Join us this Sunday

Pastor Mark Inouye

Revelation: Discipleship for Today, Part 2 - "First Love"

Revelation 2:1-7

9:30 AM Worship with Sunday School and Nursery Care

Women's Bible Study

Join us for a winter Women’s Bible Study led by Margaret Allen.

Wednesdays (now - February 26)

9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

The Commons

131 N. Main Street

Hailey, Idaho

Email Chrissy Field to signup and for more information!

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Congregational Meeting

Join us on Sunday, January 26 following the 9:30 AM worship service for our annual congregational business meeting. 

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The NEST Workers

We are looking for a couple more dynamic team members to round out our incredible staff!

Must have a love for babies, be energetic and outgoing and upbeat, and have experience and knowledge about developmental milestones! Also must be fluent in English.

Full-time and part-time positions currently open. Full-time employees will earn a competitive salary with our school’s benefits package.

Please contact Miss Kim at

208-726-9053 or for more information and to schedule a time to come check out our adorable infant center, The Nest, and meet our hardworking and dedicated staff.

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Empty Bowls

Join us for the 13th annual Empty Bowls Event on Sunday, February 2, 2025.

Blaine County Charitable Fund, Boulder Mountain Clayworks and the Church of the Big Wood are hosting the annual Empty Bowls event February 2 from 11:00 am – 2 pm at the Church of the Big Wood. Proceeds benefit BCCF's financial assistance programs.

Register early and you can purchase a handmade bowl for $25 and fill with generous helpings of soup, chili, salad, bread and dessert from local chefs. Entry is $30 at the door.

Register Here
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CBW | PO Box 660 | Ketchum, ID 83340 US