its Savior and rescue it! - John 3:17

It’s here in your presence, in your sanctuary,
    where I learn more of your ways.
    For holiness is revealed in everything you do. - Psalm 77:13a

But a life lived loving God bears lasting fruit,
    for the one who is truly wise wins souls. - Proverbs 11:30

Daily Prayer:
Thank You, Father, that Your Word is not a collection of dead letters; it’s the Living Expression of Your Glory; it’s Jesus Himself! I’m grateful that as I read and study the Living Word, I can discover more and more of Jesus’ heart and His ways. Holy Spirit, as I meditate on these living letters, lead me into a greater revelation and encounter with Jesus as the Lamb of God, The Good Shepherd, The King Forever, the Tender Healer, the Compassionate Intercessor, and The Great I Am. I also want to demonstrate Christ in each of these ways to the world around me, so they will see and know that You are the way, the truth and the life. In His name I pray, Amen.