Membership Newsletter
Brotherhood of St. Andrew
Welcome back to the current edition (Volume 23) of our bi-weekly newsletter "LEAD LIKE ANDREW." It's a quick read, multi-topic news channel for members to see what is going on, what is planned and successes from the previous weeks.
We urge you to contact us with news, tidbits, or notices of upcoming events in your area, so we can include them! We also want your feedback on this newsletter or how you are being served by the national office.
Please share this newsletter with other men in your parish or community.
Pray Day
Join us...
What better way to level set during the middle of the week! We will be holding a Wednesday, 12 noon (CDT) prayer time weekly over ZOOM open to all Brothers and guests. Let's pray for the Brotherhood, for our Brothers, and even share some stories of how Prayer has impacted you or someone you know!
We can all spare 30 minutes in prayer. It's like making a stop at the faith service station to fill up your prayer tank!
Please join us every week when you can to recharge your prayer batteries!
The Zoom link can be accessed by clicking here. You must enter Passcode 0723
The "Summer Dip"
For years, our ministry has trudged through the "Summer Dip"... that period when very few membership pledges get paid. And although our ministry's expenses continue to occur (staff, rent, publishing the Cross, insurance, postage, ministry work and workshops, etc.) the majority of our members and chapters send in their dues between December and March. That's good because it helps us as we budget for the entire year. But aside from our 200+ new members this year, we have again suffered the normal drop off of pledge payments since April. And we have nearly 400 Brothers who made their 2021 pledge payments last year but have yet to make their 2022 payment...and we could sure use their help. We counted on those to make their faithful renewals again this year when we set our budget in November last year. Our executive Board is making calls to them this month to see if something is wrong, or if it is just a slip of the mind. Finally coming back together to meet after nearly two years of virtual meeting has certainly taken a toll.
If you or your chapter has just forgotten to "renew in '22", we sure hope and pray you will remit your pledge and help us avoid the summer dip. Our ministry to men and youth doesn't take the summer off, so we do need your help. Simply click here and you can easily make your pledge of $50 to keep you current and help us avoid "the dip"!
God's Blessings on you all!
Br. Conrad Jones
National President
2022 National Council will meet in November -Only Chapters in good standing will be allowed delegate voting!
We will be holding our Brotherhood National Council meeting in late October to pass the proposed 2023 budget, elect a Treasurer, and vote on any proposed Constitution or Bylaws changes that have met notification requirements.
Only Chapters IN GOOD STANDING will be allowed voting delegates. Don't miss the opportunity for your chapter to have a voice and vote! "In Good Standing" indicates an Annual Chapter Report has been submitted and the chapter members are current in their dues for 2022.
Are you a retired or former CPA or accountant? Have you ever been part of your parish's annual financial review/audit team? If so, We could really use your assistance on a team to "review" our operational and Foundation financials for the years 2020 and 2021. Virtual work is all we'd need and it could help us meet our fiduciary requirements as an affiliate ministry of the Episcopal Church. WE REAALY COULD USE YOUR HELP!!! Contact our Treasurer Br. Bob Burdette at treasurer@brothersandrew.net
Kick off with the developer began the week of July 5-8, with an anticipated launch by Sept. 2!
If you have suggestions or pictures, drop an email to our Communications VP, Br. Gary Allman at communications@brothersandrew.net or to Br. Conrad Jones at conrad.jones@brothersandrew.net
Chapter Leadership Survey of Mission, Ministry, Methods, and Evangelism
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is a National Men's Ministry that shares common bonds with all brothers in the organization. As a ministry that focuses on several fronts including prayer, study, and service, we want to grow, and grow in members and ministries. To better understand how to go about our evangelism efforts we need your input at the chapter leadership level.
Thank You Brothers--We had 106 responses to the recent survey. All Chapter Officers in our Neon Database were asked to participate. Of the 560 officers listed, we had 277 clicks or an opening of the invitation. Of these, we had 106 or 38% responding. This was a significant response.
At the most recent executive board meeting on June 28th, the survey results were presented for a first look review. The survey will be available for several committees within the brotherhood. Province Presidents will also review the data for guidance and planning. The responses and trends will serve as a guide as we strive to build community within the brotherhood. If you have a question or any suggestions regarding the survey, please contact Sr. VP for Administration, Roy Benavides at roy.benavides@brothersandrew.net.
Celebrating Jesus with The Brotherhood of St. Andrew
Thursday, July 14, 2022, 7:00 PM
by Neil Tumber
Brotherhood of St. Andrew,
The Episcopal Church of St. Michael & St. George, Clayton
Throughout the year, The Brotherhood of St. Andrew at the Church of St. Michael & St. George has discussed the beliefs and practices of a variety of faiths around the world. In all our discussions we have seen glimpses of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Now at this final meeting, we can celebrate the difference of believing in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior!
