Our congregation's mission statement: Called and empowered to proclaim the radical love of Christ through lives of service. | |
Dear Siblings in Christ,
Martin Luther King Jr. famously remarked, “Peace is not merely the absence of some negative force—war, tensions, confusion— but the presence of some positive force—justice, goodwill, the power of the kingdom of God.” Join us this Sunday as we explore what it means to be a people who hunger for PEACE this Advent season.
~ Faithfully yours,
Pastor Naomi
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Sunday Bulletin and
Worship Service Links
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This Sunday, December 8 ~ 2nd Sunday of Advent
+8:00a -- Discussion Eucharist: Learning Center. (In-person only)
9:00a - 9:45a -- Growing in Faith Together: Activities Room. All ages are welcome!
+10:00a -- Sunday Celebration: Sanctuary. (In-person and live-streamed on YouTube)
11:15a -- Social Time: Activities Room (all are invited)
2:00p to 8:00p -- Tucson Malayalese Christmas party: Activities Room. (Community Group)
+ Service includes Holy Communion.
Monday, December 9
- The church office is closed on Mondays.
4:30p to 5:30p -- French Lessons: Activities Room. (Community Group)
Tuesday, December 10
9:00a to 3:00p -- Church office is open Tuesday through Friday: Use the south entry door and ring the doorbell if the door is locked.
5:30p to 7:00p -- Intentional Visioning meeting: Activities Room.
Wednesday, December 11
10:30 to 11:30a -- Staff meeting: Activities Room.
Noon -- Articles are due for "Weekly Footnotes": Church Office.
4:00p to 5:00p -- LCF Branding Team meeting: At church; location to be determined.
4:30p to 6:00p -- Los Campaneros handbell rehearsal: Activities Room.
6:30p to 7:30p -- Property Team meeting: Activities Room.
Thursday, December 12
10:00a to 11:30a -- Thursday Journey: Activities Room.
Friday, December 13
5:45p to 8:00p -- AA PreWeekenders & Al-Anon Sunset: Activities Room. (Community Groups)
Saturday, December 14
10:00a to 12:00p -- Celebration Choir rehearsal: Sanctuary.
Coming Up
- December 15 -- Ji Sun Lee Studio Piano Recital
- December 16 -- Sunrise Presidio Townhomes Board meeting
- December 17 -- Council Meeting
- December 21 -- Ji-Young Kim Piano Studio Recital
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Bring Donations by Friday to Spread Joy to Neighbors in Need
For Christmas, we are partnering with Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest (LSS-SW) on their campaign to Spread Joy to Neighbors in Need. You can help this year by giving new pots and pans for older adults or toys for children in need. Many of the older adults who receive services from LSS-SW are home-bound and their kitchen is an important place of comfort and safety. New pots and pans in every size are welcome, as all are needed. Children in foster care and refugee children will also receive gifts of toys. Thank you for your passion and care for neighbors in need over the years. You bring smiles and joy to people when they need it most.
The deadline for dropping off gifts at LCF is Friday, December 13. The gifts do not need to be wrapped. If you prefer to send money or gifts directly to LSS-SW, log on to their website www.lss.sw.org/christmas-2024. There you can contribute money or browse the Amazon Wish List and your purchase(s) will go directly to LSS-SW.
~ Community Service Team
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Next Primavera Delivery: December 20
Our next opportunity to provide a hot stew dinner at the Primavera Men's Shelter is December 20. You can participate by signing up on the clipboard on the Activities Counter or calling the office to prepare the food in your home kitchen, provide side dishes and desserts, or serve the meal at the Shelter. The men will thank you!
Thank you for your participation in this ministry! For more information contact Sylvia Strauss-Kolb.
~ Community Service Team
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Sister Jose' Women's Shelter
Sister José Women's Center, a low-barrier shelter for women without housing, is accepting limited clothing donations, including jackets, coats, blankets, tarps, walking shoes, pants, leggings, jeans, and sweatpants. The Center continues to accept small travel-size soaps and shampoos as well as sneakers and comfortable walking shoes (no fancy or high heels). If you have other clothing items to donate, here are a few non-profits that will accept them:
Because many guests have pets, dry food or canned food with pull tabs for dogs (especially puppies) and cats, is always needed. The Center will also take new or gently used pet supplies such as beds, leashes, and harnesses. Donations should be dropped off in the blue tub by the Community Service display in the Narthex or directly at the Center on 1050 S. Park Avenue, Tucson.
