The last few months have been busy and exciting--we celebrated 20 years, twice, with a wonderful Annual Meeting and a 20th Anniversary Celebration, which also raised some funds to enhance our streetscape and beautification efforts. Thanks to all who joined us and thank you to our sponsors
and everyone who helped pull off these milestone events.
In the past few months we were also busy creating a video (if you missed it at the party,
click here!) that captures this great neighborhood and what we do, we redesigned our w
, and updated our e-newsletter,
The Link to Lincoln Square
. I hope you enjoy both and find them useful.
Our Clean Team and Public Safety Officers are out keeping the neighborhood clean and safe every day, and our summer plantings are in full, colorful bloom throughout our district's ten Broadway malls, two parks and 55 planters. This season's display features thousands of pink and purple flowers
that complement our lush greenery making for a stunning stroll through Lincoln Square. Be sure to stop and sit at our newly expanded seating area at Dante Park to take it all in.
Next week we welcome our Summer Information Ambassadors, local college students and ReServists, who will staff our Information Carts during the busy summer months. And, on Wednesday, July 5, from noon until 2:00pm we will launch our tenth season of free lunchtime concerts at Richard Tucker Park.
None of this could have been accomplished without the hard work of our talented and dedicated staff and the support and guidance of our Board. We are also incredibly appreciative of the unwavering support we receive all year long from our property owners, businesses, residents, and friends.
A hearty thank you to all and see you in the district!
P.S. Save the date, Monday, November 27, 2017, for Winter's Eve!