What's New at the ACFP and In Health Care
Message from the Executive Director—What's happening at the ACFP?
The staff at the ACFP are working hard to prepare programs and services for you, our members. As always, we strive to ensure that the family physician voiceis part of the ongoing system improvements.

I am most excited about three things currently on our minds and desks:

PEIP Get together and learn!
The upcoming Practical Evidence for Informed Practice has launched early bird registration. Read on for more information about the PEIP conference.

Our New Website is Under Construction
We are redesigning our ACFP website to be better than ever! Find out more about these exciting developments.

Leading the Crisis Response
The Primary Health Care Opioid Response Initiative is being led by a secretariat housed within the ACFP office. Our small-but-mighty office is managing the coordinated response between the AMA, AHS (Addiction and Mental Health; Primary Health Care), Alberta Health, the PEER team, and the ACFP. Read more about our work with the PHC-ORI.

I am honoured to serve as your Executive Director and, with the support of an amazing staff team and Board of Directors, we have been able to accomplish so much and will continue to do so in the future. Continue reading.
Registration for the 2018 PEIP Conference is Now Open!
Don't delay, visit our event website to begin your registration! Available in-person and by webcast, you can choose how you participate.

PEIP is applicable to the entire primary care team and highlights focused reviews that combine evidence, experience, and patient values.

Download the conference brochure or visit our conference schedule page for more information about this year's program, including a new pre-conference session (in-person only) on treating opioid use disorder in primary care.
Mainpro + ® Minute: Non-certified credits and industry-sponsored events
Non-certified activities are those that have not been formally reviewed by the College but comply with the College’s definition of CPD, are non-promotional in nature, and provide valuable professional learning opportunities.

There are many activities and learning experiences for which you can claim non-certified credits. However, there are some activities that do not qualify for Mainpro+ credits.

If an industry-sponsored event (e.g. conference, dinner, luncheon, etc.) has not been formally reviewed and certified, is it eligible for credits?

Vote below to enter your answer and for a chance to win* one of five $25 Starbucks gift cards!
Can I claim Mainpro+ credits for attending a SPONSORED event not certified by the CFPC?
Yes—I can claim non-certified credits for these events
No—Events not formally reviewed/approved by the CFPC aren't eligible for credits
The answer will be published in the September edition of our eNews. If you can't wait, read more here .

* Only correct answers will be entered into the draw for a Starbucks card. The five lucky winners will be notified by email and will have their names published in our next issue.
New to Mainpro + ® ? Need some help navigating your Mainpro+ dashboard?
The CFPC's Mainpro+ User Manual is an online reference guide that summarizes the basics of Mainpro+ and provides quick reference links and tutorials to some of the most commonly asked questions.

Some examples of the questions answered in this convenient online reference are:
  • What types of activities can I claim and what credit category can I claim them under?
  • How do I access my historical transcript?
  • How do I report activities that are not listed on the Mainpro+ website?

Download a copy of the manual here or visit the CFPC website for more information.
Opportunities to Join the ACFP Board and Committees
Stay engaged! Get involved!

The ACFP is always looking for dedicated volunteers to participate in our Board and governance and operational committees. If you are interested in contributing to our programs, services, or governance we want to hear from you! 
The College is currently looking for members to fill the following Operational Committee vacancies for 3-year terms that began July 1, 2018. 

ACFP Board and Governance Committees

September is the time of year when the ACFP seeks nominations for the Board Directors and Governance Committees. This fall, we will be recruiting for:

  • One (1) Member-at-Large to serve as a Director on the ACFP Board, and 
  • One (1) Member-at-Large to serve on the Governance Advisory Committee

Details on how to apply will be added to the Governance page on the ACFP website in late August.
Save the Date for the 2019 Family Medicine Summit in Banff (previously ASA)
New Name, Same Quality Programming!

While the name has changed, the Family Medicine Summit (Summit) will remain the same in relevant content, familiar format and location, and we reaffirm our commitment to offering a high standard of quality programming.

The 2019 Summit’s preliminary program includes topics on COE - Frailty; Medical Errors; Behavioural Disorders in Children; Liver Clinical Pathway; Opioid Management; Heart Failure Update; Physician Wellbeing; Prenatal Genetic Screening; Rheumatology; Tinnitus … and many more!

Mark your calendar to attend and visit our Summit Webpage for more updates! Conference registration will open later this year.

Questions about the Summit? Email Wendy Steele or call 780-701-9713.
Alberta College of Family Physicians | www.acfp.ca | 780-488-2395