Worship Services on the Third Sunday in Lent, March 3
8:30AM Traditional Chapel Service
10AM Contemporary Service in the Sanctuary & online
11:30AM Cathedral Service in the Sanctuary
Pastor Brendan will continue his preaching series Ancient Practices for a Modern World this week with the message "Going Deeper: Discernment" on James 3:13-18. Sunday School is available during the 10AM service. Click HERE for more information about Sunday School.
8:30AM in the Chapel with piano, hymns, a message, and Communion served weekly.
10AM in the Sanctuary or online with praise music and a message. To watch online at 10AM, go to the church website, Facebook page, or YouTube page.
11:30AM the first Sunday each month in the Sanctuary with traditional organ music, hymns, Communion, and a sermon. There will NOT be a Cathedral Service on Sunday, April 7.
Meet in the Sacred Grounds Café after worship for fellowship, coffee, and treats!