September 14, 2023


September 17, 2023

8:30 AM & 10 AM Worship

8:30 AM | Worship with Communion

10 AM | Worship with Communion


Website for online streaming: or direct link:

Missed last weeks sermon? You may view it here (timestamp 36:31)

**ALL Kids Church and Youth programming begins October 1. Kids church volunteers needed. Please contact Bobbi at



St. Matthew's will host the AfterSchool Program for McKnight Middle School Students every Thursday from 2:35-4 PM. The students are excited to return, and we have a fun year of enriching activities planned! Adult volunteers are needed to help us grow this vital program for the students. If you feel a nudge to help volunteer or offer your gifts, please get in touch with Debbie Bathurst at Thanks! Also, please help us spread the word :)


Forgiveness is something followers of Jesus talk about all the time. However, forgiveness is not straightforward or easy. How do we offer forgiveness when we cannot forgive and forget? How do we forgive when someone harms one of our friends? How do we forgive ourselves when we have intentionally or unintentionally hurt someone else? What are the dos and don'ts of a good apology? You are invited to attend a Forgiveness Workshop on Sunday, September 24, 2023, from 12-2 PM. Through storytelling and information sharing, we will explore the spiritual, physical, and emotional impact of giving and receiving forgiveness. All are welcome, and please invite your friends! Cost: $15. Lunch will be provided. Childcare is provided upon request. To sign up, follow this link: Forgiveness Workshop.


Connections Bible Study will resume on Thursday, September 21, 2023! Gather for an informal and engaging conversation about scripture and daily life. This fall, we will explore forgiveness, fairness, belonging, and healing themes. Feel free to invite your friends to this joy-filled gathering on Thursday afternoons. And a bonus...there are homemade cookies almost every week!


The Transitions Group will resume their meetings beginning Saturday September 16 at 9am on Zoom. The topic this month is Emily Freeman's podcast episode #96 "Listen to Your Crazy Ideas." Emily does a beautiful job of talking about why it may actually not be crazy to listen to that nagging crazy idea of your heart when it comes up:


We will discuss the podcast or whatever anyone carries on their heart. The Transitions Group is open to everyone who is living through a life change/transition time. If you know someone who might benefit from our group or this month's topic, you are welcome to invite them!


Topic: Transitions Group

Time: Sep 16, 2023 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 881 1762 3637

Passcode: 197123


If you are not receiving Children or Youth Emails and wish to, please contact Bobbi Cyr (she/her)

Read this week's entire Children & Family Email HERE

Read this week's entire Youth Email HERE

KID'S CHURCH (3 years-5th grade)

Resuming Sunday, October 1

During the 10AM Service

Children (3 yrs—5th grade) are invited to participate in a time of learning and fellowship centered around the Gospel Message for the week. Following the Children's Message, those wishing to participate will leave together with Kid's Church leaders and head to the Conference Center for songs, games, activities, and conversation. We'll come back and find our adults after the Sermon is complete.

We plan to resume Kid's Church again this year during the 10 AM Service starting on Sunday, October 1. In order to make Kid's Church possible, we need a minimum of two background-checked adults present each week helping to lead.

Sign-up to Serve at Kid's Church Here!

YOUTH GROUP (6-12th Grade)

Sunday, October 1 | 5:00-7:00 PM

Youth Group will resume on the 1st and 3rd Sundays this year from 5:00-7:00 PM for all 6-12 grade students and friends!

We will kick-off this year with a bbq, get to know one another again, play games, laugh a lot, and share ideas about what we want to do this year as a group!

We will continue to share in a meal together this year at the beginning of Youth Group and hope that folks from the community will sign-up to provide a meal for the youth. This is a great time for you to connect with and get to know the youth on a more personal level! When you provide a meal, we would love for you to eat with us and stay for games. Details on providing a meal and SIGN-UP!


Friday, September 29 - 5:30-7:30PM

Our first Family Fellowship Night this fall will be on Friday, September 29 from 5:30-7:30PM in the Conference Center. It'll be a fun, easy, Friday night. No need to cook, or do dishes!

Join other families for Pizza, Ice Cream and Games! No need to bring anything but yourselves (and maybe your family's favorite game).

RSVPs are not necessary, however, it would be helpful to know you're coming to gauge the pizza order.

We look forward to catching up with you all as we head into the fall.


through October 1


Items can be dropped off on the following Sundays between 8am-Noon: 

September 17, 24 & Oct 1. A list of items being collected are below:


men's, women's and children's clothes, coats, shoes, scarves, handbags, wallets, fashion accessories, ties, belts, backpacks, etc.


bedding, comforters, blankets, sheets, towels, linen, tablecloths, curtains, pillows, etc.


kitchen items (such as pots/pans, dishes, silverware, hand-held appliances), home decorative items, knick-knacks, toys, games, and small electronics


paperback, hard cover - all genres*no encyclopedias or text books

  • Please use bags for clothes and textiles and tightly pack boxes of small household goods.
  • Separate books from household goods and media.
  • All items must be clean and in sellable condition.


Please contact Chimene Lautenslager for further questions.


