Sunday Brunch with CenterClip: Featuring the week's best moments in political audio, only on CenterClip


Sinema's Act is Pure Political Self-Preservation


Democratic Campaign Strategist and Former 2020 Biden Campaign Surrogate

"Like we've seen Arlen Specter in the past in PA, and other senators that made the calculation to leave their particular political party, this is pure politics...I don't think this will work out for her. You have to have a base of support, as we've seen."

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Trumpism: A Mile Wide, An Inch Thick


Conservative blogger, podcast host, and founder of Saving Elephants 

"What I do notice sometimes about MAGA America is a sense of loyalty to Trump, but also a sense of desperation...speaking as a Republican myself, the calls I've gotten to just fall in line, we've got to follow this guy, we've got to stick together. That doesn't instill confidence, in my view. There's almost a recognition this whole thing is a mile wide, but an inch thick. It's very flimsy. And when the establishment Republicans begin to recognize that Donald Trump is not their key to success, but is in fact more detriment, and can gain more ground by standing up to (Trump), I think we're going to see Trump fall very quickly."

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China's Debt: GDP is Third World


Founding Partner Macro Trends Advisors LLC, Visiting Research Fellow, University of San Diego School of Business, Co-Host The NoPo Podcast

"China's debt is nearly 300% of their GDP...China's economy is much, much frailer than ours. Our debt as a percentage of GDP, which looks third world to me, is 124%...but their silly zero Covid policy has cost them dearly. They needed to print money to feed their country while they were eliminating a lot of commerce...they need us, in many respects, way more than we need them. We should never underestimate China as a global threat, but when you think about how fragile their economy is, their debt to GDP looks much more third world than ours."

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Griner's Release is Cause for Celebration


Co-Founder, The Lincoln Project, University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy Fellow and Former New Hampshire Republican State Committee Chair

"This is a real hallelujah moment for our nation...Republican leaders who would try to use Griner's release as a political tool against Biden, should remember two very important historical facts. First, Biden secured the release of another Marine held in Russia earlier this year...more importantly, we have to remember that Trump himself agreed to the release of 5,000 Taliban fighters as part of negations between Taliban and Afghan officials...I'm thankful we have a President with the patience and moral fortitude to press ahead in situations like this."

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Griner Prisoner Swap Comes At High Price


Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow and Director of Constitutional Studies

"We get the WNBA Star, and Russia gets back the notorious arms dealer Viktor Bout, who has blood on his hands from child soldiers, Taliban, Al Qaeda, you name it...You can't help but think this was a politically correct trade. That Griner's woke popularity contributed to Biden's decision to prioritize her."

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Trending topics this week included Brittney Griner, Russia, China, the Voting Age, Kyrsten Sinema, and more

  1. JENNIFER HORN: Trump Is Very Real Danger To Democracy
  2. ANDREW MALCOLM: Do We Need To Lower The Voting Age Again?
  3. TED RALL: Russia Says Nyet to $70 Oil
  4. TED RALL: Good News for Brittney, Good News for Common Sense
  5. SCOTT STANTIS: The Dems Prove They Are No Friends To Unions
  6. MITCH ROSCHELLE: China’s Debt : GDP is Third World
  7. JENNIFER HORN: Griner's Release Is Cause For Celebration
  8. FORD O'CONNELL: Georgia & Arizona Are 2024 Presidential Must Haves
  9. ILYA SHAPIRO: Griner Prisoner Swap Comes At High Price
  10. MARC LOTTER: Pearl Harbor Day: Remember And Stay Vigilant


CenterClip Creators all had different takes on Brittney Griner's release. Listen to all concise, original clips - only on CenterClip.

For the full lineup of CenterClip Creators, please click HERE.


Each week, CenterClip will be featuring a favorite brunch recipe from one of our Creators or Team Members. Lauren's (CenterClip CFO) favorite recipe is:


Martha Stewart


  • 6 large tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • Coarse salt and ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves
  • 2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
  • 6 large eggs

Step 1

Heat oven to 400 degrees. Slice the top third off tomatoes and use a small spoon to remove core and seeds. Arrange in a baking dish, drizzle with oil, and season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with thyme and garlic. Roast until tomatoes are tender and caramelized, about 30 minutes.

Step 2

Crack an egg into each tomato and season with salt and pepper. Bake until eggs are just set, 7 to 9 minutes more.

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