19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 11, 2024
"And be kind to one another, compassionate,
forgiving one another as God has forgiven you in Christ." (Eph 4:30)
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In this edition:
Back-to-School Drive
Solemnity of the Assumption
Classes on The Book of Revelation
Clases de Inglés
Social Justice Lecture and Retreat
ADW Retreat for Survivors of Abuse
Cathedral Book Club
OCIA & Children's Faith Formation sign-ups
& more
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Let us pray:
—for the sick, especially Colleen Michelle Crown, Anne Mitchell, Catherine Parello, Luis Miguel Silva, Maria da Silva, Francisca Granados Flores, Soila Manchame, Sofía Valero, Dorianne Alvarado, Donald Klawiter, Halina Mielnik, and Camilia Juber Carmona.
—for the recently deceased, especially Nancy Porter, Reverend James P. Holloway, and Ralph E. Gauvey.
To add a name to the prayer list of the sick or recently deceased, email Msgr. Jameson. If asking for prayers for a person who is sick, please first get their permission.
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Weekend Mass Times
Saturday, August 10 at 5:30pm
Sunday, August 11 at 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm (en español) & 5:30pm
Online Offertory: PayPal | Faith Direct
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Join Us on the Solemnity of the Assumption August 15 |
Join us on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a holy day of obligation. Cardinal Gregory celebrates the 12:10pm Mass.
Wednesday, August 14 at 5:30pm (Vigil Mass), and
Thursday, August 15 Masses at 7:30am, 12:10pm (Cardinal Gregory) (livestreamed), 5:30pm & 7pm (Spanish) (no 11am Confessions or Adoration)
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Last Weekend! Adopt-a-Family Back-to-School Drive
It's time for the Social Justice and Community Service Committee Back-to-School Gift Card Drive August 10/11. Donate a Walmart gift card of $25 to $50 in value or give a monetary donation. Checks can be made out to St. Matthew's Cathedral, Memo: Back to School. Monetary donations will be gratefully collected at the end of Mass the weekend of August 10/11. Donate online or in person.
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Social Justice Lecture Series
Guest Speaker Heather Kinney
Join us Tuesday, August 21, 7 to 8:30pm in the North Conference Room for a lecture on Catholic Social Teachings and the question of "What role do they play in our lives as Catholics?" This lecture is designed to be informative and to help better connect you with our faith. More information can be found on the Cathedral website.
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St. Matthew's Social Justice Retreat
Our annual Social Justice Retreat is coming on Saturday, September 7, from 10am to 3pm. Deepen your connection to our shared community at this free retreat at the Franciscan Monastery in Northeast DC, accessible by both car and public transportation. Together, we'll reflect on our responsibilities as Catholics and renew our commitment to serving our community. More information can be found on the Cathedral website.
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Homebound Ministry
We are collecting names and addresses of homebound parishioners who would appreciate a visit and communion from one of our priests or homebound ministers. Please pass along details for individuals interested in receiving a visit to Fr. Joe McHenry via his email: jmchenry@stmatthewscathedral.org.
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As the Church continues to minister to all survivors of abuse, the Archdiocese of Washington is sponsoring a retreat for survivors. The archdiocese will offer a women’s retreat on September 20-22, 2024, and April 4-6, 2025. Men’s retreat, January 17-19, 2025.This retreat is an occasion for survivors to reflect on God’s plan for their lives and for healing through prayer and the sacraments. To register email mcdonald@adw.org. READ MORE HERE | | |
Spiritual Readings Selected by Fr. Joe McHenry
From a Letter by St. Maximilian Kolbe
Feast Day August 14
Obedience is the one and the only way of wisdom and prudence for us to offer glory to God. If there were another, Christ would certainly have shown it to us by word and example. Scripture, however, summed up his entire life at Nazareth in the words: He was subject to them; Scripture set obedience as the theme of the rest of his life, repeatedly declaring that he came into the world to do his Father’s will. Let us love our loving Father with all our hearts. Let our obedience increase that love, above all when it requires us to surrender our own will. Jesus Christ crucified is our sublime guide toward growth in God’s love. We will learn this lesson more quickly through the Immaculate Virgin, whom God has made the dispenser of his mercy. It is beyond all doubt that Mary’s will represents to us the will of God himself. By dedicating ourselves to her we become in her hands instruments of God’s mercy even as she was such an instrument in God’s hands. We should let ourselves be guided and led by Mary and rest quiet and secure in her hands. She will watch out for us, provide for us, answer our needs of body and spirit; she will dissolve all our difficulties and worries. READ ABOUT ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE (Vatican News, 14 August 2021.)
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Apocalypse Now! Approaching The Book of Revelation
Experience the Book of Revelation in a series of classes,
August 20 and 27, September 3 and 10, (four Tuesday nights),
7 to 8:30pm in the East Conference Room.
For more information, contact L.J. Milone, Director of Faith Formation: ljmilone@stmatthewscathedral.org or at 202-347-3215.