Come share our joy! Bring your friends: both those who know Jesus and those who are yet to meet Him!
As a reminder – here is the list of our discussions this season. If you have not had a chance to join any of our earlier discussions – no worries! We will give a brief overview to bring everyone up to speed.
- September 9 – Cosmological Argument
- October 14 – Ontological Argument
- November 11 – Teleological Argument
- December 9 – Inductive Argument
- January 13 - Atheism
- February 10 - The Hindu concept of God
- March 10 – Christians and War
- April 14, April 21 – The Buddhist journey toward enlightenment
- May 12 – The Muslim concept of God
- June 9 – The Motherhood of God
- July 14 – The Christian concept of God
Sacred Ground video
The Rev. Canon
C. John Thompson-Quartey
Canon for Ministry Development & Congregational Vitality
The Union of Black Episcopalians, in collaboration with Sacred Ground, has produced this invitational video that speaks to those discerning whether to participate in a circle, and to the question of whether to form a White Work Circle or an Interracial Circle.
Replay of JULY WEBINAR Available on our website
For our July webinar we welcomed Dwight Zscheile as our Brotherhood Webinar speaker! Br. Conrad Jones was well acquainted with Dwight when he was an associate to the priest at Conrad's former parish, St. David's in Ashburn, VA. He's working on a new book around what it means to lead faithful innovation in the church. This would help equip lay and clergy leaders to discern and join God's work in daily life and make connections with neighbors. It can also explain why many existing congregations are declining and how to respond.
Doylestown, PA Annual Retreat
Our chapter from St. Paul's in Doylestown, PA held our annual retreat at The Dupont Memorial House in Rehoboth, DE on June 10-12. We used Embracing Evangelism as our study. It was fabulous! The videos were short enough to hold our attention. We performed the exercises for the first 3 sessions. These were intense. The paradigm of: 1. Think of an important event. 2. Tell that story (one on one) to an intentional listener. 3. Reflect that story back with Christian comments. and 4. Reversing the roles. was more successful than I could have imagined. All 15 of us were able to recall a meaningful event and tell that story. Some men commented that they had not thought of their story for a long time, and certainly had not told it to another person. The stories were, for the most part, life changing events. When we wrote on the card stock (session 3) and wandered about the room, I was amazed at how similar our personal crises were. When this session was done only a few of us shared our stories out loud with the group. After session 3, we went our separate ways for some personal reflection. Finally, we opted to view session 4 but did not use the exercise. I intend to bring the men together (perhaps virtually) to view sessions 5 and 6 and to spark more discussion on Seek, Name and Celebrate and evangelism.
I believe this program was successful for us because: 1. The group size was appropriate. 2. Most of us have known each other for several years. 3. We were all men. 4. We have tackled difficult discussions in the past (anti-racism). 5. There were more than 1 parish. 6. We allowed lots of time between sessions for Daily Office, recreation, meals and fellowship.
Many thanks to the Episcopal Church development team and Virginia Seminary!
I would be happy to give additional feedback if requested.
George Wiemann
Brotherhood of St. Andrew
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Doylestown, Pa. 18901
Brothers--Praying the Anglican Rosary individually or together as a chapter......
"The Anglican Rosary connects us with God in the present moment. Praying with a Rosary engages our bodies as well as our spirits as we attune our hearts to listen to God's Word and receive inspiration. To learn more about praying with the Rosary click here. Use the buttons below for resources and more information."
Instructional Videos
Slip Your Mind?
We could sure use your help!
Have you remembered to make your $50 annual membership payment for 2022? It's easy to slip your mind, but we do need your faithful financial support to continue our communications and support of our SEVEN key ministries. It's easy to catch up on your dues by clicking here, and you can even make an extra donation by clicking here if you feel moved to support this ministry of and for men for nearly 140 years!
New Brotherhood Chapter Installed
The Good Shepherd Friendswood Texas chapter of the Brotherhood of St Andrew participated in the installation ceremony of a new Brotherhood Chapter at St Catherine of Siena in Missouri City TX on Sunday 6/19/22. Brothers Chris Mays, Alan McArthur and Peter Gilmour attended. Peter presented the new members to Chris Matthews, Brotherhood Diocesan Coordinator, who performed the induction ceremony during the 10:00am service by Fr. Andrew Ellison. This was the culmination of work by Tom Martin, VP of Field Operations and Chris Mathews. Good Shepherd Friendswood chapter is the sponsoring chapter. The Brotherhood continues working on
new chapters at nearby churches.
