• New Opportunities to "Learn, Pray, Act"
  • Outdoor Worship Begins July 11
  • Welcoming a familiar face
  • Live "Pura Vida"
  • Goodbye to Rev. Darren
  • Happy Birthday to you!
  • & more
Tune in this week for
Online Worship
Sunday, June 28
Watch on YouTube beginning at 10 AM or anytime after

In hearing God’s call through the Holy Spirit convicting the hearts of your clergy and staff, we are embarking on intentionally learning, praying, and acting for our part in addressing racism and racial reconciliation. We do this as a constituent part of participating in God’s mission to restore all people to unity with God and one another in Christ. We hope you will join us as journey together.
Listen & Learn: Thursday, June 25, 7:00 PM
Join Rev. Shirley on Zoom for the next "Learn" sessions. We will listen to a 5 minute story of a person of color who has offered their story so that others may understand. Thursday's witness comes from Melanie Davis, friend of Rev. Shirley’s and church member at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, Williamsburg. All are welcome to this holy space. Get the link in Realm Events or contact staff.

Watch "Sacred Ground"
This film-based dialogue series on Race and Faith, Sacred Ground, is a sensitive, prayerful resource that creates space for difficult but respectful and transformative dialogue on race and racism. MORE


Walk the Trail of Enslaved Africans (A.K.A. the Richmond Slave Trail). MORE
We’re delighted to announce that Rev. Shirley has engaged Michael Compton, PhD, for a limited term to assist with duties in the worship and pastoral care areas while we reassess staffing needs in light of Rev. Darren’s departure and continue to adapt the church to ongoing COVID realities. For more information about what Michael will do, click here . Michael will begin Monday, June 29. His term is renewable on a monthly basis for up to three months. Thank you CCE for making it possible, even in uncertain times, to continue together doing God’s ministry in the name of Jesus Christ.
Starts July 1, 9:30 AM
All women are invited to a laid-back discussion series   this summer as we read  Recreating Pura Vida  written by fellow CCE parishioner, Jennifer Sullivan. Starting on July 1, the group will meet virtually every Wednesday from 9:30-11:30 AM and each session is designed to stand independently, so you don't need to be present each week to participate. Newcomers are welcome at any time.

Recreating Pura Vida  is an introspective workbook designed to promote meaningful contemplation and conversation. What does "the pure life" mean? What can we learn from the culture of a third-world country which has consistently been ranked Number One on the Happy Planet Index, as measured by the New Economics Foundation? Each chapter is a short, one-page essay and all women are invited. For questions and to reserve your workbook, please contact Becky Hansell.
Our dear Rev. Darren has decided to boldy go into a new adventure as a chaplain at St. Christopher's School. His last worship service will be July 5. In the Episcopal Church, it is the custom to honor and support our clergy when they accept a new call. One way we do this is to collect a purse -- a non-deductible monetary gift to be given in gratitude and thanksgiving.

Ways to Contribute:
  • Give securely online here
  • Text "CCE Darren" to 73256
  • Mail in a check with "Darren" in the memo line to 5000 Pouncey Tract Road, Glen Allen, VA 23059
Outdoor Worship Opportunity is scheduled for July 11
While we’re waiting for authorization to regather inside the church for worship, we are working on a plan to worship outdoors. A team of staff and lay leaders is working to get us ready for this opportunity. Our first Outdoor Worship Service is scheduled for Saturday, July 11, at 4 PM. Stay tuned for more details! Please keep this process in your prayers as we work to make this a safe and meaningful opportunity. We will continue to stream worship online for those who are guarding their health closely.
Online Norms Help Us Live in Christian Community
Years ago we adopted the practice of holding ourselves and others accountable to a short list of norms for in-person and online gatherings. Your clergy and staff read these, together, every week. These norms act as a gentle guide to be our best selves as we attempt to do God's Kingdom Work together. Please take a moment to review the norms and open yourself to the opportunity to care for yourself and others when meeting as a group.

