October 18 - 24, 2018
The CommUUnicator
The Weekly Newsletter of
The Unitarian Society of Germantown
Building Beloved Community

THIS WEEK: (RSVP by tonight about the Daugherty-Wartell celebration!) We offer a film this Friday on White Right about white supremacy groups in the U.S.; our USG Team works this Friday & Saturday on Rebuilding Together Philly; and on Sunday, we ask people to bring in goods for the Fall Food Drive, and we listen to Rev. Davis of POWER speak about this coalition for Social Justice: David meets Goliath.
In Worship, 10:30am
Rev. Yvette Davis of POWER - Philadelphians Organized to Witness, Empower, and Rebuild - will deliver the sermon.
Come learn about this growing Philadelphia interfaith movement for justice!

Special note: Bookmarks created by the 4th-6th grade class will be given out to promote the coming book drive for CHOP.
In Child Spiritual Development
Children begin Sunday morning in the Sanctuary with their families and then at 10:45am are sung out to their classes:
  • PreK - K - Sullivan 1
  • Grades 1 - 3 - Nursery School, 1st Fl.
  • Grades 4 - 6 - Sullivan 2 & 3

Class beginning at 10:30am:
  • OWL, Grades 7 - 8 - Bristol Room (meets 10:30am - 12:00noon)
  • Morning Youth Group - Daskam Room (meets 10:30 - 11:30am)

Parents, please click here to find out details, especially about where to collect the children after the service ends.

Details about the CSD programs and schedules can be found on the Usguu.org website under the Spiritual Development tab.

Childcare for children 4-5 years old and younger is offered this Sunday and most Sundays from 9:00am - 12:00pm in the Committee Room. 
Before the Worship Service

Attend the Social Justice Coffee Hour on the third Sunday, 9:15 - 10:15am. Get up. Get coffee. Get involved. This Sunday our guest speaker is Kavita Goyal, who works with community and faith organizations to build support for those entangled with the criminal justice system.  She will discuss the model of Participatory Defense which is taking root in Philadelphia.  

Meditate in the Meditation Room
Meditation, reading, dharma and sharing are offered in Sullivan 3 on the First and Second Sundays of the month between 9:15 and 10:20am. All are welcome to join in quietly. On the other Sundays the space is open for those who choose to come and sit. For information on meditation, click here.

Drop off nonperishable food items for our annual Fall Food Drive to the designated carts in the Kitchen. Donations in October and November will be divided and then delivered to both St. Vincent de Paul's Food Pantry and the UU House Outreach Program.
Coffee Hour
After the Worship Service

Enjoy refreshments provided by Village 11.

At 12:00pm, attend UU-101 in the Daskam Room.

Obtain your preferred pronoun stickers at the Welcoming Table.

SignUp is the reminder tool USG uses to organize volunteers for our upcoming activities. Click Here to go to our group page to sign up online.

But wait! There's more!
Then return this Sunday evening at 5:00pm for 90 minutes of a Mindfulness Meditation in Nurturing Kindness , led by Deborah Cooper. Whether you have attended a previous session or are here for the first time, you are welcome.  Click here for details. October 21 is the final class. Look for signage on how to access the Sullivan Chapel.
Sunday, October 28, 10:30am
An intergenerational service
Day of the Dead: Connecting with Ancestors , Rev Kent Matthies & the Mariachi Maya Band
Come celebrate with upbeat ballads and music that make you want to sing or dance (whether you speak Spanish or not)! As is often the case, science is catching up with ancient spiritual wisdom which says people experience increased resiliency and wisdom when they stay cognitively connected to relatives who have died. All are warmly invited to bring pictures of deceased loved ones to place on the altar. We will remember them together in Beloved Community.
ERC Movie of the Month:
White Right: Meeting The Enemy
This Friday, October 19, 7:00 - 9:00pm, Edna Jones Room
Emmy and Peabody Award-winning director Deeyah Khan travels to the United States and meets with prominent neo-Nazis and white supremacist leaders in the US in an attempt to understand the personal and political reasons behind white nationalism. She made this documentary film after being interviewed on TV about multiculturalism for which she received a large number of threats and hate speech on social media.
Dear USG Members and Friends:
USG cordially invites you to a pot-luck reception to celebrate the marriage of Mark Daugherty and Michael Wartell.
DATE: Saturday, October 27, 2018
TIME: 5-7 p.m.
PLACE: USG, Edna Jones Assembly Room
RSVP, please:
If you will attend, RSVP to hillott@comcast.net no later than TONIGHT, Thursday, October 18 .
Please bring either a main dish, side dish, or salad to share. This is a BYOB event.