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Online Registration Open
Our Faith Formation Office invites online registration for St. Matthew's Adult Initiation (OCIA, or Order of Christian Initiation) and for our Children's Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation programs for the upcoming year:
Call for Catechists
For the Children's Faith Formation 2024 - 2025 year we need two catechists. If you are interested in serving as a catechist, please email L.J. Milone, Director of Faith Formation, or call him at 202-347-3215 x 530.
A catechist is a person of faith who hands on the living experience of the Gospel, which is the mystery of God’s love for us. A catechist, most importantly, prays. The catechist also studies the Gospel, spiritual texts, and theology, develops appropriate teaching skills and nurtures his or her spiritual life and personal faith formation. Could this be you?
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Meditation on Zoom
Drop in for a meditation session offered by L.J. Milone twice a week on Zoom (Sunday afternoons at 1:30pm and Wednesday evenings at 8pm).
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Mystical Word: A Weekly Reflection
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Let's Get Reading!
The Cathedral Book Club meets on Thursday, September 26, 2024, in the West Conference Room, 7 to 8pm, to discuss "The Afternoon of Christianity: The Courage to Change," by Tomáš Halík.
Let's get reading so you can join the discussion and sharing, led by Fr. Jack Hurley!
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Domingo XIX del Tiempo Ordinario en español
11 de agosto
Misa en español a la 1pm
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Suspensión de las transmisiones en vivo de las misas dominicales
Nuestras transmisiones en vivo de las misas de los domingos a las 11am (inglés) y 1pm (español) en el canal de YouTube de la Catedral se suspenderán en julio y agosto de 2024, con la posibilidad de reanudarse en septiembre. Vuelva a consultar a finales de agosto para ver las actualizaciones.
Participe como voluntario en el equipo de transmisión en vivo de la Catedral
¿Tiene experiencia en el manejo de equipos de transmisión en vivo o está interesado en recibir capacitación para ayudar con la transmisión en vivo de las misas dominicales de San Mateo? Póngase en contacto con Mons. Jameson o Fatima Aybar para obtener más información o para ser voluntario.
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Misa por la Asunción de la Santísima Virgen María, (Día Santo de Obligación) miércoles, 14 de agosto a las 5:30pm (Misa de Vigilia), Misas del jueves 15 de agosto a las 7:30am, 12:10pm (Cardenal Gregory) (transmitido en vivo), 5:30pm y 7pm (español) (no hay confesiones o adoración a las 11am)
Grupo de Oración en español los martes a las 7pm, salón de conferencias del oeste.
Santo Rosario por teléfono en español – todos los días a las 3pm (347-378-0694, PIN 283 201 937#).
Para más información envíe un email a Fátima Aybar o llame a la oficina de la rectoría al 202-347-3215.
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Dona en línea o en persona
¡Contribuya a la campaña de este año para equipar a los estudiantes para la escuela! Done en línea o en persona (10/11 de agosto). Dona una tarjeta de regalo de Walmart de $25 a $50 o haz una donación monetaria. Los cheques se pueden hacer a nombre de la Catedral de San Mateo, Memo: Regreso a la escuela. Las donaciones monetarias se recogerán con gratitud al final de la Misa 10 y 11 de agosto.
Para más información envíe un email a Fatima Aybar o llame a la oficina de la rectoría al 202-347-3215.
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Clases de Inglés
Las inscripciones se abren el 5 de septiembre
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Sunday Night with C†YA
Join us Sunday nights at 6:30pm, following the 5:30pm Mass, in the North Conference Room. Meet other Catholics, talk about the faith, and build friendships!
Tuesday Happy Hour
Come for a C†YA Happy Hour at 6:30pm on Tuesday, August 20. Please join our WhatsApp group for up-to-the-minute details!
C†YA Book Club
The C†YA Book Club meets once a month (join our Book Club WhatsApp Group for dates and location). We pick a book related to Catholicism—from fiction with Catholic themes to a history of the early church—read independently, and then meet up to discuss the book. Future book suggestions welcome.
Let's Stay Connected
C†YA uses a WhatsApp Community to plan future events, post updates, and stay in touch! Join using this link. You can also follow C†YA on Instagram and Facebook for events and news from our community.
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Cathedral Parish Choirs
St. Matthew's Schola Cantorum, Contemporary Choir, and Spanish Choir are on hiatus, returning Sunday, September 22 for the Feast of St. Matthew.
Auditions for the Schola's Fall Season
The Schola Cantorum has openings for experienced singers in all voice parts. Prospective singers must have significant adult choral experience, good sight-reading skills, and a pleasant, agile voice. The commitment of time and focused energy is significant, particularly at Christmas and Holy Week. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings, 7 - 8:30pm in the weeks when the choir is singing. Contact Tom Stehle for more information or to arrange an audition. READ ABOUT OUR CHOIRS
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Volunteer with Cathedral Livestreaming Team
Do you have experience operating livestreaming equipment, or are you interested in being trained to assist with St. Matthew’s livestreaming of Sunday Masses? Contact Msgr. Jameson for more information or to volunteer.
July & August Suspension of Livestreams
Our Sunday 11am (English) and 1pm (Spanish) Masses livestreams on the Cathedral YouTube channel will be suspended in July and August 2024, with the possibility of resuming in September. Check back in late August for updates.
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See you 'round the Cathedral! | | | | |