I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well. - Psalm139:14

Throughout this weekend retreat, we will explore how we are each created in God's own image, uniquely made, and endlessly loved. We will explore themes of how we are created to be (____) and ultimately, how we are empowered to be our unique selves. Created to be ME!  Join in the adventure of seeking out what it means to be uniquely created as one of God's beloved. What "me" are you created to be?

Who: 6-12 grade students

When: November 10-12

Where: Camp Lutherwood, Bellingham

Cost: $150 partial & full scholarships available

Registration Deadline: October 1, 2023 

Register here!

(Registration open until October 1)

Pay for the retreat here

YOUTH GATHERING 2024 (8-12th Grade)

INFO MEETING - Sunday, October 1, 11:15 AM

Every three years, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) holds an annual Youth Gathering. In the summer of 2024, the Gathering will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana. This is an amazing time to worship with thousands of other youth and adults from all over America who have beliefs and practices similar to yours. There will be times of service, fellowship, and worship throughout the four days we are in New Orleans.

To learn more about the Gathering, there will be an informational meeting held on Sunday, October 1; 11:15 am (after the Sunday morning worship) in the Comfy Couch Room for current 8th-12th grade students and parents.

See you at the Info Meeting!


The LiVE Project 2023-24

LiVE (rhymes with "give") is an acronym for "Living into Vocational Engagement." LiVE is a ministry of our synod that offers education opportunities for lay people, with the goal of forming Christian leaders able to make sense of God’s world and our place in it.

LiVE offers a flexible, hybrid-style of learning, including multi-week courses, one-day retreats, and interactive learning cohorts. Some offerings are weekday evenings via zoom, others are one-day Saturday retreats. All offer the chance for further discussion, exploration, and community building.

St. Matthew's is a registered congregation, therefore, all course registrations and retreat registrations are FREE.

Find more information on our website:


 Check Out the 2023-24 Course Catalog HERE.


Questions? Email

The LiVE Chosen Retreat

Saturday, September 23, 9AM-4PM

Our Savior's in Everett

Dr. Michael Chan will lead this One-day Retreat

From the time of Abraham and Sarah, God has been creating and fashioning a people with an important purpose in this world. Born out of barrenness and liberation, the people of God have been on a long journey marked by promise, peril, and tragedy. This event invites you to consider how God's ongoing work to shape a people continues in your own lives and ministry contexts.    

This event is for any and all lay leaders who wish to revisit the Chosen life of God’s people as heard within the Old Testament. Whether you are new to Scripture or a seasoned Bible reader, this day will bring you new insight, and inspiration for growing closer to the God who chooses people for a life of calling and connection.   Follow this link for more information.

Use this bundle code to register: LIVEBUNDLE2023

Questions? Email 


Fall Festival & Fundraiser

Harvest from the Heart Fundraiser September 30th, 1-5PM


Join Sustainable Renton this fall for an outdoor festival with fun for the whole family! Music, vendors, bounce houses, pumpkin painting, tractor rides, fresh-pressed cider and MORE! All proceeds support the continuation of Sustainable Renton's community efforts!

For more information, check out their website:


NEEDED! Donated non-refrigerated baked goods for the fundraiser. Donated goods can be:

● Baked goods (must be delivered 9/30 before 12:30pm)

● Handcrafted shelf stable items such as jams, spices, etc.

● Crafted artistic goods

● Donations from local businesses

All items must be delivered to a Sustainable Renton representative before the start of the event. Baked goods and desserts should be delivered the morning of the event to the Sustainable Renton Community Farm (11840 148th Ave. SE, Renton).

● We cannot accept any item that needs to be refrigerated.

For more information: Please contact Gale Wright at or Hannah Flory at

Sustainable Renton Letter


Timing Feedback Request

We are considering the timing for Vacation Bible School both for families and for volunteers. We understand that it is not easy for caring adults to take off a week of work to volunteer their mornings at Vacation Bible School nor is it easy for working parents to get their children to morning programming each day.

As we try to find the best options for both, please take a quick moment to provide some thoughts in this short feedback form.



+ For Jim and Curt.

+ For the beginning of Fall and all programming at St. Matthew's.

+For all teachers and students.

+ Jessie Ray, who is undergoing a lengthy and painful procedure to rebuild one of his arms after an auto accident.

+ For all of those experiencing covid. Swift healing.

+For Aimee Eggink and Sergio Correa as they seek to grow their family through adoption.

+For those experiencing pain, upcoming surgeries and recovery from surgeries, and all forms of grief and loss.

+ For those experiencing the aftermath of the Maui fires.

+For someone having a procedure on Friday. Prayers for a successful procedure and swift healing.

+For Mark's surgery, that it be successful and for swift healing as he recovers.


An offering is gathered for the mission of the church, including the care of those in need. Online giving options include Venmo, PayPal, and the church website:

St. Matthew's Welcome Statement

St. Matthew’s is a passionate, imperfect community of Christ. We boldly affirm people of all cultures, ages, abilities, stories and experiences, skin tones, sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions. We trust in the ridiculous love of God that shows no partiality. When our unique identities are used to divide or hurt us, we are committed to reconciliation and healing, so that justice, racial equity, grace and inclusion continue to be our way of life.

Follow events, gatherings and more via our website & social media
Facebook  Instagram  Youtube