The Good Shepherd Friendswood Brotherhood meets the 1 st and 3 rd Saturdays of each month at 10:00am in Shepherd’s Hall plus Zoom. We discuss business and have a scripture program too. We usually go out afterwards for lunch at Whataburger! The
Friday after our first meeting is BrotherBeer at the Regal Beagle, FM528 at Blackhawk Blvd. We also do a social gathering once a quarter too. All men and youth are welcome to join as we spread Christ’s Kingdom among men and youth.
Peter Gilmour
Director, Brotherhood of St Andrew at Good Shepherd Friendswood TX
Let There Be Light
From Former National resident Bob Dennis
From the Bible passage in Genesis 1:3-4, “Let there be light, and there was light. And God saw that the light was good.” I like this passage because it reminds me that God created light and saw that it was good! From another passage in Matthew 5:16, “Let you light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Also, meaningful. We can be the light in this world today. We can make a difference by how we conduct ourselves at home, in church, at work, and in our communities that too often are not Christ-centered. I believe God is calling us to do His ministry work in the Church today.
If we believe He wants us to be part of that “light” as his purpose for us, then the ministry of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew has been and always will be, to lead men into a relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. By adhering to the Disciplines of Prayer, Study and Service we can achieve this. Yet, too often we are reluctant to grasp how important these disciplines are in our daily life. We are all sinners and Jesus died for our sins on the cross, to redeem us. How many men have not heard this? How many men are failing in life because they have no faith in Jesus, and only trust in themselves. Many men may never know what you and I have learned.
Sadly, we know the statistics. Too many men are in correctional facilities, too many men have no father figure in their life, and few have anyone to mentor them, or lead them away from a life of sin. There are many temptations men face today and it is easy to give into them regardless of the consequences. There are recovery ministries in the world for the men who have made heartbreaking mistakes if they choose to join, but once the mistake is made, there is no turning back, no undoing the wrong. What can we do?
Do we wait for a man to commit a crime, mess up his life, not be responsible for his actions, or do we become “the light that shines before him” and be the example he needs to straighten out his life? Take preventive measures? Yes, by mentoring a man, we prove to that man he is not alone. As he sees our good works, we are glorifying our Father in heaven. It is easier to choose not to be involved, and not become a “light to the world”. Sure, you may not have disappointments if you decide to not extend yourself, especially when someone goes his own way after you have spent time with him, and in prayer. But this is our calling. We are called to disciple men. Yes, it has been said that this is rocket science. Believe me at times it is!
We know a “light to the world” is a calling. Fortunately, you don’t have to go it alone, and that is why we form Brotherhood chapters, so we can pray and support one another. Knowing we have support motivates us to persevere. We need to be around like-minded men who understand what it takes to disciple men, mentor men and “transform the hearts” of men who may not realize how much they need a spiritual brother. A brother who is not condemning them, only guiding them. Possibly for the first time they are getting spiritual guidance. It is wonderful!
Remember, we are transforming men, not making them into our image, just leading men into a relationship with our Lord. Help each man to admit he has sinned, reassure him to ask for forgiveness from God, and inspire him to change his behavior from his self-defeating life style. Your leading is “shoulder to shoulder” or “side by side”, and not “do what I do and follow me”. He may feel that he can’t achieve what you have accomplished in life but remember where you were years ago. Let’s be a “light” to men everywhere and lead men out of the darkness that enshrouds their life. It will not be easy, and to quote one of my favorite passages from Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and courageous.” This passage has always inspired me to be a call to action. I pray that it will be inspire you too. God bless the Brotherhood of St. Andrew.
Prayer For Peace
Christ Episcopal Church in Pensacola, Fl had this prayer for peace below, for Ukraine and in all places, posted in their church newsletter. Please use this prayer in your next chapter meeting and share it with others! - Thanks Br. Dick Hooper!
Prayer for Peace in Ukraine and All Places
Lord God Almighty – Prince of Peace – in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love: hear our prayer for our brothers and sisters who are suffering in conflicts around the world, but especially this day for those in Ukraine. Bring quickly an end to the current warfare and help those who are able find a way to peace in that land. And we pray for those who have died, and those who love them – and for those who have suffered injury and loss – and those who will care for them. And finally, gracious God – we pray for ourselves: that we may find compassion in our hearts and generosity in our spirits to aid those who are suffering in Ukraine and in every country where conflict and deprivation offend the human dignity we hold so dear in our own baptism. All this we ask in the name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.
Mission to Ecuador
Christ Church in Elizabeth City, NC recently sent a team of fourteen from the parish o a mission to Ecuador. After 24 hours of travel, the team made it through barricades and protests in a politically volatile country to their hostel in Quito. Please pray for them! Among the fourteen missioners are three Brothers Andrew: Jeremiah Magnuson, Rudge King and Rev. Daniel Cenci!
