Mary Magdalene Church is an inclusive church in the Catholic tradition where people from all faiths and backgrounds are welcome to the Lord's Table. We strive to live the values that Jesus taught, to honor and respect each individual and to share the joy of God's unconditional love in our community and beyond. | |
Mary Magdalene Church Bulletin
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Second Sunday of Advent
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We are sorry that our elevator is not in service this weekend!
The parts have been ordered and we hope to have the repairs completed soon. Thank you for your patience!
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A Message from the Resilience Project at
Mary Magdalene Church
And just like that, the holiday season is upon us! For many, shopping is a feature of the season - whether for gifts, a good deal on a staple for ourselves, or for the secret ingredients to a long-loved family recipe. And, you may be wondering - how does this relate to resilience? It does.
You may recall when Amazon founder and owner of the Washington Post, Jeff Bezos, opted to break with a long-standing tradition of publishing the news organization's endorsement of a presidential candidate in the most recent election out of fear of retaliation by one of the candidates. Following that, 250,000 subscribers, as reported by The Washington Post, responded by cancelling their Washington Post subscriptions. They made their voices heard with their dollars. Now, some may say that boycotts of huge companies are unlikely to make a lasting impact on thier financial stability and it's not worth the inconvenience, and that may hold some truth. But, perhaps the desire to make a financial bruise isn't the only purpose in taking such an action. Perhaps, for some, their decision was an act taken to preserve and protect their personal values and beliefs. Perhaps they leaned into what they could do, knowing that their action was not likely to tank the company, but sure that continuing to support the organization was something they simply could not do.
We indirectly support something with nearly every dollar spent. It may be a PAC, a candidate, legislation, or a philosophy. And when we learn that our dollars support something or someone which is not aligned to who we are, we may feel taken advantage of. In some way, it may even feel like a microaggression against ourselves! While we must exercise self compassion and accept that it is impossible to have perfect information about what or who all of our spent dollars support, knowing what we can and making purchasing choices that align with our values is something that we can do. By doing what we can to support that which we care about, shopping can be an act of resilience.
Websites* such as ( and ( can help you learn more about how the companies and brands you shop align with your values. Until next time, know and trust that you are worthy of love, you are loved, and you are enough.
*Please note that sharing these resources does not constitute any assurance or endorsement of these websites or their services by Mary Magdalene Church.
About the Resilience Project
The aim of the Resilience Project is to share actionable ideas to help nurture resilience in bite-sized ways. The ideas will come from our community and beyond. You are invited to consider each idea and embrace what makes sense for you. We also encourage you to share the ideas that you find worthwhile with others in your life. The intent is to put empowering, actionable, do-able ideas in the hands and hearts of many.
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Lectionary Scriptures This Week: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11; Psalm85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14; 2 Peter 3:8-14; Mark 1:1-8
Lector: Polly McCarthy
Musicians: Kathy English, Randy Jones, Bob Pizzutiello
LivestreamTechnician: Kathy McIntyre
Sacristans: Marilyn Parchus, Michael Haddix, Betty Jerabeck
Prayers of the People: Jerry Janas
Eucharistic Ministers: Joyce Martelli, Joyce Haag
Coffee Hour Food: Community Potluck
Coffee Hour Cleanup: Community helpers needed!
Sound Technician: Ted Shawe
Collection Counter: Betty Jerabeck
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If you are interested in volunteering for one of the ministries above,
or in any other way, just let us know.
Email Sue or Rev. Lori about how you can help, and THANK YOU!
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Join us for Mass in person at
1008 Main St. East Rochester, NY
Join us for Mass live online on
Facebook Live or YouTube!
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Masking is recommended but not required.
Please click here to read the CDC's guidelines for each level.
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Happenings at Mary Magdalene Church | |
Surviving the Holidays
The holidays are challenging when grieving a loss. Join us on Saturday, December 14th at 10 AM for a two hour workshop providing encouragement, support, and valuable tools to navigate the season. Click here for the informational flyer about our event and here to learn more about GriefShare.
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Christmas Jazz Concert!
Join us on December 15th for our 3rd Annual Christmas Jazz Concert. The concert will feature The Indigo Breeze Sextet. Refreshments will be served during intermission. Suggested donation: $10/person. Proceeds will support the mission and operations of Mary Magdalene Church.
Open to the public. All are welcome!
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East Rochester Area Churches Giving Tree
We continue to support the ER Resource Center program that provides gift cards to Parkside/DePaul residents, and this year, our congregation will offer to 15 people, gifts to celebrate the holidays. Anyone wishing to participate is asked to bring a $25 gift card from Dollar General, Wegmans or
Big Lots to church no later than December 15th. We will get the cards to the Parkside/DePaul residents in time for Christmas. Thank you for your generosity!
Money Ball is Back!
This fundraising event is open to all parishioners and the public! Balls/numbers are available for purchase now! Original numbers will be available until 12/8 at which time they will be available for others to pick!! The proceeds will benefit Mary Magdalene Church and our InReach/OutReach ministries. Click here for an informational flyer. Contact Tammy Drollette to purchase a ball if you are not able to do so in person.
