Summit Center
Summit Center: Helping every child reach new heights
In This Issue
We're Moving!

Summit Center is moving to a new space just down the hall from our existing offices in Walnut Creek. Our address will remain the same at 700 Ygnacio Valley Road. The new offices will provide improved space for reception, client evaluations, counseling sessions, educational therapy, and our parent support groups.

"...The student gets positive feedback, is seen as competent, and thus, feels confident and valued."

- Dr. Dan Peters, Summit Center
Summit Center Update
April 2015

If you would like to explore your child's strengths instead of focusing solely on weaknesses, give us a call to schedule an appointment. Read on for Dr. Dan Peters' article on how Summit Center uses a strengths-based approach throughout our portfolio of services. Plus, spots still open at Camp Summit, and we move to new space in Walnut Creek.

A Strength-Based Approach Helps Children:

Learn to ask "What's Right" instead of "What's Wrong"

by Dr. Dan Peters


When it comes to helping our children learn and develop academically, socially, and emotionally, we want them to feel confident about who they are.  At Summit Center, we use a strengths-based approach for assessments, counseling, and treatment versus a more traditional pathologizing model.


If we look at the medical model of disease as a metaphor we can see that it is grounded in finding pathology, and getting rid of that pathogen to regain physical or mental health. This model is also used when learning problems are diagnosed. Students experiencing problems in school are referred to Study Success Teams (SSTs) and private practitioners to determine if they have a "learning disability" or "learning disorder." In essence, the guiding question is often "What is wrong with this child?" But does this approach work and is it helpful?


Click to Read the Rest of the Article

Camp Summit for Gifted Children & Teens

View from Campu Summit
Marin Headlands, San Francisco Bay Area, June 21-27


Camp Summit is a sleepaway summer camp experience for gifted youth where they can have fun while being with others who are similar and who accept them. Camp Summit staff understands the unique needs of gifted children and what it is like to grow up as a gifted person. The program includes self-exploration workshops, creative and expressive arts, outdoor ecology studies, strategy games, simulations, and hands-on design projects along with more typical camp activities such as hiking, campfire stories, capture the flag, and other outdoor games. Limited spots still available! Register now to reserve for your child: ages 9 through 14 (Camper Program) or ages 15-16 (Leadership Program). To learn more, go to