Summit Center: Helping every child reach new heights
In This Issue
Upcoming Events
October 26-27: 2 Days of 2e Virtual Conference, presented by With Understanding Comes Calm. Speakers include Jonathan Mooney, Dr. Dan Peters, and Dr. Stephen Chou. Content will remain on demand through April 2019. Learn more and register
Saturday, October 27: Dr. Dan Peters will present at Athena Academy's Cognitive Diversity Day in Palo Alto, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm. Free. Register

Tuesday, November 13: Dr. Stephen Chou will speak at the Identifying Gifted Students of Color Conference, at the Nueva School, San Mateo, CA. Join experts, educators, and students in conversations about supporting gifted children of color. Dr. Joy Lawson Davis will keynote. Free.  Register

November 15-18: Annual National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Conference, Minneapolis, MN. More information
" It's not about me, the parent. It's about the child's journey, it's about the child's process, it's about their development, and the way in which they are
going to go from childhood to adulthood.

- Suanne Kowal-Connelly, MD, FAPP, on the Parent Footprint Podcast
Summit Center Update
October 2018

How is school progressing for your child so far? If you want to better understand your child's learning and development, give us a call.
The Evolution of 2E
by Dr. Dan Peters
Twice-exceptional (2e) is a term often used to describe kids who are exceptional because they're gifted and because they have learning differences. In this piece for the 2e Newsletter, Dr. Dan Peters reflects on his years working with 2e children. Recently, 2e Newsletter founders J. Mark Bade and Linda Neumann transferred the publication to a new editor and publisher, Bridges Media. Learn more and subscribe at 2e News.

I am sitting in Camp Summit, watching kids making sock puppets, engaging in LARP (live action role play), playing Dungeons & Dragons, and building a Rube Goldberg contraption. They are all gifted and twice-exceptional children and adolescents, and with very few exceptions, one cannot tell who is "2e" and who isn't. Why? Because they are interacting with like-minded peers and using their strengths - creativity, divergent thinking, abstract reasoning, and negotiating and debating skills with, of course, a strong orientation toward justice and fairness.

New Parent Footprint Podcasts
Parenting Through Puberty with Dr. Suanne Kowal-Connelly and  Sexual Literacy with Natasha Singh

In this episode, Dr. Dan welcomes Dr. Suanne Kowal-Connelly to discuss her new book Parenting Through Puberty: Mood Swings, Acne, and Growing Pains .

Going through puberty in 2018 is very different for today's 12-14-year olds than it was a generation ago. Social media, cyberbullying, increased environmental toxins, and new brain science studies mean that most parents don't have all of the information to help their children make this transition healthfully. Parenting Through Puberty was published with the American Academy of Pediatrics and is a vital resource for parents.

Suanne Kowal-Connelly, MD, FAAP is a practicing pediatrician with more than 30 years' experience. She is a contributor to, the official AAP website for parents.

Dr. Dan interviewed educator and expert Natasha Singh about a timely and important topic: Sexual Literacy. Their discussion includes  meaningful sexuality education for students; how parents, teens and pre-teens can have open lines of communication about gender, sex, and intimacy; and her goal for all students to have healthy relationships, clear communication, sexual ethics and joy in their relationships with themselves and others. 
"Characteristics of Gifted Learners" and "Taming the Worry Monster" Videos Now Available On Demand
Two videos of lectures by Dr. Dan Peters are now available on demand. Each video is high resolution and available for $29.99 for unlimited viewing.
In, Taming the Worry Monster: Helping Your Child Deal with Stress and Anxiety, Dr. Peters describes a model for overcoming anxiety by understanding how the "Worry Monster" tricks children (and adults) into being scared. (Duration: 58 minutes) Watch the trailer
In Characteristics of Gifted Learners, Dr. Peters describes the characteristics of gifted learners and the factors that can influence or hinder their development. (Duration: 1 hour 4 minutes) Watch the trailer