Save the date for our annual Easter Egg Scramble on Saturday, April 12 from 10 to 11:30 AM. It's a great morning of games, inflatables, and the Egg Scramble outside on the grassy hill. Each age group scrambles to pick up as many eggs as possible! Invite your friends and neighbors to this community outreach event which includes music, donuts, coffee, and door prize drawings.
10:15 AM scramble: Toddlers to 3 years
10:30 AM scramble: Preschool to Kindergarten
10:45 AM scramble: 1st to 3rd Grade
11 AM scramble: 4th Grade and up
How you can help: Sign up here to join our serve team and serve our community. Or, pick up a box of empty eggs in the lobby on Sunday and follow the directions to fill and return the eggs to Hillcrest by Sunday, April 6.