We hope you can join us!
The Event Planning Team: Linda Brunn, Beverly Gross Spencer, Delores Hill, Andrea Parry, Janet Young
USG Pumpkin Carving Party!
Friday, October 26, 6:00- 8:00pm
Come one, come all to the Annual Pumpkin Carving Party at USG! We will enjoy fellowship, carve amazing jack-o' lanterns, bob for apples, share dinner and drinks, and the best part of all, we'll light up the sanctuary with our pumpkin creations and tell spooky stories.   
Bring your own pumpkin and carving utensils. Costumes are welcome, but not required. Pizza, beverages, and dessert will be served. Donations will be accepted to cover the cost of the refreshments.   
This is a night full of fun, laughter and community, but we can't do it without your help! Please consider helping out while you're here- all tasks take a short time and you won't miss a moment of the carving fun! Click here to sign up to help.

If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact: Adrianne Wolkenberg at adriannewolkenberg@gmail.com or 215-840-9775. 
Sunday, October 28, 10:30am
The Day of The Dead: Connecting with Ancestors , Rev. Kent Matthies and the Mariachi Maya
Come celebrate with upbeat ballads and music that makes you want to sing or dance (whether you speak Spanish or not)! As is often the case, science is catching up with ancient spiritual wisdom which says people experience increased resiliency and wisdom when they stay cognitively connected to relatives who have died. All are warmly invited to bring pictures of deceased loved ones to place on the altar and remember them together in Beloved Community.
Sign Up for
Friday through Sunday, November 2 -4
The Twelfth Annual Men’s Retreat will be held at the Temenos Retreat Center near West Chester, PA ( Temenoscommunity.org ).  Every man in the Philadelphia area is invited to attend and experience a wonderful weekend. Activities will include workshops, yoga, hiking, drumming around a bonfire, good food, poker, topped off with a Sunday morning worship service. Come get to know and bond with the other men in USG and in the Philadelphia area congregations. The cost for the weekend is $200. This includes Friday supper, three meals on Saturday and Sunday breakfast.  If you plan to come, please pay the $200 fee at the Payment Center on the USG website ( USGUU.org ). Please let Hal Krieger ( haroldkrieger@verizon.net ) know of your plans. Space is limited.
Welcoming Congregation Refresher "Coming Out Day" Evening
Thursday, October 11, 6:00 - 8:00pm
As part of USG’s  Welcoming Congregation Refresher ,  we gather to “come out” as LGBTQ, as friends and allies.

6:00pm:  Light dinnertime refreshments ( potluck ) with conversation. Dining Room.
7:00pm:  Marianne Banbor, Librarian Supervisor at the Philadelphia Free Library, will speak on Gay History in Philadelphia with a focus on and tribute to Barbara Gittings. Sullivan Chapel.

NOTE: This event has been rescheduled from October 11.

Save The Date!
Saturday, November 10, 6:00 - 9:00pm
A small portion of the "Motherhood" stained glass window in the Sanctuary was removed on September 19th to be restored because it was bulging out and in jeopardy of falling out. It should be back in place within the next couple of weeks.

The first of the photos above shows the Madonna's face. The 2nd picture shows those edge pieces on a second work table (left side) with the outline of every one of the 130+ pieces in the window on the underlying paper. It's truly like putting a jigsaw puzzle together!

Thanks to Lynne Kalish on the Building & Grounds committee for overseeing this project with advice from B&G co-chair Bill Blasdel and Stained Glass Window Committee chair, Susan Bockius.
Interested in Joining USG?
We welcome people into membership four times a year. We ask that people take a UU-101 class (offered monthly, next: October 21 ) and a Membership Orientation (offered quarterly, next: November 4 ) before joining. There will be a New Member Signing on November 11 . If you are interested in any of these events or for more information, please email Welcoming Co-Chairs Treva Burger and Lisa Dutton at welcoming@usguu.org . In addition, you can visit our Membership page on our website,  usguu.org.
Construction is Ongoing - Reminders
Please stay on the sidewalk in the courtyard, rather than cutting across the courtyard catty-corner to access the Sullivan Chapel.

During construction we plan to keep the double doors to the Daskam Room closed most of the time. Entry will be through the single door to the right in the Edna Jones Room.

Courtyard parking is limited to only those needing an accessible entrance. However, for those needing accessible second floor access, the ramp into the Edna Jones Room is now also available.

