Sunday Brunch with CenterClip: Featuring the week's best moments in political audio, only on CenterClip


Legislation To Push Back Illiberal College Trend


Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow and Director of Constitutional Studies

“Abolish these DEI bureaucracies. They actively work against norms of academic freedom and truth seeking, free speech, civil discourse. They advance primarily political aims – those of rather radical left wingers. They also fuel administrative bloat that raises costs and exacerbates student debt. So administrators should maintain official neutrality on politics, everything that is aside from educating students. Leave compliance officers and lawyers in the general council’s office to deal with civil rights laws, but everything else, get rid of it. Defund it.”

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Let's Reform How Classified Documents Are Handled


Former Republican Political Strategist, Radio and Television Host

“This should not continue to happen at all. Our intelligence community needs to have a manual review process where individuals look over every document, in my view, before an individual leaves the White House or Vice President’s office or home to ensure these documents aren’t taken and can’t potentially fall into the wrong hands. Classified documents for those of you guys who aren’t familiar contain methodologies, sources, and other sensitive information that could put sources in great harm if found by those supporting our adversaries or our adversaries themselves if they ever got their hands on said documents. They can provide information that can be used for a plethora of reasons against our interest as a country. Which is why under normal circumstances you can only view them in controlled environments. And so the fact that presidents, now a current president who was vice president at the time, have continued to take these documents just doesn’t make a lot of sense to me and truly indicates the fact that the process needs to be reformed.”

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MEMO to Both Sides: Stop Politicizing Sports


Former Special Assistant to the President, Director of Strategic Communications, Trump-Pence 2020

“I’ve often been asked what would you say if you got a chance to meet President Clinton or President Obama or now President Biden. And my answer has always been the same thing. I would extend my right hand and say, it’s an honor to meet you Mr. President. Because it is. Regardless of whether I voted for you. Regardless of whether I worked to defeat you or will work to defeat you again. Or regardless of what I think about your policies, it still is an honor to meet the President of the United States. It’s still an honor to go to the White House no matter who is working or happens to be in residence there. We have got to get back to a time when we can put politics where it belongs, have those spirited disagreements, and have those spirited discussions. But there are also certain times when it is just a great honor to celebrate a champion, to honor the hard work of a champion by the Chief Executive at the White House as a cherry on the top of the sundae for all of your hard work in deserving that championship. It’s sad that that tradition fell away, primarily during the Trump years and it shouldn’t have gotten to that – it shouldn’t get to that. We’ve got to get back to that point in America.” 

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Cross-Currents in the Economy


Founding Partner Macro Trends Advisors LLC, Visiting Research Fellow, University of San Diego School of Business, Co-Host The NoPo Podcast

“A recent survey conducted by PWC, my former firm, said that 70% of executives – CEOs around the world – believe a recession is coming in 2023. But a similar percentage of CEOs also said that they are better prepared to handle a recession because the last two years, almost three years, were probably the biggest test of a business’ ability to be nimble, and they feel like they have learned so much in the last two years about being nimble that they can handle a recession. So I think what we are seeing with these companies cutting heads, they are trying to get ahead of the curve as opposed to firing people and cutting heads in response to shrinking sales. I think they’re trying to get ahead of it to help those companies navigate through recession, which is probably inevitable. So I think we’ve got good things from a business perspective, bad news and good news in terms of the economy, where it looks like the Fed’s actions are beginning to work. The problem is the consumer is paying the price until we can get inflation under control.” 

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The Fed Has Done Enough, Time To Stop


Internationally Syndicated Editorial Cartoonist, Senior Fellow at the Alabama Policy Institute and Co-Host of DMZ America Podcast

“You mentioned the layoffs at Amazon – tens of thousands of workers. Workspace – another 10,000. Microsoft – another 10,000. If we are heading into a really deep recession with unemployment, that’s going to be enormous pain for the American consumers and the American people. Is a recession avoidable? Probably not. For those of us who are interested in economics and what’s happening, looking at the machinations of the COVID pandemic, we were going to come out and there was going to be inflation. There was going to be some kind of jitters on the part of the economy. But what you do now is, don’t do anything else. You mentioned the 70s and Paul Volcker and what you described as a self-induced coma and it created stagflation. It really was a decade of an absolutely terrible economy, until Reagan came in and started cutting the budget, started cutting back spending. And also because of the cutback in some of the regulations, the supply chain was able to loosen up and prices leveled off dramatically. And we had obviously a very strong economy for over a decade. So just in addition to what Mitch mentioned, I would add, ‘Hey, people over there at the Federal Reserve board. Hands off. Let’s let things happen the way they happen. And we should all be just fine and hopefully the recession will be very shallow.’”

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Trending topics this week included the Economy, Jobs, Jacinda Arden, SCOTUS Leak Report, Biden's Classified Documents, Kevin McCarthy, and more!

  1. ANDREW MALCOLM: Chicago's Mayor Is Losing Her Reelection Bid
  2. SHERMICHAEL SINGLETON: Let's Reform How Classified Documents Are Handled
  3. ILYA SHAPIRO: Legislation To Push Back Illiberal College Trend
  4. JENNIFER HORN: Being Just As Incompetent As Trump Won't Win
  5. MITCH ROSCHELLE: Cross-Currents in the Economy
  6. TED RALL: Make Defense Taxes Optional
  7. ANDREW MALCOLM: So Joe Biden Sneaked Classified Documents Home Too
  8. JENNIFER HORN: Don't Expect McCarthy To Take Action..
  9. MITCH ROSCHELLE: Florida Tops New York in Jobs
  10. SCOTT STANTIS: Could The Debt Limit Crisis Hurt The Economy


CenterClip is thrilled to welcome a new Creator! For the full lineup of CenterClip Creators, please click HERE.

Richie Alicea

Seasoned political strategist / former GOP, current radical centrist — Founder, Great Lake Strategy / Prof. of Practice at the Univ. of Akron’s Bliss Institute of Applied Politics


We want to hear from you! We will now be accepting comments and letters to the editor. Agree or disagree with a Creator? Want to respond to a clip? Have a new take on a hot topic? Want to get a Creator's thoughts on a specific issue? Made a brunch recipe, with either exceptional or disastrous results? This is your opportunity to have your voice heard. Submit a comment or letter via the form below for your chance to be featured in a CenterClip Sunday Brunch newsletter!

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Each week, CenterClip will be featuring a favorite brunch recipe from one of our Creators or Team Members. Mitch Roschelle's favorite recipe is:


by Mitch Roschelle


  • 1 box frozen spinach 
  • 3/4 cup grated Colby cheese 
  • 1/4 cup grated parmigiano
  • 4 eggs 
  • 1 cup mayo 
  • 3 tablespoons all purpose flour 
  • 1 medium onion 
  • 2 tablespoons butter 
  • 1 store bought frozen pie shell 
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder 
  • Big mixing bowl 



  • Defrost spinach the night before and drain out all the excess water 
  • Dice onion and cook in butter on medium head until translucent (let cool) 
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees 
  • Bake pie shell for 5 min (remember to take the wax paper out of it) then place to side 
  • Mix eggs / cheese / mayo / flour / garlic powder (keep some cheese aside to sprinkle on top) 
  • Add onions once cool (you don’t want to cook the eggs with hot onions) 
  • Add spinach and stir until spinach is evenly mixed in wet mixture 
  • Pour into pie shell 
  • Sprinkle remaining cheese on top 
  • Place full pie shell on cookie sheet and place in oven at 325 
  • Cook for 25 to 30 min until internal temp is 160 degrees 
  • Let cool 15 min before slicing


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