Summertime Energy Saving Tips!
Programmable thermostats make it easy to regulate temperatures for different times of use. Set back the thermostat in the evenings and other times when your building isn’t occupied. Set up trend logs of your HVAC systems to collect data on whether your systems are actually going into night setback mode.

Keep cooling and ventilation systems tuned . Maintain a regular air filter replacement schedule and don't forget to check ducts and pipe insulation. Visually inspect the condition of the heating and cooling coils and filters. If the coils are dirty or the filters are clogged, change out the filters and clean the coils.

Ensure your building’s ventilation system is unobstructed. Furniture is a common culprit in HVAC vent obstruction. Avoiding having furniture block vents is a simple way to reduce energy consumption.

Close window blinds to shade offices from the sun's heat. Installing shades, blinds or tinted windows keeps your building temperature down reducing the strain on your air conditioning system. Window films, solar screens and awnings in south and west facing windows are also good, heat‐reducing options. 

Stress the importance of good energy saving habits. Educate employees and building occupants about how their behaviors affect energy use. Encouraging your employees to do simple things like avoid obstructing HVAC vents with furniture or turning lights off when unused can go a long way.