Please do not go inside the fenced-in area in the Grove. It is is a hard hat area and access is limited to the construction workers.
Please look for signage about how to access the Sullivan Chapel. The only access to the Sullivan Chapel wing is through the side door off the courtyard.
Come Join the Choir!
The illustrious USG choir is looking for some additional singers! All that is necessary is the ability to match pitch and a desire to be a part of a venerable USG tradition that regularly rehearses (on Thursday evenings and on Sunday mornings) and sings at most Sunday services from September through the end of May. Interested? Please see Mark Daugherty , our music man.
Building USG's Creative Teams
Do you enjoy telling stories with images? Working with PowerPoint or on a website? Are you a budding videographer?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, perhaps you would like to join one of our communications or worship creative teams. We are looking for...

1)    people who can work with Rev. Kent and the various guest speakers and worship associates on Sunday worship slides creation and/or projector operations, and
2) other people who can videotape the Sunday services, which Jeff Smith has done for many years, and
3) folks to help create and maintain information about our programs and activities on our website.

Please let Gloria know of your interest at usgadmin@usguu.org .
We are excited to announce our new Give+ Text option for making pledge and contribution payments to USG!
Please click here to learn how to use this convenient tool.
A form for your questions, comments & suggestions is now available at the Welcome table on Sundays and in the foyer where the name tags are.
Thank You, Villagers!
Thank you to all who participate in hosting Fellowship Hour! If you are willing to coordinate for your Village, please let Treva Burger, trevawb@gmail.com know. Below is the schedule for Fellowship Hour Hosting in October and November.
  • October 21 - Village 11
  • October 28 - Village 12
  • November 4 - Village 1
  • November 11 - Village 2 & New Members
  • November 18 - Fall Community Day Brunch
  • November 25 - Village 3 or 4 (TBA)
Your Vote Counts
Remember to Vote on November 6!
Rebuilding Together Philadelphia---
USG's Major Hands-on Service Project
Friday - Saturday, October 19 and 20

The people listed below will be working on Friday and Saturday this weekend, and we send them warm wishes and gratitude for walking the talk.
George Buckmann
Linda Bernstein
Barbara Ginn
Carl Lelby
Betsy Gabriel
Charles Gabriel
Avery Hamill
Joanna Schlesinger
August Anderson
Kent Matthies
George Buckmann
Barbara Ginn
Carl Lelby
Susan Chisholm
Betsy Gabriel
Maggie Chapman
Devery Howerton
Charles Gabriel
Sarah DiGiola
Maurice Gaston
August Anderson
Addressed to:  ICE Office of Chief Counsel & ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations

Stop the Deportation of Oneita, Clive and Suyapa so They can Keep Their Families Together
Fall Food Drive - October and November
In this season of harvest, let’s remember those who need support. Please bring canned and non-perishable foods when you come to USG and leave them on the designated carts in the kitchen. Donations will be shared between St. Vincent de Paul's Food Pantry and the UU House Outreach Program, which provides support to older people in the Germantown area.
20th Annual Empty Bowl Dinner
Wednesday, November 14
United Lutheran Seminary
Brossman Center, Benbow Hall
7301 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19119
three seatings:
  • 4:00- 5:30pm
  • 5:30-7:00pm
  • 7:00- 8:30pm
Proceeds benefit Philadelphia Interfaith Hospitality Network (PIHN), which works to find lasting solutions to family homelessness. At the end of the meal, each attendee leaves with their empty bowl as a reminder that every night in Philadelphia, 1,000 children go without a meal or a place to call home.

Tickets: Adult $25, Students & Children $10.
Click here to purchase your ticket & reserve your seat at the table.
Come early on Sunday, October 28 for a special Social Justice Coffee Hour:
On October 28 from 9:15-10:15, Aurora Camacho de Schmidt will present for half an hour and then answer questions and facilitate discussion on this crucial topic in these historical and inhumane times in US history.

Aurora Camacho de Schmidt is a Mexican citizen and has lived in the US since 1968. Click here for more info.
Greater Philly UU Cluster Events

Filling Your Justice Toolbelt: A Hands-on Advocacy Workshop
Saturday, November 3, 2018
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Main Line Unitarian Church
816 S. Valley Forge Road, Devon, PA 19333
How can UUs make a more just and peaceful world? Find out at this legislative advocacy workshop. Join other area UUs in fellowship and learning as we explore strategies to get engaged at the member-level and congregational-level. Bring your experiences and best practice ideas to share with the group. Please register by October 29  for planning purposes (e.g. refreshments, handouts, etc.) at: greaterphillyuu.org/events/filling-your-justice-toolbelt/ Walk-ins accepted.

Missa Gaia UU Concert
Calling all Singers! Nate Bergey (First U) and Jane Hulting (Restoration) are organizing a Missa Gaia concert for Dec 21. For more info and to register to join the concert choir by Oct 15, visit: greaterphillyuu.org/events/missa-gaia-2018/ .