It's that time of year again when we ask for volunteers to help clear the sidewalks and steps of snow and ice on Sunday mornings. We have a power shovel that is relatively easy to use and several regular shovels. Rock salt is available inside the back door and near the elevator in the front of the church. You would need to arrive to church early, between 9:15-9:30. Many hands make light work! If you can help please contact Sue. Thank you!
Winter Clothing Drive
On October 1st, we will begin collecting new or gently used winter apparel (coats, hats, gloves) for men, women, and children. Look for the collection box in the foyer of the church. These items will be distributed to those in need through the Open Door Mission and House of Mercy in Rochester. This drive will end on December 18th. In the past, over 200 coats have been collected as part of this project!
East Rochester Resource Center - December Pantry Needs
Click here for a list of pantry needs. Your items may be dropped off at church. Thank you for your continued support!
Children's Ministry 2024-2025
You can find this year's schedule here and on our website calendar. If you would like to sign your child up, please contact the office.
Ministry Sign Up Sheets
Want to become more involved on Sunday? Consider one of the many opportunities such as serving as a lector or Eucharistic minister, reading the Prayers of the People, or hosting a coffee hour! Sign up sheets are on the bulletin board. If you have questions about any of these ministries, Rev. Lori or Sue would be happy to answer them. Thanks for your help!
Bulletin Announcements
If you would like to include social justice opportunities and community activities in the weekly updates or bulletins, email Sue by 5 pm on Tuesdays at
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CALM Ministry
CALM Ministry is a ministry of listening. We believe the gift of listening helps to alleviate suffering and that the gift of presence is one of the greatest gifts we can offer another. If you are hurting or lonely, we have trained soul-listeners who offer time and space to truly listen in a confidential and non-judgmental manner. CALM Ministers are not counselors and do not offer advice. They do, however, offer a warm heart and a soft landing place. For more information, please see our brochure, or email Lori Cunliff at
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News from Around the ECC
Click here to read recent bulletins and messages from the ECC!
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ECC Benedictines Online Advent Retreat
Make your celebration of Advent and Christmas a powerful time of growth and healing by joining the ECC Benedictines of Holy Wisdom this Advent to reflect, share, and prepare for the celebration of God-with-us.
Join us in our contemplation of ‘A Time of Fulfillment’ by Anselm Grün, a monk of the Benedictine abbey of Münsterschwarzach, Germany. His simple meditations and spiritual exercises will help us embrace the closeness of Christ, with a renewed anticipation of Christmas. All are welcome to join us for our Advent reflections; for a deeper experience, buy, borrow, or check out and read Brother Anselm’s book prior to the sessions here.
Our sessions are scheduled for three Sundays: Nov 24, Dec 8, Dec 22 from 7 - 8 pm Eastern
Join Zoom Meeting ID 826 5366 9362
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November Income
Collections: $9,124.00
Fundraising: $871.00
Other: $55.00
Total $10,050.00
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Thank you, as always, for your generosity! We have numerous ways you can choose to donate. You can use the button below to make a one-time donation, and you can contact our office administrator, Sue Gerber, to set up ongoing support.
If you are at least 73 years old and take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your IRA each year, conisider donating some of those funds as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) to Mary Magdalane Church and enjoy some tax savings at the same time! Please make sure your financial institution identifies you as the donor so that we may thank you appropriately!
We also have an account with Can Kings! Your donation of cans and bottles can be made at any of the three Can King locations: 1276 Fairport Road, Fairport; 1183 Bay Road, Webster; or 505 East Main Street, Palmyra. Just let them know to put your donation down for Mary Magdalene Church! Please ask for a receipt, and if you're able please send the receipt to us, so we know to watch for your donation.
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Thursday Morning Contemplative Prayer
7:30-8:30 am
Contemplative Prayer is beginning anew!!
All are welcome every Thursday
either in-person or via Zoom!
Join us for meditative music, reflective readings, silent contemplative prayer & communion.
Please use the parking lot door and join us in the sanctuary.
Or on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 814 3387 8080. The Passcode is 'presence'.
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Opportunities to
Come into Church for
Prayer or Reflection:
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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Opportunities to Connect:
~ On Zoom ~
Coffee Hour after Mass
Sunday 11:00 am
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For those of you who would like to understand a bit more
about our Communal Blessing we participate in during our
live streamed liturgy, you'll find a document explaining the blessing
on our website. It's entitled We are a Eucharistic People.
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Do you have someone you
want us to pray for?
To add someone to the prayer list, contact:
Sue Gerber or Joann Corso
We will include your prayer request in our Prayers of the Faithful for two weeks. If you'd like us to continue praying for the same need longer,
please just send an email! We'll be happy to do so.
If you'd like to join our team of "pray-ers" and be notified where there are
prayer needs, please send an email to Sue Gerber
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2024 Office Hours
In general, our church is open the following hours:
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 10-3 pm
Saturday: Happily by appointment!
Please contact Reverend Lori
*Please note: These hours may change due to unforeseen circumstances. If you would like to make an appointment to see Reverend Lori, please email her directly. Click here for our Church Calendar!
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