You responded....
Thank you for all the wonderful responses we had to our report on the meeting between our elderly folks and our youth.


We thought you might like to have a look at some of the great responses  here.
"I loved this!!!! Maybe because I'm getting "old." It touched my heart."
Your letters warmed our hearts and encouraged us to keep pressing on. It was wonderful to hear that so many of you are also investing in building these crucial relationships between the generations. It is such a blessing for us to be able to partner together with brothers and sisters like you!

Summertime fun... for some...
For children summer is a time for holidays, sunny days and frolicking. These are times for our children to build friendships,learn new things about life, and about themselves. It's an opportunity to create fond memories that will stay with them for years to come.
Parents in Israel are lucky if they can get a few days off work to spend with the kids throughout the entire summer. Children have two full months of holiday, while parents only receive two weeks. It is not easy to find creative ways to occupy the children during the long summer break. For hard working moms and dads, summer is about driving the kids from one activity to another, juggling new daily routines, shopping malls .... in a word.... expensive!

With your help this year we were able give 5 children from single parent and needy families the joy of attending summer camps in Israel and in Bible camps abroad. The kids returned with glowing reports sharing with us in the congregation of how they experienced God's love.

For your information, a typical day-camp in Israel, from 8:00 in the morning until 13:00, without food, for 15-days, costs around $250 per child. Add food, and the price goes up even higher. 
Thank you so much for your investment into the lives of our families, making it possible for these children to have meaningful experiences this summer.

... for your prayers and support for our families and for yours.


 The Team at Beit Immanuel Congregation

ResponsesYour Responses...

 Friendly Mail I deeply appreciate your heart, insight, and perspective for bridging the generations. Here in the States, that is a missing element in the church and we suffer lack as a result. Keep on track!

Thanks. you remind me to look for opportunities to make more contact with young adults!
Your description of this event really blessed me!! A similar event would be a blessing for churches everywhere to undertake. Thank you for sharing!! Greetings to you and everyone at Beit Immanuel.
How wonderful! So blessed for young and old to spend time together, and certainly learn so much from one another. Thank you.
We remember our visit to Beit Immanuel in April this year, with much appreciation for all that you are doing. The LORD bless you all
Would Like to Thank You for sharing your story and thoughts to me. I appreciate them very much. Please continue to send reports to me. I will share them with the Beth Israel Messianic Synagogue in Jacksonville Florida and with friends of mine too!
Shalom Alcayhem!!!!
This was a wonderful article! I am impressed with your congregation - both young and old - coming together and really exploring each other and sharing their knowledge and questions. Very beautiful.
Thank you for this. I will be sharing it in many ways to others
May God continue to bless you and your family as you serve Him there in the Land!! Shalom.
This is a great story and also a great idea. I've already forwarded it to our youth and senior citizens' teams in the hope that they will follow it up here with some kind of joint session.