Saint George

Orthodox Church

A Parish of the Antiochian Orthodox

Archdiocese of North America

6 Atwood Avenue, Norwood, MA 02062


September 27, 2024

The Saint George Calendar

September 28 - No Vespers this Saturday

September 29 - 8:50 / 10:00 am - Matins & Divine Liturgy

11:30 - Sunday Morning Program

October 2 - 6:00 pm - Vespers & Book Club

October 5 - 5:00 pm - Great Vespers

October 6 - 8:50 / 10:00 am - Matins & Divine Liturgy

11:30 - Sunday Morning Program

What an absolutely amazing night: The rain didn't stop us for a minute. Delicious food (much of it made by all of you,) fabulous music, great dancing and terrific raffles -- but most of all, a wonderful group of people gathered together to enjoy fellowship and support our church. The $$ look really good and we will share those numbers once everything is final. Click here to download the program. Below is a pic of the band and the ice-sculpture of Saint George, which decorated the table -- and it seems there are lots more photos on social media; check 'em out

SMP (Sunday Morning Program) SIGN UP  

We have added a new class this fall. Emily Pappas and Michael Marge are back as teachers and we welcome Amal El Koussa. Plus Nadia Kimmett and Penelope Hilane are helping. 

Whenever class is in session, the younger students will receive communion first and head to the parish hall. The sermon will be given at the end -- this will allow for enough class time before the rest of us arrive in the hall for coffee. The older class will stay for the homily and then head to the office for class. 

Make sure you sign your students up for class -- yes, it is likely we already know you but we need your up-to-date info. Click the code above. Use the QR code or just click here.

DIOCESE TEEN SOYO CAMP AT HOME This event on October 18-19 at Saint John of Damascus in Dedham will give teens the opportunity to experience a day in the life at an Orthodox Summer Camp, including two services, as well as morning and afternoon program. Teens (Ages 13-19 or Grade 7) can stay Overnight and ages 7-19 can come on Saturday morning. Click here to sign up for Camp at Home

NEW: The Orthodox Parents Network, an organization that empowers parents across the Diocese to take an active role in promoting and supporting Teen SOYO events and Youth Programs. Moms and dads, Click here and sign up.

Links and Downloads

Click here for our YouTube Channel and choose a stream to view

Click here to live-stream Matins & Liturgy on September 29th

Download the Sunday Bulletin

From Metropolitan SABA: Eastern Remnants

In Arabic

 This teaching examines the historical and difficult situation of Christians in the Middle East.

Donations to Saint George

Cash and checks may always be left at church. Offering envelopes for mailing are available in the narthex.

Scan the code and send donations to your church with Venmo.

You can also use your credit card or PayPal. This is a simple and secure way to set-up and make a pledge, donate toward THE FINAL TOUCHES, make a memorial or other gift.

For the October 5th, make sure you have read Part 1 (his life) and the first nine teachings in Part 2.

October is our parish's month to make an extra effort to help the Norwood Food Pantry. Starting next Sunday and each week, please bring non-perishable food and personal-hygiene items with you to church.

Saint George Orthodox Church, Norwood

 His Eminence Metropolitan SABA,

Metropolitan of North America

Right Rev. Bishop JOHN,

Diocese of Worcester & New England

 Very Rev. Father Joseph Kimmett, Pastor 

Rev. Christos Hatzopoulos, Deacon  


 Chadi Saad, Khalil Samara, Walid Awad

Parish Council

Helen Abril

Amal El Koussa

Bridget Gough (Vice Chair)

Kamal Hourani

Ligia Ion (Secretary)

Nancy Jones

Katherine Kalliel

Marlene Lupaczyk (Treasurer)

Richard Shay (Chair)

Adult Catechism - Robert Aronson

Building Committee - Joan Cassidy (Chair)

Andrew Howard

Jack O'Riley

English Chanters - Kh Erin Kimmett

Choir - Leeann Plouffe 

Church School (Sunday Morning Program) -

Emily Pappas, Amal El Koussa & Michael Marge

Coffee Hour Coordinators -

Amal El Koussa and Leeann Plouffe

Food Pantry - Phil Howard 

Greeters - Ligia Ion

Nicholas Tree (Christmas outreach) -

Order of St Ignatius - Kh. Erin Kimmett

Outreach to Seniors - Donna Ferguson

Palm Sunday Bake Sale - Janis O'Riley

Ushers - Andrew Howard & Marlene Lupaczyk