Nov 2-4: Murray Grove Women's Retreat - open to all GPC congregations ( click here for details )

Get Involved! Meet Fellow UUs!  
Follow links below to find out more information about the events and groups at USG that occur usually once a month.

20's & 30's SGM Group - Second Thursday, November 8, 6:30pm, Drop-in Young Adults Small Group Ministry group. For more information, please contact Stephanie Bonner at slbonner2@gmail.com or on Facebook where they maintain an active invite-only activities group. 

Book Group on Friday Morning - Third Friday, October 19, 10:30am at Cathedral Village. If interested in joining, please contact Barbara Dowdall. The 2018-2019 Book List is now posted on usguu.org> About> Affinity Groups> Book Group .

CAMI (Citizens Against Mass Incarceration) - Fourth Monday, October 22, 7:00pm. At USG. Contact Nancy Anderson .

Caregiver Support Group - Second Friday, November 9, 11:00am - 1:00pm. At USG. Contact Maura Gallagher .

Coffee Hour for Social Justice - Third Sunday, October 21, 9:15 - 10:15am. Usually in Dining Room at USG. Get up. Get coffee. Get involved. This Sunday we welcome Ms. Kavita Goyal who will speak on criminal justice reform.

EarthSpirit Circle . First Monday, except for holiday weekends. Next meeting November 5, 7:00pm. At USG. Contact Donya at earth@usguu.org.

ERC (Ending Racism Committee) - First Sunday, November 4, 12:00 - 1:30pm. At USG. Contact Barbara Dowdall .

ERC Movie of the Month - Usually third Friday, October 19, 7:00 - 9:00pm. At USG.

Humanists - PUSH - Philadelphia Unitarian Society of Humanists , Fourth Sunday, October 28, 12:00pm. At USG. Contact Paul Teti .

Nature Walking at Valley Green - Every Monday and Thursday at 9:00am, you can meet others - whoever shows up- at Valley Green in Chestnut Hill for a morning walk. Point Person is Steve Conrad, who is usually there.

Needle Exchange, a Handwork Group - First Wednesday, November 7, 1:30 - 3:00pm, off-site. Contact Margaret Thompson .

Open Small Group Ministry - Second Sunday, November 11, 12:00 - 1:30pm. Those new to SGMs can get a "sample" before making a commitment. For more information, contact Mark Bangela .

Racism Book Study Group - Fourth Monday up to & including October 22. Next: December 10, second Monday, 7:30 - 9:00pm. Contact Treva Burger.

UU-101 - Third Sunday, October 21, 12:00-1:00pm. UU-101 is an Introduction to Unitarian Universalism, held at USG, and childcare is provided. Please let a leader, Charles Gabriel or Eric Foster, know that you plan to attend by emailing to uu101@usguu.org. If unable to email, you can call Eric at 484-347-8998.
Join A USG Facebook Group!   
You can join a USG Facebook group as well as meet in person!
To find out about special events, post photos, and stay in touch, here are some of USG's groups and their Facebook links:

ASD (Adult Spiritual Development) facebook
CSD (Child Spiritual Development)
YRUU (Young Religious Unitarian Universalists) A Closed Group great to know about and if desired, ask to join.
YA - Young Adults
Greater Philly UUs - Social Justice & Other Greater Philly UU News

P.U.S.H. Philadelphia Unitarian Society of Humanists

Exploring Elderhood
caring square
Our thoughts and prayers are with...
. ..all those in our congregation and beyond - especially all those affected by Hurricane Michael - who face challenges and need support. Please do not forget to notify our Caring Team if you have specific needs or happy news.
Caring Team
Linda Bernstein (chair), Sarah West, Rev. Kent Matthies

If you are aware of any joys or concerns that should be part of our caring system, please let us know. You can email caring@usguu.org
If you call a caring team member and do not speak directly, leave a voice mail and your call will be returned ASAP.
Rev. Kent Matthies, Minister - kmatthies@usguu.org
Ryan Hurd, Director of Spiritual Development - dsd@usguu.org
Mark Daugherty, Music Director - musicdirector@usguu.org
Gloria Guldager, Church Administrator- usgadmin@usguu.org
Carolyn Scott, Asst. Administrator- communications@usguu.org
Carolyn Cotton, Rental Coordinator - rental@usguu.org
Mike Rogers, Sunday Morning and Special Events Sexton - sexton@usguu.org  
Tuesday's SPIRIT (not every Tuesday in the Summer) - Friday by 3:00pm
Thursday's Weekly eCommUUnicator - Wednesday by noon
Sunday's Announcements - Thursday by noon

The Unitarian Society of Germantown | 215-844-1157 | 6511 Lincoln Drive, Philadelphia, PA 19119