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Worship Services on the Third Sunday in Lent, March 3

8:30AM Traditional Chapel Service

10AM Contemporary Service in the Sanctuary & online

11:30AM Cathedral Service in the Sanctuary

Pastor Brendan will continue his preaching series Ancient Practices for a Modern World this week with the message "Going Deeper: Discernment" on James 3:13-18. Sunday School is available during the 10AM service. Click HERE for more information about Sunday School.

8:30AM in the Chapel with piano, hymns, a message, and Communion served weekly.

10AM in the Sanctuary or online with praise music and a message. To watch online at 10AM, go to the church websiteFacebook page, or YouTube page.

11:30AM the first Sunday each month in the Sanctuary with traditional organ music, hymns, Communion, and a sermon. There will NOT be a Cathedral Service on Sunday, April 7.

Meet in the Sacred Grounds Café after worship for fellowship, coffee, and treats!

The Labyrinth will be available in the Zabor Room

before & after all three services

on Sunday, March 3, 2024

During this Lenten season, are you looking for an opportunity to delight in your Sabbath, to be still, meditate and talk with God? Then you may find the Labyrinth an ideal way to do this.

While no experience is needed to listen for and talk with the Spirit, instructions for navigating the labyrinth are provided for newcomers and those perhaps needing a refresher. 

The Labyrinth will next be available on Sunday, May 5.

Lectionary Readings for the Third Sunday in Lent, March 3, 2024

First Reading: Exodus 20:1-17

Psalm 19

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25

Gospel: John 2:13-22

One House at a Time (OHAAT) DREAM BIG Campaign:

March 2024

Help give warm beds to area children so they can Dream Big!

During the month of March, Gloria Dei will be collecting the following:

  • New Twin Sheets (most needed item)
  • New Pillows
  • New Blankets
  • New Individual Children’s Toothbrushes

Other ways to help:

  • Click on the following links to order a bedtime item from one of OHAAT's wishlists: Target, Amazon, Walmart
  • Click HERE to donate funds directly to OHAAT.
  • Join OHAAT for a Dine & Donate event at two PJ Whelihan’s locations on Thursday, March 7 - more details below!

Bring your donations with you to church on Sunday or to the church office during the week

Lent 40 Day Challenge

Click HERE for the calendar and begin your Lenten journey today.

There are copies available in the Chapel, Sanctuary, and church office.

Holy Week Schedule

Palm Sunday on March 24:

  • ONE combined 10AM service both in-person in the Sanctuary & online
  • Easter Egg Hunt at 11:15AM on the church campus
  • Community Brunch at 11:30AM. More details and signups coming soon!

Maundy Thursday Dinner Church Service on March 28:

  • 5:30PM in Christian Fellowship Hall. Bring your favorite soup in a crock pot to share. More details and signups coming soon

Good Friday Service on March 29:

  • 5:30PM both in-person in the Sanctuary & online

Easter Sunday on March 31:

  • 8:30AM Morning Service in the Chapel
  • 10AM Contemporary Service both in-person in the Sanctuary & online
  • 11:30AM Cathedral Service in the Sanctuary

Easter Flowers for the Sanctuary

  • Purchase Easter Flowers “in Honor of” or “in Memory of” someone special
  • Plants must be ordered in advance by Sunday, March 24
  • Forms are available in the Chapel & Sanctuary, or click HERE for an order form
  • Following the last Easter service, you may take your plant(s) to enjoy

Dine & Donate for OHAAT

PJ Whelihan's Pub & Restaurant

Thursday, March 7 from 5-9PM

Horsham or Blue Bell location

One night, two PJ Whelihan’s locations!

Dine there or take out. Tell your location when you place your order that you are dining for OHAAT, and 15% of your order will go directly to help end child bedlessness in our area!

Click HERE for PJ Whelihan's in Horsham:

101 Easton Road, Suite 300 * 267-861-8800

Click HERE for PJ Whelihan's in Blue Bell:

799 Dekalb Pike * 610-272-8919


Meet the Artist continues!

Saturday, March 9

4-6PM in the Library Lounge

Wilma Kuhnle and her daughter, Marcia Rudan, will be sharing their fabric and needlework art. These artists will display some of their art and talk about what inspires them to create.

This BYOB event will include light snacks and dessert.

Everyone is welcome! Bring a friend!

Volunteer at Caring for Friends

Tuesday, March 12


at their northeast Philly location:

12271 Townsend Road

Anyone ages 12 & up, meet at Caring for Friends to prepare and package meals. Come late or leave early as your schedule allows.

Click HERE to sign up, or email Dana at There are also sign up sheets in the Chapel and Sanctuary.

Matinee & Munchies

Wednesday, March 13

12PM in Sacred Grounds

“Never Too Late” is this month's movie

Bring your favorite beverage, we’ll supply the movie and munchies!

This movie is 1 hour and 38 minutes long.

Questions? Contact Dana at or

Betsy at

Lunch & Learn

Friday, March 15

12PM in Christian Fellowship Hall

Medicare: a Benefits Refresh

Medicare expert Terry Smerling of DelVal Advisors will present.

Pizza & salad lunch provided to all who sign up by Wednesday, March 13.

Please sign up on sheets in the Chapel or Sanctuary, or email the church office at indicating your name, phone number, and whether you are willing to bring a dessert to share.

Questions? Contact Betsy at or Dana at

Gloria Dei's Online Giving Platform is Changing by March 31!

We are updating our management software to better serve our church which includes our online giving platform.

If you currently have a recurring donation set up online through the previous system, this will be ending on March 31. Nothing will change if you currently donate with cash or check.

Gloria Dei is asking that you please set up your recurring online donation in the new system using the links below and then cancel your donation in the old system.

Of course if you are brand new to online giving, we would love for you to set up a recurring donation using this new platform!

Click HERE when using your phone to download the app.

Click HERE when using your computer to go to the web-based version.

Click HERE to watch a one minute video on how to give online using the new giving software.

Click HERE to donate online in our new giving platform.

Please contact the church office if you have any questions at or 215-947-8200.

Volunteer Form

Thank you for making a difference in our community! We're excited to partner with you. Please answer some questions on the volunteer form so you can get connected to the right team.

Click HERE to fill out the Volunteer Form online. There will also be some paper copies of the form available in the Chapel and Sanctuary.


Lead Pastor: Brendan Galvin,

Senior and Lay Ministry: Betsy Maier,

Kids and Family: Dana Harrison,

Tweens & Youth: Dana Harrison

Praise Band Leader: Chris Schmer,

Office Staff: Susan Earp, Bookkeeper,; Jennifer Suit, Office Manager,

Property: David Stryker, Facilities Manager,; Jeff DeHaven,

Church Council:

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:30AM-3:30PM; Friday: 9:30AM-1:00PM




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