Key Findings in the Arborist Report
Independent arborists were hired by SOS in July 2022. They were asked to analyze the impact of planned construction on Summit Avenue. They were asked to select sample, representative sections for review. The analysis was done on site and trees were inspected visually from the ground. The impacts included those from construction activity at curbside, as well as from reconstruction of the driveways, carriage walks and sidewalks. Three sections including 194 public trees and 5 private trees were chosen.
Section 1 – Saratoga St. S. to Albert St. N.- Macalester-Groveland/Lexington-Hamline neighborhood
- Impact from Mill & Overlay–67 trees
Section 2 – Lexington Parkway S. to Victoria St. N. – Summit Hill neighborhood
- Impact from full reconstruction–97 trees
Section 3 – Virginia St. to Nina St. – Cathedral Hill neighborhood
- Impact from full reconstruction–35 trees
The impact from mill and overlay was minimal. The full reconstruction analysis of Sections 2 & 3, which is part of the Saint Paul Parks & Recreation’s plan, showed that 60.6% of the trees would be severely impacted, defined as ‘unlikely to recover’ from the construction activity. Extrapolating this analysis against the whole length of Summit Ave, comprising a total of 1,561 trees (pg. 117 – 90% plan), means that 950 trees would be severely impacted.
Arborist Contact Information
Chad Giblin
Trees & Me 651-353-8853
Manuel Jordan
Heritage Shade Tree 763-717-9366