Summer Fun Still to Come
Don't count summer out just yet! Get in all your summer reading days ahead (nab our Summer Reading for Grown Ups books for your last chance at a beachy, bookish giveaway), join us on our lawn for summer story times, get out to the theatre for our pop-up shop at Connecticut Shakespeare Festival, find us at the Farmers Market, and fall in love with some great Bookstore Romance Day events. — Before you start thinking about getting ready for school and the chill of fall.

Speaking of school though, we're lining up some great authors for exciting virtual visits to make going back to class all the more fun. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer and keep on reading!

— the River Bend booksellers
Get Outside and Shine
There's still plenty of time to get out and enjoy the great outdoors before the chill of autumn brings us inside. Get out there and soak up the sunshine and take some of these great books to throw in your go bag and inspire you!

Book Events
Celebrating Local Authors
River Bend will be highlighting local authors with a new venture coming this September. Author's Stage at the Glastonbury Art Festival on the Green will feature readings from books, short stories, essays, and poetry at the Literary Arts Stage at Hubbard Green. Writers from our abundantly talented community will be on hand to discuss and sign their books. Come celebrate with us!
Meet Our Booksellers
What We're Currently Reading
In case you missed it, author/book lover Barack Obama selected some of his favorite recent reads. See the Obama 2021 Summer Reading List and call the shop for some of our favorites!