Here we go, into another reality shift. Summer has arrived and California is opening back up after 15 months of chaos: Shelter at home, masks, immunizations, toilet paper shortages as well as bare grocery store shelves, and stress. So much stress.

The news blasts, “Mask mandates are over. Airports are jammed. Planes are packed. People are partying like it’s the ‘20s.” Promptly followed by reports that declare, “Vaccination rates are plummeting. New COVID varients. People are stressed about returning to work”.

As we all navigate this shift, we have to admit, most of us don't want to just jump back into what was. We want to take what we have learned during this time forward. We have all changed along the way. COVID forced all of us to adjust. This time in our world has impacted every part of our lives. We must honor that.
When we look ahead, how do we make sure we take care of our needs, our health, our balance? How do we find and operate from the best versions of ourselves? We can only accomplish this when we take care of ourselves, our whole self.

Many of us had to dig deep to push through the challenges this pandemic imposed on all of us and our society as a whole. CCCAOE shifted quickly and many of the "new ways" we learned to serve the California Community College system will continue beyond the pandemic.

So as we plan and venture out into this "summer after COVID", make sure to take time to pause. Take time to reflect on how you want to be and show up for yourself and others in an effort to tap into your best self and continue this work of championing Student Success.

We have gathered some resources we hope will benefit you as we move into this next phase. For the Fall 2021 Conference at the OMNI, we have been mindful to build in time for guided walks, gentle yoga sessions with an on-site yoga instructor, and time to connect with your colleagues.

How to Manage
Post-Covid Anxiety
by Gabrielle Avery-Peck, PhD

"Over the last year and few months, we have been teaching our bodies to be conscious of stimuli that we previously ignored. We check for a mask before leaving the house, keep tabs on who is in our vicinity when out in public and sanitize our hands after touching multi-use items. We have avoided crowds of people and refrained from eating inside of restaurants. Before socializing with friends we ask questions related to the number of people that will be in attendance and question the mask-policy..."

"Here are some tips for a gradual re-entry into a post-COVID world:

  • Make a list of activities that you would like to start doing again or will need to start doing again. Rank them by level of stress or anxiety and start with the activity that is lowest on the list.

  • When you are planning on doing something you have not done in a while, notice your thinking. Are you planning for the worst case scenario? Are you telling yourself it will be scary and hard? Our thinking has a huge impact on our experience. Focus on the present and try not to engage with worry thoughts. Thoughts are not facts!"

  • ..."

Do We Even Know How To
Socialize Anymore?
by Andee Tagle and
Clare Marie Schneider

"...We've been living in a pandemic world for over a year now, and for better or worse, many of us are used to our new social routines. But as vaccinations ramp up and restrictions begin to loosen across the country, the new question is: Are we ready? After so much time apart, do we even know how to socialize in person anymore?"

We haven't returned to "normal" yet, but it feels like things are beginning to shift: We can almost hear the backyard barbecues; the cubicle-to-cubicle chatter... For many, just the thought is anxiety-inducing."

Self-Care and Coping
with Life After Lockdown

by Caoimhe Gaskin 

"...Self-care plays an essential role in how we respond to the uncertain or stressful times in our lives... Self-care includes caring for your health and spending time on the activities you enjoy. It’s often presented to us as a luxury or a treat, when in fact it is a crucial part of feeling and staying well."

"Self-compassion and how we speak to ourselves is another important aspect of self-care. You may tell yourself that it’s selfish to take time for yourself if you have dependents or are on the frontline, but you cannot pour from an empty cup. Simply put: you can’t help others if you don’t have the energy and strength to first take care of yourself."

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California Community College Association for Occupational Education
Champion for education
and workforce success

An education and career for
everyone at anytime

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