Current issue... Episcopal Relief and Development Fund:
Topic: “Why and How to Disciple Men”
Saturday, September 24, 2022
9:00am – 4:00pm
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Frisco, TX
6400 Stonebrook Pkwy, Frisco, TX 75034
Early Registration Fee of $45
Register by August 15 to avoid a late fee registration of $55
Your Registration Fee Includes:
Breakfast snacks; All -Day Coffee, Tea, Water, Soft Drinks,
Full Catered Lunch
Takeaway: The Four Priorities by Dr. Tolson
Hymns with Links
"Taizé is a monastic community located in Taizé, France, founded in the 1940s by a Swiss named Roger Louis Schütz-Marsauche, familiarly called Brother Roger. The “brothers” of Taizé have taken a vow of celibacy and are committed to a lifetime of simplicity, service, and community. There is an ecumenical emphasis at Taizé, as expressed on their official website, which says the community “wants its life to be a sign of reconciliation between divided Christians and between separated peoples.” Brother Roger was especially eager to bring Catholics and Protestants together.
The contemplative worship practices of the Taizé community are promoted at an annual international conference. Taizé worship is being incorporated in a wide variety of churches, Protestant and Catholic, and its pattern of devotion is emulated in other monastic communities around the world."
Tell us how you use the music in your chapter activities.
Embracing Evangelism: A six-part digital course exploring our call to seek, name, and celebrate Jesus’ loving presence in the stories of all people – and then invite everyone to more. Each session features teachings on Episcopal evangelism, group discussion, and exercises to help Episcopalians understand the ministry and call to evangelism. Be sure to join our webinar on March 2 (see above) or you can find out more at:
The Brotherhood Collect
Almighty God, who gave such grace to your apostle Andrew, that he readily obeyed the call of your Son Jesus Christ, and brought his brother with him: Give us, who are called by your Holy Word, grace to follow him without delay, and to bring those near to us into his gracious presence; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now nd forever. Amen
Did you know, the more you "share" or "like" one of our daily Facebook or Instagram posts, the more it will be visible to other people on the platforms. Make it a habit to check out our daily posts each day and like and share them!!
Brotherhood of St. Andrew Asset Map
Check it out!
Members Bible Study Suggestions
"Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs & Practices"
A Book study for chapters by Authors Scott Gunn & Melody Wilson Shobe
Prayer Requests
If you have a personal prayer request please contact (502) 450-5809 to access the list and/or submit your requests. Accessing the list to join in the power of praying for those in need.
Many chapters have used various methods of keeping track of their prayer request. One such form has been used that organizes the requests and corporate prayers.
Brotherhood Membership Updates
Welcome to New Members of the Brotherhood:
Eric Eaton, Gervas Taylor, Robert Langan, Rev Cynthia Brust, Rev Michael Switzer, Norman Lefebvre, Eugene Baldwin, Raymond Diaz, Stephen Martin, David Curl, Richard Roosa, Fr. Andrew Ellison, Stephen Whitney, Hampton Griffin, Spencer Gould, Craig Werling,
New Chapters: St. Catherine Sienna, Missouri City, TX; Christ Episcopal Church, Melbourne, FL
Brothers entering the greater life: Lloyd Clark
Brothers-At-Large Wednesday Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, July 20th⋅7:00 – 8:15pm CDT (8:00 PM EDT, 6:00 PM MDT, 5:00 PM PST)
Monthly on the third Wednesday, until Oct 20, 2022
Recovery Ministry
Recurring Zoom Recovery Meetings for addicts, family, and friends.
For all addictions such as alcohol, narcotics, sex, pornography, gambling, codependency, and overeating. Anonymity is maintained - first names only:
- Every Wednesday at 7 PM (Central) 12-step recovery meeting for all addictions. Sponsored by the Recovery Ministry of the Episcopal Church (RMEC). Zoom ID 923 8806 4304.
- 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 8 PM (Central) 12-Step Recovery Eucharist for all addictions. Sponsored by All Saints Episcopal Church, Pasadena, Ca. Zoom ID 875 5107 8462.
Helpful Websites
A Quick Guide for Finding Help with Recovery from Addiction
Find recovery group meetings at these websites:
A Reminder: brothersandrew.net Website Notes
We now have a Member's Only tab that is password-driven for members. The password for access to Brotherhood documents is "1883BSTA0122". This area is still under construction for the next few weeks.
SMS Text Messaging is now available
SMS messaging from the Brotherhood is now available. You can easily subscribe by texting (502) 305-5498. You will receive text events, meetings, and articles from the Brotherhood.
Suggested Books
Daniel Coleman
Do you have any book recommendations? Write to us and give us the title and author, so we can share it with your Brothers!
We Always Need Cross Articles and Ideas!
Send any stories you have about Brotherhood activity in your area to