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Beyond the Book: 2025 Schedule
Beginning in January, Beyond the Book will meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 10:30a or 5:30p. Rev. Greg Hartman and Pastor Naomi Hartman will alternate leading the morning and evening groups. Locations are still being finalized, but the current schedule is as follows:
January: Executing Grace by Shane Claiborne
February: Love Without Limits by Jacqueline Bussie
March: Wholehearted Faith by Rachel Held Evans
April: Is That Poop On My Arm? by Justin Lind-Ayres
Contact Pastor Naomi for more information.
Photo by Sanjana Laddha on Unsplash
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Our Core Values
Understanding that the Bible, beginning in Genesis, teaches us that every human is created in God’s image, we welcome, celebrate, and advocate for all of God’s beloved children.
We are inclusive. This core value inspires a deeper sense of belonging and purpose within our congregation, encouraging us to embrace God’s grace, another of our core values, and reflect it in our interactions with one another and the wider world. The reference to all humans being created in God’s image, as taught in Genesis, grounds being inclusive in Scripture, affirming that every person has inherent dignity and worth. This serves as a theological basis for welcoming, celebrating, and advocating for all people. By embracing the idea that all individuals are God’s beloved children, being inclusive communicates a clear message of belonging and acceptance, encouraging us to extend hospitality and love without barriers. It also invites us to go beyond passive acceptance by actively advocating for justice and equity, another of our core values, reflecting God’s inclusive love in practical ways. Being inclusive inspires a culture of openness and compassion within our congregation and in the community, empowering us to engage meaningfully with one another and to support those who may feel marginalized. It challenges us to live out our faith in a way that embodies the radical inclusivity demonstrated by Jesus.
This week consider the ways you can embody this inclusive vision of God’s kingdom in your church, community, and relationships. And when you hear the Gospel reading for the Second Sunday in Advent from Luke 3:1-6, think about the inclusiveness of God’s kingdom, and how you can help lead the way as you prepare for Christ’s coming and share in the salvation God offers.
~Stewart McDonald and the Intentional Visioning Team
Written with the assistance of artificial intelligence through OpenAI
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It's Time to Order Poinsettias!
It's time to purchase poinsettias to be placed in the Sanctuary for Christmas. The donation for each plant is $30. Sign up on the Activities Counter in the Narthex before December 15. Those wishing to take their plant home may do so after Christmas Day.
~Lynn & John Kautz
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Thursday Journey
This discussion group meets on Thursdays, 10:00a to 11:30a in the Activities Room. We are currently discussing Amy Jill Levine's book, Sermon on the Mount: A Beginner's Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven. Books are available for pickup at the church, and you can also find the book on Kindle or Audible. You are welcome to join us each Thursday morning as we continue our faith journey.
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Welcome & Hope Since 1939
Global Refuge is the largest faith-based national non-profit exclusively dedicated to helping restore a sense of home to immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees. Now more than ever, Global Refuge needs your help to welcome new Americans. Your gifts give Global Refuge the flexibility to respond to crises, expand programming, and offer innovative services to fill the immediate and long-term needs of the families they serve. For more information, go to their website: https://www.globalrefuge.org/
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The Magazine is Returning in 2025!
Beginning in 2025, Living Lutheran will again appear in mailboxes with 4 issues a year (spring, summer, winter, fall). The cost for an individual subscription for one year is $19.95. Call 1-800-328-4648 or sign up at www.livinglutheran.org/subscribe.
FREE copies will be made available in the Narthex next to the Our Daily Bread devotions.
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ELCA World Hunger
Proceeds placed in the World Hunger Appeal Contributions Jar (on the stand inside the entrance to our worship area) are shared with the ELCA’s World Hunger program. Thanks for your generosity. October total: $144.00. ~ Ann Krohn and Carol Lundberg
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We pray for . . .
- Chauncey (friend of the Frames);
- Kevin (cousin of the Frames);
- Fred B. (friend of Vicky K.);
- Careo L. (mother of Michael L.);
- Jean M. (relative of Vicky K.);
- Robert O. (Pastor Naomi's father);
- Bryce L. (Michael L.'s nephew); and
- Sue T.
- Isabella W. (friend of Fran C.);
- Kellie (friend of Gerry & Nancy A.);
- Lily & Fred K., Linda, Maria, Rachel, John M. (friends of Leticia P.);
- Debby M. (Kristen B.'s sister);
- Kristie H. (sister-in-law of Gene H. and Roger H.);
- Cynthia and Village of Hope in Haiti (friends of the Warrilows).
We also pray for the family and friends of Helen Albert, stepmother of Martine B., who completed her baptismal journey on December 7.
Names will remain on the prayer list for three weeks unless otherwise notified.
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