  • Speak with care: Picture the faces of the people in the group and the impact your pics and messages might have on them.
  • Respect each other's time: For online meetings, start and end on time and stick to the subject at hand.
  • Share the room: Take care not to dominate the “talking” and seek out the input of those who are quiet.
  • Quiet is O.K. Listening is a legitimate way to participate in a group. No one is forced to share.Refrain from judging: Resist speculation about the motives or spiritual maturity of others.
  • Respect all opinions: Respectfully include all opinions in the discussion, even when there is disagreement.
  • Not yet perfect: Forbear and forgive each other’s shortcomings, with God’s help. Less can be more.Be thoughtful about the number of messages you send.
  • Keep on keepin’ on: Spiritual work sometimes leads us to uncomfortable places or feelings. Stick with it and stick with the group, and let God show you the way.
  • Please observe these norms to your best ability, be brave in checking in with one another to see how well you’re keeping them, and let your leaders know if you need help.
Thank you for your efforts as we take the next steps toward our Living Community
Thank you for participating in the recent information sessions and congregational vote to approve the new Living Community at Christ Church. We're currently taking the next steps to make real the dream of affordable housing for seniors and neuro-diverse adults. We will share updates along the way and we welcome your prayers as the project unfolds. We look forward to doing this ministry together!
Happy Birthday to You!
Help us! We’d like to have your birthday on file in our private database for a couple of reasons….
It has long been a CCE tradition to list birthdays in the bulletin. We have missed seeing these weekly opportunities to offer a prayer of blessing for our church friends! We’d like to start listing birthdays in the Realm Newsfeed so we can celebrate these milestones with one another. And, Lordy, Lordy, we aren’t telling anyone who’s forty! We promise to publish the month and date only.
Another reason we’d like your full birthday is so we can better serve you. We use this data to create meaningful formation opportunities, offer the best pastoral care, and hone our communication strategies to things that matter to you. Please share your full birthday with us.  Click here for instructions for updating your Realm profile or simply email Laura McNally.
Ways to Gather with Others
Join Rev. Richard at 11 AM this Sunday for an informal time of fellowship. Stop by and say hi to your church friends! The Zoom link can be found in Realm Events.

Join Rev. Darren via Zoom for an evening compline service Mondays at 9 PM. The link can be found in Realm Events.

Join others online for a morning prayer service each Wednesday at 8 AM. No experience or materials are needed; we will read from the screen together, provided by the host. The link can be found in Realm Events.

Virginia Institute of Pastoral Care (VIPCARE) provides services for everyone. They are currently providing mental health services at their offices and through telehealth. Find out more here.
Ways to Serve
Join the Missions & Outreach Network Group in Realm for updates and more detailed information
*New* Shalom Farms Dates and More!
Join the group to connect to serving opportunities and get real-time updates. Staff and lay members are posting new ways to serve every few days. Log in to Realm, click "Find Groups" under Groups, and search for Missions and Outreach Network. Or you can ask clergy to put you in the group.

Join the "Makers Group" in Realm to stay up to date on mask-making, meal service, and more for folks who love to work with their hands. Log in to Realm, click Find Groups under Groups, and search for Missions and Outreach Network. Or you can ask clergy to put you in the group

Visit Together One Region , a website devoted to helping others in the greater Richmond region. Click here and bookmark this link so you can return to it.
Youth are connecting each week at the (Virtual) Garage. Encourage your student to tune in and make sure you're receiving the Garage Weekly Newsletter.
Youth and youth families, please follow youth ministry updates and online formation opportunities for students of all ages on Facebook , Zoom, and Instagram.

And make sure you're receiving and reading the Garage Weekly Newsletter . It's full of news and resources for youth families. Contact Adam to have your email address added to the mailing list.
Get news and updates from the Diocese of Virginia
Our Bishops and Diocesan staffers are sharing pastoral messages and newsy updates every week. Click here to view the archives and also consider signing up to receive them in your email inbox .
Get by with a little help from Realm
Realm is our online program. Click here for a few tips and please reach out to clergy and staff if you need help.
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Always Inviting • Growing Deeper • Serving Others • Christ Church Episcopal