Kundalini, Cayce, and Mystical Scripture:
The Uplifted Bronze Serpent
With Rev. Su Choy
January 12, 2025
Kundalini, which is often depicted as a coiled snake sleeping at
the base of the spine, refers to the spiritual energy dormant within each individual. Activation of the sleeping kundalini may be experienced in many ways, but no matter the characteristics, the process eventually results in union of the physical body with the spiritual body. And this, in turn, leads to a profound state of enlightenment, accompanied by spiritual
skills such as healing, prophecy, clairvoyance, and more. Though the kundalini process has been widely discussed and deeply respected in Eastern religions, notably Hinduism and Buddhism, its presence in the bible has been frequently overlooked or misunderstood. Yet thanks to prophets such as Edgar Cayce – himself the recipient of awakened kundalini - we now know better. Astoundingly, from the book of Genesis all the way to Revelation, we encounter stark images and symbols of kundalini awakening – OUR awakening. Please join Rev. Su Choy in a profound discussion of kundalini’s relevance for the smooth unfolding of our spiritual journey.
Join our Sunday 10 AM to 11:15
Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: Light