Saint George

Orthodox Church

A Parish of the Antiochian Orthodox

Archdiocese of North America

6 Atwood Avenue, Norwood, MA 02062


January 31, 2025

The Saint George Calendar

The calendar with up to date information is online at our website.

Confessions are heard Saturdays before Vespers and by appointment.

February 1 - 5:00 pm - Great Vespers

February 2 - 8:50 / 10:00 am - Orthros & Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple

11:15 am - Sunday Morning Program

February 5 - 6:00 pm - Vespers for Saint Julian (Ellien) of Homs & Winter Book Club

February 8 - 3:30 pm - Adult Catechism (first session, all are welcome)

5:00 pm - Great Vespers

February 9 - 8:50 / 10:00 am - Orthros & Divine Liturgy

11:15 am - Sunday Morning Program

11:30 am - The Clergy Chili Cook-off, supporting IOCC's Souper Bowl of Caring

February 11 - 9:30 am - Old Boys Brunch Bunch

Links and Downloads

Click here for our YouTube Channel and choose a stream to view

Click here to live-stream Matins & Liturgy on February 2nd

Download the Sunday Bulletin

This past week, Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana and Albania, one of the most extraordinary hierarchs of our time fell asleep in Christ. Memory Eternal. Our Metropolitan SABA's teaching this week is a reflection, titled Man of Resurrection

In Arabic

Archdiocese E-News


On a cold, winter’s night is there a better way to spend time than at your church? This Wednesday and again on February 12th & 19th, we will gather for Vespers at 6:00 pm. After the service we will move to the hall and chat about our latest Book Club selection, The Mountain of Silence.  (For this week, read chapters six through nine.) 


Get ready for some amazing food. Again this year the clergy are headed to the kitchen and preparing for the Great Chili Cook Off. It is next Sunday, the 9th. That is the day of the big game and the IOCC’s Souper Bowl of Caring. Plan to join us after Liturgy next Sunday for chili and vote your favorite. Ballots are available for a donation which will go directly to the Norwood Food Pantry as part of IOCC’s effort to feed the hungry.


All through February we are having a collection for Annie’s Closet, a local effort to clothe those in need. There is a marked box in the narthex for you to leave gently worn (excellent condition) coats and clothing. Note, some items, like socks, must be brand new and in the original package.     


Each year in the Archdiocese parishes from the various regions of the country gather in the spring or early summer for services and fellowship and youth events. In New England this year, we are the host parish!  It is a one-day event on Saturday, June 21st. We have a draft schedule and a good group of volunteers to oversee the PLC. We are still in need of poeple to help organize and to provide support on the day of the event. See Father Joseph today and say, “Yes, I can help.” 

Donations to Saint George

Cash and checks may always be left at church. Offering envelopes for mailing are available in the narthex.

Scan the code and send donations to your church with Venmo.

You can also use your credit card or PayPal. This is a simple and secure way to set-up and make a pledge, make a special donation or memorial gift.


With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan SABA, the Archdiocese Camping Ministry is excited to announce the launch of its brand-new summer camp: Camp Saint Joseph of Damascus, taking place from August 11th to 16th, 2025 in Lenox, Massachusetts. Registration has begun.  Info is online at, or ask Nick or Nadia Kimmett. There is a zoom session on Tuesday, the 6th at 6:30 to answer any questions.

Saint George Orthodox Church, Norwood

 His Eminence Metropolitan SABA,

Metropolitan of North America

Right Rev. Bishop JOHN,

Diocese of Worcester & New England

 Very Rev. Father Joseph Kimmett, Pastor 

Rev. Christos Hatzopoulos, Deacon  


Chadi Saad and Khalil Samara

Parish Council

Helen Abril

Amal El Koussa

Bridget Gough (Vice Chair)

Kamal Hourani (Treasurer)

Ligia Ion (Secretary)

Nancy Jones

Katherine Kalliel

Michael Marge

Richard Shay (Chair)

Adult Catechism - Robert Aronson

Assistant Treasurer - Marlene Lupaczyk

Building Committee - Joan Cassidy (Chair)

Andrew Howard

Jack O'Riley

English Chanters - Kh Erin Kimmett

Choir Directory - Leeann Plouffe 

Church School (Sunday Morning Program) -

Emily Pappas, Amal El Koussa & Michael Marge

Coffee Hour Coordinators -

Amal El Koussa and Leeann Plouffe

Food Pantry - Phil Howard 

Greeters - Ligia Ion

Order of St Ignatius - Kh. Erin Kimmett

Outreach Programs - Emily Pappas

Outreach to Seniors - Donna Ferguson

Ushers - Andrew Howard & Marlene Lupaczyk